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Show melody of voices and accompanying organ, or-gan, its memorial windows glowing with precious memories of depnrted friends and glorious hopes of an immortal immor-tal life; its lefty spire pointing heavenward heaven-ward and its melodious chimes calling mon away from sinful paths and wooing thom to a spiritual and purifying worship. wor-ship. In short, n gathering place for working work-ing men and women, intent on doing do-ing tho noodful work which presses itself upen every thinking person in connection con-nection with tho rnpid growth of this (to be) great city, whore demoralizing influences, influ-ences, backed up by large capital and active agents, are forever at work. Tonight we hope to see a large and enthusiastic gathoring of old residonts and nowcomers who wish to identify themselves at tho outsot with this great and nccossary work. THK XKW ('III IH'll III II.DIMi. Toniybt tho Congregational people and frieiuls Ronerally aro invited to meet at .Independence Hall, their place of worship, to consult together in a social and informal way, with regard to tho new church building they aro about lo erect. Tho lot on which thoir present chapel stands has been sold for $50,000, and that, with subscriptions which they hope to obtain, ought to place them in a position to erect a seven-day church building which will bo a credit mid a blessing to this city for years to como. We say a sovon-day church by that is meant a building that has its uses and adaptations for every day in the week. A nursery where young children shall bo brought up in tho nurture and admonition admo-nition of the Ijord. A 6chool, where young 1111 n atul maidens, maid-ens, associated in classes for works of love and morcy, may educate the heart, the head and tho hand, and tit themselves them-selves for useful and ulonsant lives. A harbor, into which the homeless and homesick young man, who has loft the parental tiresido and wandered into this western country ij search of fortune and f ime, can nighl'y cast anchor and lind friends, paptrs, looks and pleasant surroundings. sur-roundings. A family kitchen r.nd social hall, here the cup which cheers but not inebriates may circulate at the hands of the matrons ma-trons and daughters of the religious family whose homo is within tho snored pdillce. A temple of worship tilled with the |