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Show HARYEST OF DEATH. Men nnd Coys Perish in tho Ureat Fife Knging in tlieGcr. mania SI inc. TWO PASSENGER TEAINS COLLIDE. Workmen Buried Beneath Falling Walla at the Indianapolis Hd:)cav.8t. Indianapolis, March 19. Part of the roof of the Bowen-Merrill building, which was gutted by tiro two days ago, fell this afternoon, burying a largo number num-ber of men in the ruins. It is believed fifteen or twenty are killed or injured. Reports of eye-witnesses are very conflicting con-flicting ns to the number supposed to be in the wreck. Probably most of those near the falling wall escnpod. Peter Albin and William MoadowB, carpenters, engaged in bracing the iron front, were bur'e 1 boneath the debris, but were soon roscued. Both were con-sidornbly con-sidornbly hurt. It is impossible to mako a thorough search of tho wrock yet, ns tho rest of the iron front theatre is liablo to topple over nt any moment. Immediately nttcr the falling of the roof tho east wall of the adjoining store, occupied by Bicknoir store, fell. It is believed all clorka and customers cs-capod. |