OCR Text |
Show BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Goes Salt Lake Realty. So Does tie lew Goods and Novelties Recei? efl Daily at tie Fair. AW li;tvi some choice Imrjrains n 10, .1 ami We counter. lYuplo wonder why wc sell good so cheap We HIT FOR CASH AND SKLi. FOR CASH, t.uint,' m money standing or bad uiwunU fur nwli customers to pay. I THE F-IK.. ITo. 13 West First Soutli street, f i 1 -TnesTdirectory. - jnnicobs&co., Ti,nln-s 147 ProgrPBS Bmluuig, penl Eu; Dfj1 J.,, pro,Vty in .11 part . ko choice bumaiua iu business and fthd it. frmpr!!il - H. C. LETT & SON, . t) ifntnlp City and Country, No. T1mAlnWrX oPPOto tho Walker ,dtUkeCiW. . -CSnnalSiTHVESTllESTCO. n. in Ueal Estate, Loans and Insurance. - BNoamMBtreot wTTH WHITE & CO., nlFfltatonnd Mining Brokers No. 75 East PjgfnthHtref t, Bait Lake City, Utah. -7. J. A. GBOKSBKOK. W.B.ANDBKW BCBTOS, OBOESBECK & CO. iF,tte No. 29 Main Street, flrtUtke p.ft1.EiT?h'. Notary in office. Telephone -181. JOHNSON & CO., Folnt Loans, Klines. In-iRation nnd fl.jjgffi West First South Btroot. f hTvILANO & DENBY, .t$t Bttlt Lak Cltyi II tali. : " LANGAN & CO., Horse -:- Slioers, nldEwloFoundry.oor.2d South and 1st West sts. -r n- fivo years experience in Colorado. tS ONM ' pw5 in the city whore horse shoeing shoe-ing is made a specialty. " 5Tb: stan wood, Real Estate and Investment Broker. Thfl handling of Real Estate for nou-Jct.tea nou-Jct.tea Bliialty. N. E .Cor. Mn and Third Sts., 'Jasement of bt. Llrao Hotel, Salt Lake City. F. AUERBACH & BROS. WILL SHOW ON Monday, March 10th Spring Importations in Various Departments, including; Additional Novelties in Silk and Dress Goods. NEW GOODS AKE AKRIVING DAILY, and anions those already in we can Boast of THE FINEST LINE OF FRENCH AND AMERICAN SATEENS Ever brought to this city. Also a beautiful and varied assortment of Zephyr Cloths. Wo have taken particular pains I n I I with oui Carpet Department I 1 01111 fit g 011011111011 We only request an inspection flllrl g A lllrl of our handsome Axmissteu, I ill I III I J III III HI Moqckttb, - Velvet, - Body UU1IUI lUjpui UllUill Brussels, Tapestry and Isobain Carpets, and you will admit that they are the best and cheapest in town. RUDOLPH ALFF, IMFOUTKUOF f CHINA, CROCKERY AND GALSSWARE; Fluted Ware, Cutlery, Lamps, Vu.te and Statuary. jl A FULL STOCK OF CHINA AND PARIAN NOVELTIKA J h 110 Miiln Street, Suit Lake City. jj Hi ami Montana IfaelerF Coii C. I MASON, Mimnycr, j Headquarters for all Glasses of Machinery. Engines and Boilers from 3-horxe power ami upwards in Ktock forimim lialo delivery. Steam 1'ninpH, Injectors, llorso Whiiui, Hoisting Knjtinir Roc's Hreakcra, Wall's RolU, In;;erMoll Air Compressors and lrill, Lubr 1 culiiiii Oila, Mine, Mill and Smeller Stippli-m, Silver, Gold nnd Coneentra' i. j; Mills erected and delivered in running order. $ Maine Office anJ Warerooms 259 S. Main Strerl. Salt Lake 0. f. AGENCY. BUTTE. MONT MA, t ALFRED DUNSHEE, Real Estate Loans, fovestmeats, 101 Maine St Rear of Jones' Bank. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. J. G. MoAlwstkb. D. H. MoAixisteb. McAllister buos., Real Estate and fands, 265 S. Maine Street, I Unde r Abstract Office, SALT CITY I'HEDMACrBEItSON. 1'. S. GREEN. L. B. SUAEr. L. 11, SIIABP & CO., BEAL ESTATE! 