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Show : j. f. jack,,;; L t!: 2:15 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ' r. P til Scil l Lake Citv, Utah. ' i ' ' We can deliver the following de- :i scribed property. They are all CHOICE PIECES with Perfect , title. tri'1 ' " " " " " " ooooouoo ' J Let every one who wants a good lot, for a home examine our prices in Fob soul's addition. This addition is on high land overlooking tho city and valley on the south nnd the Client Salt Lake to the west. It is on the main drive from tho city to the Hot Springs, nnd is within throe miles of the postollice. The Union Pacific nnd Rio tlraude railronds run through it, nnd street cars will soon be there. An abundant supply of pure water is already piped to the ground, and a water right is given with each lot. llo not buy elsewhere until you look at theso beautiful and cheap lots. Prices from $150 to f 100. C. L. Libiiv & Co., Upstairs cor, 3rd So. and Main Sts. Prospect Point. On 9th South end 1.1th East; un-eqiialod un-eqiialod view; 8.V0 to $7."i0 per lot. 2ixl0 M street, between 2d and 3d, now brick house, &il()0; easy terms. Lots 89 and 90 Liberty Park addition, corner 8th East and 10th South; small house, $ 14!50. 2x5 lirighnni street, facing south, $2C:X: 8550 cash, balance on time. 132x'.)D cornor 5th East and 7th South; excellent shade, small house, faces south and east, 810,000; $2000 cash, balance on time. 3x20 No. 323 East 5th South btrcet, $5250. Four fine lots facing Liberty lurk, $3000; $500 cash, balance on time. '20 acres near State Road, 5 miles from postollice, $10,000; easy terms. (We sell our own property.) W. R. Havnes & Co., 1 E. 3d S. St., old Timks ollico. 1. 80 iieres withiu I miles of I'ont-i I'ont-i lllcc, KUitli of city. This is choic land nnd adjoin no of the, finest Hiinimcr resorts in rnilt Lake valley. No piece- on the market letter united for iliittinjr. Proposed Electric car linc'dircctly to it. 1'iice 8750 per acre, 01. easy pay incuts. 2. 20 ncrcH within 3 mi Ion of I'ostolllcc, southwest of city, platted, at $ I Till per iicrc, ,'1. 15 acres of choice land on Kant Bench, 11 mile 1 out fat ml of city, lays well, tit 8750 per nere, I. N2)xllir feet, hi ncr, facing east and north, on coiner of 5th nnd I street; K'"-"' '"'w t -ric-lc holiso of I rooms, hull, closets, cellar, city Wiiter, etc; for 3,500, Kuy payments. pay-ments. 5. A line liuildinif lot 57ixll5j feel facing cast oil Mil East Mtreet, just south of 5lh South, splendid Mmdcniid fruit, for .'1,250. Thin is only one M ck from Electric eur line, and choice in every particular. !. 1 115x105 feet 011 corner of M and 2nd Mrcct, facing south and oust, splendid .view, city water, only 10 rods rom Electric cur lino. Thin It in n locality that will lie ono of the best nci;hlMiiliodH iii llm city; price 1,000 per rod, with iiIkhiI cash, balance ill 1 inontliH mid 2 yearn. 7. OOxlHIj feci faring went on 11. 1)6x110 feet, corner n 3nl ' I South niid Stb Ktist, fine shnde.tmall n, , . house 011 rear of lot. Thin i un- ' doulittMlly um of the chcftct piece: )r, ' on 3rd South tired. Price 3,200. "j T 2,500 can run 1 year. f . i'.' 12. 