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Show The cutting of the Daly West dividend divi-dend to forty cents a month, instead of the sixty-five cents which that company com-pany has been paying, has been pretty well discounted by "the street." It is probable that the cut will stiffen the price of the stock rather than further depress it, for it was the uncertainty that was damaging. The mine Is represented rep-resented by all who know of its condition, condi-tion, to be In excellent shape, with abundant ore reserves. Herr Bcbel, the Socialist leader in the German Reichstag, must be a very troublesome thorn in the side of the ministry, and of the court- His criticisms criti-cisms of the Emperor are appallingly free for that Country, and his taunts about the would-be friendliness for Russia are very bitter to take. Herr Bebel fleeB no reason why Germany should sympathize with Russia; on the contrary, he sees that It Is the interest 6f his country to hope for Japanese success, tx as lo curb Russia's power to meddle in the affairs of "Western Europe. In all this, as well as In his criticisms of German mismanagement in "W.estern Africa, Herr Bebel shows himself (o be possessed or a level, .round head piece. |