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Show Coliellu Tapestry. Kal gobelin tapestry ia hard to find iu the dry goods stores. Much is sold as gohelin tapestry that is not genuine. Gobelin has quite a, history, and gave 11 new word to ouv vocabulary. A Flemish Flem-ish painter named Gluck found a process for dyeing a beautiful and a very peculiar pecul-iar scarlet, and sold it to Giles Gobelin, who built a factory in France, where he made tapestries and cloths of this peculiar pecul-iar color. Everybody looked on him as a crank, and his factory was always upoken of as "Gobelin's Folly;" hut ho made a go of it, and his success was bo great that those superstitious old folks supposed ho was aided by the devil. The devil wa3 supposed to have taught him the art of dyeing scarlet on condition that at a certain time the devil was to have him. When the time was up tho devil came after him, and caught him going through a yard at night with a little piece of lighted candle in his hand. Gobelin begged for time, but tho devil wouldn't let him have it. At last Gobelin requested re-quested his satanic majesty to wait until the bit of candle in his hand burned out, and tho dovil consented. Tho wily old Gobelin, as soon as he got this concession, threw the candle into tho well and pitched the devil in after it. The devil was very angry, but before ho could get out Gobelin gathered a guard of enthusiasts enthu-siasts about him and secured himself from any further attacks. Now, for the new word. From this story came the word "goblin," a ghost or specter, and it has become one of the words of the language, but it had its origin in this silly story that was told about tho man who first mado these tapestries. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. |