105x105 feet facing south J on 7th South, within 10 roda of 7th? ' East ttrcet Electric car line. Fino ' v shade and fruit tree. Mako 8 Due t ' building lot. Can lie bought on 1 long time for 10,000. V 4 13. S2iiK;5 feet, corner 3nl , J , South and I lth Eiut, facing aoutti t i and east, with good liouae of four " rootim, flue orchard, uplciidid view, j -for 1.500. Katy pay menu. II. (ill x I (13 feet, facing e:vt on i .'Ird KiiHt, just south of .'Inl South. , Two good liousrs, barn, carriagu 1 ( tlied, etc. Price 12.000. V. 13. 10 arret of choice land, cor- ' ncr, on 2nd Wctt ttreet, lot 2 Idink l 39, ten acre plat "A." Suitable for ) plaiting; clone to projMed Elc trio car line, i!,000 on cany payment. . . f :;. 1 6. Choice 5 arret on Fat Bench; 5 good view, for 700 per acre. y 17. l5xli;5 feet, ivrnrr of 2nt -and N street, facing south ami went, ' with gwod 8 room house, city water,' line view, etc , 1 000 ht rL i I . h2j xl (15 ftH t, facing wtml t M. tlrcet, U tween 3rd ami Itltttn cU O.kkI view, 1,200. Prospect anil II) do Parks. 'J'wo beautiful subdivisions within tho city limits, tine view, high and dry, situated situ-ated on two main thoroughfares. Th llrst is largely improved by nice residences, residen-ces, echoolhouHos, shniln trees and arto sian wells. The second is a tract of 80 acres, with a beautiful pnrk of 10 acres in the centre, plantod with shade troos. Largest and cheapest lots on tho market. Terms 825 ensh add 810 por month. No interest. Buy now, before the advance, liapi.l transit nesurod. Carcfuld scloctionnmado for non-residents. Correspondence invited. in-vited. B. A. M. Fkoisktii k Co. Ivoal Estate Brokers, 09 E. Second South street. - o Investigate Below. 3x10 on 2d S, close to Mil E. 5x20 on 51 h S, bet Htli mid '.Ml. E. 2'.,xl2 011 0:h II, bet 3d nnd till S. 2x10 on Tl.'i st, bet I a id J. 25 acres H W, 5 A, P It. 5 acres .' W 11 see 2'!. .(. W. It M NKIt f'l. K00111 I, 217 South Main. . For tho host moats in the city, go to W. E. I). Burnett's, at 59 K.isl I lord South Htioetimd joii will lind tlieiu. - Practical Watchmaker, Adolph Hauerbaeh .t Sons. All work warrrntod. No. 10 E. First South nt. Our muslin underwear rule will begin Monday, 21th. Plenso pen large ndver tisemeiit. F. At ciiiiacii A lino. - - - Call and tei my new lino of Spring Suiting Worsted J'antilloonmgs, etc. W. A. Tavuui, 15 E. 2d South St. . Sixteen lots 10x10 rods ill blocks 187, IH',1, 107 and 175, plat D. Eicy term's. Apply to owners, A. J. Winn. Ufal Esi aik Co., tf 31 E. Second South St. I'abiii Paclllc I.iiimK Utah Iicul Estalo and Invest incuts. 0. K. Wantland, agent, 201 H. Main ttrei t, Salt Luke City. .Special fur Phil ling. I'J'.j acres on Boulevard. 25 acres on Territorial K'jlid. 22 acres on Fifth South. ri 30 acres joining I'.oeiia Vi"tn. 17(1 acres joining Garden City. 30 acres north of Mot Soring . KXI acres north of Hot .Springs. C. E. Va:iti.am, 201 Mam St. . Unrein Park Still lends. Lxik up its advantage. bo fore buying lota in other additions. C. E. Wami.au 11, 2o 1 Maui Slieet. 19. 3JxI0 rod facing west on lth East street, U tween 3rd and lib , South, 3,i;oo. ' t i 20. fjxlO rod faring aouth on , 8th street lutweeti I and J strevta, 2,;."jo. I ' . 21. Hx't feet faring north ' and west, on corner 3rd Soith ami r Cth Kant, 10,000. J 22. bllU0 feet faring toutti and c,v.t 011 corner 3rd Houtli and t'dli Eatt. Price for few duj t 200 r I S foot 011 eay pnwncntt. ' 23. lI5jU9 feet faring north and I cost, on corner 2nd South and 5 ill .. Hat, 20,000. 21. 