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Show ?5ped1n night clothes ! FROM HOLY CROSS HOSPITAL K Hr rfcc Ranncy, a patient at the ' " Holy Cross hospital, was found ."inir alut tne cIty al A 'ClCk "fit? morning. Ranncy is de- J Z and partially paralyzed as a re- "rf a fall on the sidewalk April 11. " ' fractured his skull. At first his !?;cpalred of but- to.lhe sur" i D of the physicians, he grew I frf!'r,rand stronger. Within the pant I the power of spch has failed IZ and one side became paralyzed. i'Sar mornlnff he was helpless and cEDble to leave his bed. orinff i Ms co,ldltlon lhe nurJ,-s re ' turf their watch. The attendant who t his rounds al 3 30 o'clock saw ' f-jv sleeping peacefully In hi? bed. , h3'ur later the patient was gone. I: building and grounds were searched In vain and the giBtcrs linally appealed to the police. In the meantime 2s'Ightwatchman Pat Melloy had seen a white object behind a billboard on Richards- .street. He found, on Investigation, that the object ob-ject was a man In ocanty attire, carrying carry-ing a stick. Ascertaining that the follow fol-low wnn not in hi? right mind, the watchman took him to the police station. sta-tion. Ranuey could not talk intel- llglbly, but he seemed in mortnl fear and mutely appealed to everyone whom he saw for protection. From the police station he was taken back to the hospital In an nmbulance. , County Physician llayo. who has been In charge of the cuce, exprcHsen little hopo that Ranncy will regain his rtnson, and thinks It will be necessary to send him to the asylum for maintenance main-tenance and treatment. Ranncy wna formerly a waiter and has been anxious to go down town to work, saying that he might as well be earning ?2 a day as lying ut the hospital doing nothing. It way probably this idea that caused him to run awav. |