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Show POULTRY SUPPLY IS VERY SHORT But Shipments Today Will Relieve the Scarcity Stravberries Are Good. CONSIDERABLE shortage In poultry was evident yesterday. Both on Friday Fri-day and Saturday the shipments had becorno tangled up nnd for the latter part of last week the dealers wero relying on home products. Yesterday aguln there woro but few deliveries made, and the large consignments that arc expected today to-day will bo mucli needed. Not all of the local Jobbers aro affected, but the 4iousc that does the greatest part of tho "business "busi-ness of tho city In that lln? had entirely run out on Saturday night. Orders from the East havo only been partly filled for somo time past, 30 It Is evident that hens and chickens are not very plentiful anywhere any-where Frozen stock was used to fill somo of the orders yesterday. Somo change was expected In the meat markets cstorday, but the wholesalers concluded that conditions had not changed at all In the past week. Veal la very plentiful now. but not sufficiently to allow of any reduction in price. Some range mutton is expected to come in some day this week, in which enso this meat will bo lowered. Largo consignments of strawberries were tho leading feature in the fruit markets. The demand Is Increasing for these, and tho season will soon be at Its height, , Hay, Grain and Straw. Oat straw, per bale $ .30J? .35 Alfalfa ll.COJjl2.00 Timothy, per ton. baled 15.00016 00 Wheat, per bushel LOOK 1.20 Corn, per cwL 1.4CW 1.45 Corn, cracked 1.45Ij1.50 Oats i.70r 1.75 Rolled oats 1.75W l.0 Barloy. rolled .- 1.40 Flour, bakers' No. 1 2.352.40 Flour, straight grade 2.45j 2.50 Flour, high patent 2.C5W 2,70 Rye 2.C0 Graham flour 2.504? 2.70 Cornineal l.iHj) 2.00 Bran LOW 1.10 Bran and shorts 1.10 1.15 Meats. Dressed beef, per pound $ '.07 .07V Dressed pork, per pound .03 Dressed veal, per pound 09 .COVi Dresed mutton, per pound.... "OSW Dressed lambB, per pound .OSVa Spring lamba, wholesale 3.00 Spring lambs, quarter, retail... 1.00 1.25 Poultry. Dressed hens, per pound $ .17 Ducks, per pound 17 Live poultry, per pound 14 Frozen broilers ; .22 Fruits. Santa Paula lemons, per box...$ 4.00 Apples, per bushel ' 1.001.60 Strawberries, per crate 2.50 Del Oro lemons ..... 3.75 Ballett lemons 4.00 Hewcs lemons 3.50 California oranges, per box 2.50?73.00 FIga and dates 5c, 8c. 10c Utah rhubarb, per lb 02 Pineapples, per dozen 3.00 Limes, per 100 1.00 Sugar. Beet sugar, per 100 ? 5. SO Cane sugar 5.90 ( Vegetables. Winter potatoes, per cwtv $ 1.7B WInnlngBtadt cabbage, per lb.. .04 New potatoes, per lb ,0d Green peas, por lb .12& Beana, per box 1.50 Utah onions , 3.EJ3-W California onions 4.OO&4.00 Cabbages, per ICO 3.004)3. GO Cauliflower .15 Parsnips, per ICO 1.25 Carrots 1.00 Green onions, per dozen .15 Utah cabbago lettuco .30 Radishes, Utah .15 Tomatoes, per crate 3.50 Spinach .04 Utah asparagus .10 Dairy Product?. Oleomargarine .13 .16 Butter, per lb .21 Cheese, per lb - .12& Eggs, per case 5.75 Fancy cheese, per lb .131 Comb honey, per crate 2.75 Strained honey, per lb .07 Bwcltzor cheese, per lb .is Llmburgcr cheese, per lb .15 Cream brick cheese, per lb.... .17 Edam cheese, per doz v.,, 2.oo Fresh Fish. Salmon J .13 Shnd roe, per lb .25 Sturgeon .13 Halibut .13 Btrlpod bass, per lb ... .15 Shad, per lb .12 Mackinaw trout .ic Mackerel .13 Soles, per lb .09 Flounders, per lb .09 California smelts, per lb .12 Codfish, per lb .13 Catfish, per lb .13 Perch, per lb : .10 Lobstcrn, per lb .15 Crabs 2, CO |