20 acre of choice land on j 2nd West tlrcet, mile south of Pimtolflcc, 00 Jr arrc. . j? lind West street, just Hollth of South Irivc; Hiiitablo for a home, for 000 if ( loscd at once, H. H2JxI05 feet, faring cast on ."it It Mast street, just south of IJlh Houlh, On car line, for $5,500; cany payments. !. K'2','1 fn t, tinner on 2nd West and 7th North, oil rar line and m ar the Warm fpringn bathing resort, re-sort, 5 room hi iik hoii.se. Price '5,(ititi, on easy j incuts. Thia propel ty will double ill value in lean than two year, 10. A choice building lot cloe to i;i( ctric ears. f;H'i ;rast, good shade, etc., f 1 i x t ;.' fee., 011 7lh KaMFt can lie bought on easy payment for 8-',7oi. Conway, Cole A Waterman, Havo a number of good bargains to offer. 12l nc south of Ijiljtrty Park on the Boulevard, 82100 per rod. 8500 holds 5x7, comer 0th and C, thirty divs. 8500 holds a corner on 0th and C, with two good housvs; rents for 10 per mo. 85000. 3x10 5th Sju til near 8th East, 89o0 per rod. Home good acre tracts ripo for platting. Also good lots in the leading additions on easy terms. OohJ stock of groceries and lease for sale. In KoiiKRTS fe Nkldo.Vh Drug Store, No. 230 S. Main. The Fulton Meat Market, at No. 10 West 3d South street, is in daily receipt of choice Kansas fed beer, veal and pork. Call and get what you want, and tho very best in the market Stores fur S.do, O.i Commercial htnvt and Third South street. lU'Vi lino pronerl v. Pur purlieu larscuilou U E. V nnti.ami. 2 il Mam .Street. , lt;ii Inner. IS ncros nil platted, clo e ill, high and dry, water pi.. d to tho center, too best bu'v in the city. t'Jft. Center street, Provo, 1 KKJ a ft., 825 11 foot below its value. Wo want a gssl hore and buggy. Cad at C. L. Linn' .1 ' C-ornor 31 South mid Main. - - I Bargain on Brlehinn St. 5x10 near lth East, 8! 0.'"'. C. E. Wa.hk.amo. - Knap In Five Acre Plat C. 1x4 11 and pnrt of 10 block It, III liv -;re plat C, 8 Easy term. C. E. Wc:ti,jj.'i, 2l Main Street. - - - - Acreage rriTly r Sole. I have a choice lot of it re.-.-c and city iiroirty foi sale. All p irtictilar.i can be had from the owner at No. ti t Eat. Second South (street. Salt L.ke city, tf - - Lincoln Park, The new add t on oil the .. of '.!. East Bench is iioiMiir'. Look it up C. E. Wsti.am 2o! Main street. V. E. D. Harney, at 50 East Third South street, dealer in groeer.c-. fru.U, no-iitry, pro iswiH fd ::d freh meat, is tbe clieapest phew in too city. Fine 12-room house, about two blocks from Temple; easy terms. ' 5 rods on 1st at, near M. New 7-rooro brick house. 4x10 near 7th South. 3d Went 3x5 8th South, near 2d West 10x10 tot 3, block 15, plat B; cheapest in the city. Only 20 lota left in Pea. too s superb subdivision, corner 7th South and 0th East, from 812W to 81- Several ele gant private residences will be bulti immediately. im-mediately. ltelinquishment to 100 acre, sec. IS, tp. 1 n. r. 1 w. Canal within mile. A positive bargain. 5x5, 6 room house, cor. 1st and K bin. A bargain. Our book show tbe largest and most desirable lutt of proiierty in the city. J. II. Whalos, Booms 12 and 13 Soott-Auerbach Bid. o n 11 u o o o i) o o u u n a o 5 : ; i J. F. JACK, I. 2:i5 SOUTH MAIN STREET, 'f . : it :- r Salt Lake City, Utalv j-grl.loyboM i 119. ' : 5 ' i ' 1 ' r"-1'' -" 1 11 "'miir "'" Get tha BicyrUi you want at once. Sf Pemb.-oke, 1 Commercial, arent far Htar, A't Uv ', snd J0AW At fiiomtl lis!) all arvuctl.-PrwBHVKB, |