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Show ASSESSMENT NO. 7. Wabash Mining company. Principal place of business, Salt Lako City, Utah. Notice la hereby given that at a meeting of tho board of directors, held on the 21st day of April, 1904, an assessment of five cents (Ec) per sharo was levied on tho capital stock of the corporation, payable on or before May 23, 1904. to W. Mont. Ferry, secretary, at room 521. Atlas block. West Second South street. Salt Lake City Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment as-sessment may remain unpaid on tho 23rd day of May. 1904. will bo delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment Is made before will be sold on tho 14th day of June, 1904. to pay tho delinquent assessment, together with tho coat of advertising and expenso of sale. W. MONT. FERRY. Secretary. Location of offlco: 621 Atlas block. Salt Lake City, Utah, u2113 |