5G W. 2d South St. . Salt Lake City. City I'roperty and Acrewce liovpot and Fold on CimniiHaion, Bench property a bpecialty. Lar-riatw Lar-riatw Free. S, F. SPENCER & CO.. Real Estate, Loans, Investments :4 S. Main St., Salt Loko City. Complete List of City and Acreage Property. nri- DfinT nnrl OIMC BEPAHTMEST IS KOW COMI'LETK, ami "Ul DUUi 3IIQ OIiUL we are prepared (o Fit all feet and pockets. In endless variety, and all stylish good?. In fact, we have scoured the Eastern Markets for the Latest and most Fashionable novelties. Ulll ulMl Dull 1 New Sprim Wraps and Coals. Better come early and get a good selection. The best and the choicest goods go first. We can guarantee the very lowest prices consistent with good qualities. fiTMail orders promptly attended to. if. mitt k loi Rio GraaJe Western Railway. SCENIC LINE OF TIIE WOULD Tho only TranncMitinental Lino panning pann-ing through Mult Lake City. The imly lino to Homer w ith, no eluuigo of cars, and with only one Change to Chicago. Cnrmit tiuio iblo In dliwton amlfiom No Nth, 181. EAST HOI NI) THA1NS. No. 2. No. 4. Atlantic A i l.'.lit if Utiil l'inw. Iinvn 0.l tl:li. m, f. t'i p. tn Arrive Hjilt Ukn lii:Mi.m. " tAp. in. I, eavorlHll liiiku l'i::i"ia. in. "iM p.m. Arrive I'rnvo 1.1:10 p. ni.tl M p. in. Uavo l'rovo Yl.Miv- lu.tl Ol p. in. Arrive lirwm llivi'r H:l .i. m 4::ii n. in. IrfiavB Oii-i'ti ItiviT I U' P- ni. 4 Hi. in. Arrive Ttlelilo '"i P. W "' Arrive Denver 1:1 P. in. 1:1.') a. in. WKST IIOHM1 I'll iNM. No. I No. , l'lu'Ltie 1'm'itie Mail. I'spri Iavo lenver P a. in. . in lii'live l'llelilo 1 :- P. m.rJ:l'ia. in. ArrivoUreon lllver VMliu in.lO.i.ip.m. lioavodreeii Hiver H':li . ni.limip. in. Arrive I'rovi 4:M)p. in. turn, in. Urnve llnivo P. ! ll'HIa.m. ArrivoHnll I.aki :' !' "t. 1:1" a. in. lve Halt Lake 7:'"' P. ' 7" ' Arrive Oiplen M !' ' ll lu l'ullnan I'lilace and lliillef Klpintl ' on a.l ThroiiKll Trainn. llorlon ll'T.liiiinn Clmir Can l'tve l'twecn Bait Lake t'itu tt:ai l'rovo uu Tniina 1. au.l it. II. C.lKHMiK. J. H. IIKNXKTT. Unit. MlllinciT. I'n. Act. One-Price Store. Kota a Full Lino of cLO-xrEcinsra- And Govts' Furniuhin Gootl, BooIb, lliiU'.'i'runkfl, Valines, lilunkntH, JCtc, Kto. We non miaropntiK'' odfl, We girAiiinU.o wit'.. r,iii('t ion, We are wovbr jiideraold, and We hnvtf '.'Jy one price I Ordoi" by mail receive careful atlen tion. 210 iV.ain Street, two doors mnali of "vVhite II juho. Ilii' People's Favot'itc (Mi DiR H Pleasant f allay aiA Castle Gffl: Only 75 l'cr Ton at Yard. ' 5i5 ler Ton lulivered, i Nut :$.& IVrTon at Vard. (? 1,00 IVr Ton Delivered. j SOI.K AOKNTB roll Anthracite, Blacksmith and Charooa PIG IRON, COKE, WOOD AND KINDLING Coiinlanllv mi Hand, A. L. Williams, Agent and Managers I ' SALT LAKE CITY HARTENSTEIN & SHEETS, Fashionable Barbers, (In Auor & Mnrphy'a New Building. HAIR CUTTING, SHAMPOOING, ETC., No. 1G E. 1st South St. Salt Lake City. I. Watters, Broker, 31 E. First South St., East of Deserjt National Bank, Salt Lake City. Makes Loans on Watches. Diamonds and J owol-rv. owol-rv. HentB t'olloeted. Kailroad Tickets l!oni;iit n'mlSold. Husiuees confidential. Established MM. AU TJnroUoomed Pledges Hold at very low rat. . W. A. Taylor, Merchant Tailor, NEW SPRING STYLES JUST ARRIVED. 13 and 45 E. Second South Stroot, Salt Lake City. J. C. MURPHY & CO., Rubber Stamps and Notarial Seals. Agent3 for the Abbott Check Perforator Salt Lake City. Ik M-& D Steal Range- ffiiaa9rftM1 .Ui-c-'kiislSi GREAT SLAUGHTERING SALE CD F Heating Stoves! M. E. McENAKY, ttorney-at-Law. Progress Building (Fourth Floor). Q W. POWERS, Attorney-Ht-Law, Opposite Cnllen Hotel. Hecond Bonth Btreet, B.CIUTCHLOW. Attorney-at-Lnw, Uooms 27 and 28, Boott-AMerbach Bnilding. UB. FltEEMAN & BOllltOWB. , Bpectacles Accurately 1 ltted. Eye, Enr, Nose, Tliroat. Rooms 17 and 18, Scott-Anerljach Building. YADON & HEATH. Real Estate and Loan Agents. No. 150 Main Street. Reference: ; McCornick 6c Co., Bankers Correspondence Solicited. 