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Show . SALT IMS EVENING TIMES. I ., ; i AURIVALS AND CLOSE OF MAILS. (Bchednle of Hrrivnl and closinir of mnUo at the Bait Lake Citv l'ostoliloe March 0. mi. Arrive Clow Hails. at at Depot. Fstoifice 3 Kastorn, via U. P. H'y 2:10a.m. 7:10a.m. A hasten., via H. (i. W. B'y. . .. 8:55 p.m. 9:80 a.m. --i Western 10:90 a.m. :00p.in. f Han Francisco, uufced puuju 11:00 a.m. j Oirden 10:30 a.m. 7:10a.m. ' ,' Udn Klp.m. OKden M0p.ra. thOOp.m. ' North and Northwest 7:00p.m. 4:1X1 p.m. Park City 10:30a.m. 7:10p.m. Talk City 4:00a.m. Hoathoru 6:50 p.m. 8:10 p.m. tiouthern, closed pouch, Mil- fonl, Frisco aud beyond... 10:10a.m. 2:50p.m. Bingham Canyon and West Jordan 4:20 p.m. fl:40 a.m. Tooeleootinty :15p.m. 7:10a.m. .: Altaand Wasatoh 8:50 n.t. 0:10p.m. ( tl General Delivery ....8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. -' Carriers' window ....MIO p.m. to iWp.m. A Sunday and Holhlay hours.. .12:00 m. to 1:00 p.m. t , Looal mention lu this oolnmri wUi be carried ' It 25 cents ier line each insertion. t WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1800. |