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Show Pembroke Sails Them. Wagemaker bookcases. Sec them. Tonopah. Stock Sales. Saturday's transfers on the San Francisco board were recorded as they follow: MacNamara 500lSc; Montana-Tonopah, Montana-Tonopah, 5nOS1.57,A; Ray & O'Brien, 10005c; Belmont, 500710, buyer thirty days; Midway, 200(533c; Tonopah, 400 JO, seller ten days. OTYLE, I Satisfaction- Get all the good OUT of a I tjj Suit by buying- one with all $ J3 tho good IN it, j g Siegel's Suits and Overcoats . H have "mads good" because they I are mndo -well. 'i They aro dlsting-uishcd by I many special touches, which, I added together, mako a most j I effective whole. 5 Striking- and serviceable ma- j F terial; honest workmanship. 5 I Long-, narrow lapels, and con- j? K cavo shoulders, like those cut j I by tho most fashionable tailors. Ji Our Suits at S12, S15, S18, D S20 and S25 will interest every 3 I man who looks at them. 1 I 61-63-65 Main St. 4 M I H H-H MHHItMt I YOU NEED t 1 CLEANSING J I Throughout your cntlro system. Z 4- Plus' Iodized Saraaparllla will rid 4. 4 tho Dlood of the acldu nnd lmpurl- 4 X ties that clog the physical macfilno- X 4 ry and corrod6 tho liver, kidneys. X X heart and lungs It Is prompt and X X powerful, acting directly upon tho X X glandular system; gives renewed X L tono and vigor to tho vital organs, X i $1.00 the bottle, C for So.CO. X x T Welcome. Step "in. All cars " i Btait from Godbe-Pitts Drug t , Store I The "Christy" Tie fen Tho latest .swell low Shoe for women. 238 and 240 Main St. 'Phone 695. - I Jush Received I Carload I f OF THE BEAUTIFUL to I HellerPIanos 1 Tho finest moderate-price Piano j ever sold hero. T 5 0 SOLD ONLY BY O Gayton Music Co. 1 109 MAIN ST. $ EVERYTHING MUSICAL. ? i HALL'S I I COUGH f I REflEDY j i i I Nelden-Judson Drug Co. dls- j! I tributora, Salt Lake, Utah. i 1 Iy Is guaranteed to give satisfaction. No paint could giVo 'I more. No painter could expect more. ,W W Tell us what you wish to cover and we will give you a lj& paint prepared' expressly for that purpose. 1 0 Whether It's inside or outside work, we assure you tjje m Jjfl gRfl most satisfactory results.' Paints for all purposes, and a ' fl fl vt' full lino of painters' supplies. N ' I tSB The Salt Lake Hardware J EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. j! -43-445 West Second Sot if u K i fflcDona Chocolates Just liko Jim! If he can't come overy night himself, i sends two-bits worth of lovo in the form of M'DONALD'S CHOCOLATES. I DOCTOR COOK CURWS!i Prostatic Troubles -iV Nervous Debility permanently cired, no mat- fJ "xA Cures quick and radial V ter how long standing tho wf ?k 20 to 60 days, by my otz li-i ", disease. In from 5 to 20 days. IjfW . 1 aous- method. j Stricture ffl M Varicocele cured in 15 days, without (Tg tJA Completely and pcrmisc'J cutting, pain, drugs or dc- Sl&ii jy cured by my en j tentlon from buslncsa. V. cess; all dlaanrccable it ; Wasting Weakness sf lJTi 05n dIEFJS.af. ', to 1 N. jla. plcte'v and forever; U b TImo fC cur:. 10 to 60 '2lLW&?.6afe. ' i'nlc83 and blosdfcr days, by my original, very yA jt K"! An &ao!uto cure patii; i elmple remedy (used exciu- f&iyS lSyf'lecd. ' E'v?,y bJ flKSSSW Bl00d Polson -a : Private Diseases PMkMW? Every vestiE. of k cured In S to 10 days, with- removed from system vtlb- out tho uso of poisonous fl out aid of mercury or pet? i crups. ' ash. i Consultation Is free and invited, an u in consulting mo you may be sure Hit k nothing: that science can dcvlao or skill uerfect has been left undone to iSkJ'J you a speedy, safe and permanent cure. 0 WRITE mo In full confidence, explaining your troablps as they appur fyl you, and receive by rttum mall my ho nest and candid opinion of your cast ii tr a BROUGHT FHOM THE j 1 SEA EOR YOTJ, 1 I SPONGES ! I 15 Cents. j ! ffl Big ones that aro surprisingly H I Cheap at tho prlco w ask. I SEE OUR. WINDOWS. j& DAYTON! 1 DRUG COMPANY I i & Cor. 2nd So. and State. Tel. 552. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware at 1 IMcConahay's Auction, j 41 West 2d So. Every j Bay, 2:39 and 7:30 P. M. 1 &ALT LAKE. 1T& ESTABLISHED 10IX OH2r BUCKLE & SON, Popular Tailors, . . 235 SO. 3&AIN ST. S?. O. Box 683. Bait Lake City. ffiBSPjp3Sftpa YOUNG. M1DDL.E-I M1DDL.E-I I I grid B W AGED AND ELDER-3 ELDER-3 " B n H LT. If you are sexual-aO sexual-aO I 1 H tHl V U 'v weak. no matter SR h I D HB r ffl Irom what cause; unde-tUyUpjLft unde-tUyUpjLft UJ ve'opjjd: have stricture, VzzSSE&SassszJsaB vurlr icolo. etc., MY PERFECT APPLIANCE will euro you. No drugu or electricity: "5,000 cured and developed. 10 DAYS' TRIAL. Send for tree booklet. Sent sealed. Guaranteed. Write today, R. C. Emmet, 203 Tabor Block, Denver. Colo. j Health and Snvigoration y Aro the two essential feahuts 5 in a Robinson Vapor Bati Cabinet. The Vapor Bath it- j moves all skin impurities. fIt is made of double faced jcodj, j impervious to germs, and Isj guaranteed for yeirs. You need not suffer from skin dis- 2 eases, rheumatism, or colds Si' r you possess a bath cabinet The prices range from 5 to ? S15. 5 i ! SCHRAMM'S Where the Cars j Stop. I il M e Yesterday was-loonr may hc- but todi y w-f tlmo to commence uiicf Hosier's Hoii You take no W ours-your money M , $jjf don-t suit J- JTO' Manufacturer !fl and dcalHcr 1 jewelry an?.1 'stone ' monds and other Prec'"ntl0n tfl We pay particular atlg" Art first-class watch rcpJ m well urtDared to do an y that Due, as we carry sortincnt of materia). 259SOAlN ST if irfH Removed to IB South &gg SAMPLES BY flVtentlon. will recolve W$tli tf work a Bpedolty. peuu ij |