'ii3soLii'"i ' Sole Agents for Utah of Mason & Davis' Steel Kanges. with Round Fire Pot, Anti-Clinkor Grate, poised oven door, ventilator etc. Made in all sues. Call and examine these celebrated Ranges or send for circular with cuts before paying same price for old style Range. General line of Cook and Heating Heat-ing Stoves and House Furmahing Goods. F. E. SOHOPPE&CO 223 South Main St loo HEATING STOVES MUST BE SOLD Regardless of Cost. You can Save Fifty Per Cent by Buying Now of tho SALT LAKE HARDWARE COMPANY. 32 West Second South. (Opera House Block). Sign of tto-e "BIG- C--CT2T." Dr. C. W. JUGGINS. MiCHUsaoriu asd axalytic physician, i, . w Id wIm H, wtl known t-lltt. !-. 17 t M. . lU'nnm rbf. .i prt, ? l'-r-nf ',;, i j t H i.iwj( i ...pi.int. iii,'W iwfc-f .t(uU, , ll.....i.n.-.t..". H..rt J- I IZull' tZi r,.l I.. UhI k,u- '''-'VL' ;t ,V-4' All "ZrJTh, if-T--i-oU Krr r-U i fes (H,llt1iW'l"'" 1 . I .,,l, thmt MM w, ft. . tt MWWW ' TIll'STKK'S sali;. WliK.tiRAN, Mary A. Hell, l.y h-r nnrlaln dml " tniHt. lalil the .Mb .In of Kebmarv. A. U mid duly nrorded on die IMh day of Mrmiry, IHX.i, in tho Iteconler'H olli'-e of the ( onnty Halt Lake in tbe Territory of I lull, In l.ok "; A" of n.ortKaxm aie a(7,K., wild and eniiveynl hi tbe nnderiKiiiil. triiMl.-e, llm followon? im. cw. or parrels of bind, will) nil llm telM-niiMil", l'n-;l-itainentKiinil appiirt.'nani e llierMio. nliiiai.il in the Cilyan.l County of Halt jik, ,1 .Trilory of I'tali, to-witi All of one ill, m Ol. w n'i) (Vl.teli (101, elevi'li llll. twelve lli. Ihlrlf-o il'ti, f.-niKon illi.fifl.i-M (ir,i,o. n (K,i - Ui'll llll), twenty I V I, tw.-nly-oee Cili, IwliM-Iwo IwliM-Iwo ft, twelily-lbni. ISII. twi-iily-fonr i.li, Iwentj-five iSh mid lw.uty-ix J'..an p atli m. pHiiorama hnllivii"ti ol il.-k one liini.lr.il and eii(bty-fiv (H.'.l, I'lat II, bait Ijike HI, ""Tb'e'foreK.iltiK .areels-of land MnK 1'olivi . .1 lo the iiDileri.inii.-d in trnn for the pnrpow". seenriim lie- i.ajn.ent of n iieK..iial.lepr..ii i r noleex.i-nt.it by wild Mary A. I led m fnior..r Katie l-nliait, dabil l-'.-hrimry Jib. pwj, tor tie-.urn tie-.urn of fivo bundled :) dolh.r-, due on.. ;. .ir .lOer.tite, witb Inler.t th.-n-on l the ran- of one (II ii-rcent i-r n.oi-ll. r-oni n d..te niitil paid. Intend payable ,,narter.y, hn l, with 11, u-nnH of said tnwt, an. mure fully wt f-irih In siiid deed of li-tiel, wliinh, for nyore iitm "r wriplion. i hereby reb-ired to unit mn-ln ('til le-niif ; and , t r Wi:i.ka. Ae.-or.linx totbet.-rm find eon.b lions of mid not" und H.i.l .1.1 of tr.il, o.l note isdiie, and no (art tJx-.-.-of hw l!. Wiikhkan. It w.u and l providul in aid il"i of trie mat ehoiild defnoll b; m id" in ,.-pay..,, ,.-pay..,, nt of aid note or in the int.-reit !-' mii-bt a.-.-ru thi-r-m R pro.oh d liwntin, lie-;-tin un.lt-rMiKn.-il t.iMti rhoohl pn-'l i-' " Mid .ro..-rly or' nni' li ".:"'"'' ''',''; ei-BKiry at public Tend.Ki P. On-M -Mil b . for . ash for ('. .uri of fntlnm.it and o. -clmrKiiiK the iiuti.it awl ob!iK"U""" "' ',,t l'Vnr.Hih J..bti l. H!!f-.r, leanl ..vvie-r And bol.ler of Mtiil proiiornut ""!'" ' (! iui.U-rMKn.il trni.- lo 1:""'" '' '", ' pn..rty un-n-r and eor.linf 1 the 1-rl" - ,roviior of 'aid d.l-l f trurf nlol U) . .-h -'K-th diiiii and oblis:tioi. n...r...t. now.tl 1. 1 . - III.- nndendKIied triol"-" liforewod J tie- r. of 0 l-ual owner an.l h.,llr -f KTL D.rte will in a:.-..rdarii-.. with K k" "" prortiorm of wid del of t-n.-t on krulav. ;-fonrllidayof ;-fonrllidayof April. A. D. l-'. '" ,". r";, ', .i.ty of Hal. I... Territory of L . .. ' H.HHJ, front d.-.r of 0, .o.o..y I mrt !' '' the mid wnnty, ni ft 'el.K-k noon of ft.- - sell at i.iiWir, anetion to the l-iid t Oe.-e-r, " Tail. Hful e.or,.-y of WM H t p.irr.elof Imirl .,r - .-. tl., r.-of n-a, lx r,.-c-ry to ly Mid hole and u.f- ' Ml tlie aame antl the of 'he lrui, l i- Kl)Mtt H.t till. HM'. i tu.t". 8iUt lk City. Uili, ilaf' l' W MIDDLEMISS, VAN DYKE k CO.. Real Estate and Mines, 156 Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. W. II. McOLURE &CO., REAL ESTATE, SMALL PKOFITB AND HUIK IiKTUKNB. CC West Second South Street, Salt Lake City. J. W. WHITECAB, Designer and Engraver on Wood, 121 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, MISCELLANEOUS. MONEY LOANED ON DIAMOND8.WATCHES and Jewelry. E. McCarrick, 240 B. Main st one door north of Walker Honte. Alsostue line of Watches, Jewelry, Itevolvere and Cliarrae for Bale cheaper than anywhere in the west. SOCIETIES. MASONIC. Slated convocations of Utn) Chapter, No. 1, It. A. M , first Wednesday-of every month. Sojou-ming comnanions cordiell iHYited. J. J.Gbsenewai.d. M.E. H.P. Philw Bnwos, Secy Happy Hour Dental Coaipany. Twi ladies, two SffitSt. gentlemen; Our fiJL Prioe8 1000 V6 CEfe cent on your in- i' &&izVr 'l'i-Wkas?fe vestment. I Tigi.rng3?- Cleaning and J whaeuimt the f PC teeth, new pro- nation and treat ment free of charge. Finest gold fillings and up. Teeth extracted positively posi-tively without pain and danser by use of our new anesthetic compound aid free of charge on Wednesdays; come early. Silver or amalgam fillings, 81; phosphate phos-phate and other fillings, $1. Full set of best teeth S5 and up, ac-; ac-; cording to material in base plate. Mrs. Buck and Miss Weaverling of this company especially solicit the patronage of ladies. Finest work; perfect satisfaction guar-4 guar-4 atiteed. Respectfully, f JIappt Houb Dental Co. v Office in Wasatob Block, i ' SALT LAKS THEATRE. Chas. S. Burton, - - Manager Three Nights Only. Commencing Tuesday Evenin March 18th. THE EMMA JUOH GRAND-ENGLISH GRAND-ENGLISH CPEEA COMPANY. REPORTOIRE: Wednesday, - WILLIAM TELL Thursday - - - - MIGNON. Fridty, (Extra)- CABMEN, j Prices: $2, $150, 50c. and 25c. Seats now on Bale. THE OCCIDENTAL. Pure Goods Only and of The Best Quality. STUDIOUS ATTENTION. AUCR & MURPHY, Proprietor. Ho,EatFlrBtJ3outh8t., . 8lt UkeCltj. Spencer & Kimball,!! 160 Main Street. -EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN- I Sole Agents for . James Means $3 Shoer' - i WALK Ell . HOUSE. ; Th Wi l Wli to . !""" c"tt' of Ui city, ami tuut ail '- Modem Improvements & Conveniences iriirtly'rHKH.ia.Jrar.l T.Kirwt Hof l Ukefity. I'M-wiiPf eie;it.-. The Walker & tlie Metropolitan Am tt to UaiHit Hot?l 'A Bait Uk VI:. j a, S. EBB Froo'r" THE CULLEN. THE Modern Hotel OF SALT LAKE CITY. St, C. Eti iXG, Proprlr. Guns and Cutlery, Guns, Sporting GwxU and Cutlery will be sold at lower prices than any house in Utah on acwunt of change in business. See my stock and price before you purchase, M. R. EVANS 12 W. 2d South SU Salt Iok City- |