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Show Lynch & McCarroll, Fust Door South of PostofTioe, . REAL ESTATE BROKERS. Iilcck 8 Lnke View Subd'qision at a bargain. Capital Hill lots at 81,000 ench. Lois in Plat "C" $250 each. CT1 A beautiful homo on 3d South, CjIO roJs, only fG,000. -- For Sale, By Wilkinson & Bennett. No. 11, West Second South. 10x20 rds cor 8th South and 8th EaHt, 20 rods facing 8th South, 8750 per rod. 10x10 cor Cth South and 8th East, facing fac-ing north and East, with 5-room houso, &XXJ0. . 110x105 feet, lot 1 block 11, plat E, Capital Hill. S11.0C0. 10x17 - rds cor 3rd South and Cth East, facing West and south with good bouse and improvements, 810,000. 13Jx20rds5th East bet 3rd and 4th South with 5-room house, $25,000. 43 acres over Jordan, close in, 8500 per acre, 520 acres ovei Jordan at a bargain. LIMA II HOTEL. Commercial Street, on the European 1'lan. This fine Hotel, strictly first class in every respect is now olfering inducements induce-ments to the local and traveling public which cannot be excelled in the went. Central location. Restaurant in connection connec-tion for short orders at all hours. E. E. Fbench & Owen Phillips, Proprietors. . m . TYEBB & PALMER, Real Eslute. 10 acres on 2nd West. 3x10, 9th ast. tr2nd South. 5 acres on 2nd West. 8x10 corner lilk 56, Plat "D." J. VV. THOMPSON & CO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 209 Main Street, Just North of Postoffice. o 0000 o 00000000 4Rods Frontage On 9th South by 10 Rods Deep, 3d and 4th East, $27,000. We can give special terms on this. 20 Rods West Frontage Corner 5th West and 9th North. Cheapest corner in the city, $225 perrocl. 5x5 Rods Corner 2nd and K Street. Choice Residence Resi-dence Site, $4,250. K Nice Brick Cottage, will rent for $30, on 2nd East, close to car line, price $8,750, $2,700 on deferred payments running from 6 months to 2 1-2 years. Thirty Rods, South frontage on 8th South, 10th and 1 1th East, per rod $350. 5x10 Rods, 7-Room Brick House, Barn, etc., on K between 5th and 6th, $6,000. $250 will hold it for sixty days. Watch Our List for New Properties. J. W. THOMPSON & CO. AVE HANDLE Business, Eesitlw and Coilry Proseity, IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED. Parties wishing to buy or sell Really, hud better see us. Our motto: ''Stniil Pralits and Quick Turns." Currcspuudouo bolicited. W. L. BARRET & CO, 207 S. Main St., Suit Lako City, Utah. J. A. Morlan & Sons. Parties wanting to buy property of any description will save money by calling call-ing on us. We have a fine list of business busi-ness and residence property that cannot be equaled for location, price and tornis. Wo have more lino corners than anybody any-body nnd several tracts of acreage suitable suit-able for platting close in. Call und see us before buying. J. A. Moiu.AN fc Sons, 3-8 tf 13 W, Socond South St. ELECTION I1ETS." Martin Sibnildt,"The Tailor." Culls tho attention of his many customers custo-mers and the general public, to his new quarters in the rUOOHESS IJUILDING nnd promises to continue turning out the NouuiicsT and best Style Slit in the city. IT you want first class moats in the way or Kansas corn-fed beef nnd pork, go to tho Fulton meat market, No. 10 W. Third South street, and there you will lind what you want. The Utah Steam Laundry now have the best equipped laundry in tho West and will double their plant for the coming com-ing season. Main ollice und laundry, 45 West Tomple, opposito Grant llros. Branch office, 111 Main. Wagons to all parts of the city. FOR SALE Ily iiiKi'aiii & lloiinelhin, 11 Went iiml South St. We havo secured some of the most de-sirablo de-sirablo property in the city, and are prepared pre-pared to deliver the same at bottom prices. 27 Acres in Five Aoro Plat C, Blk 27, -it $1000 per Acre. 15 Acres in Five Acre Plut C, Blk 14, $750 Per Acre. . 10 Acres in Five Aero Plat C, Blk C, $750 Per Acre. 125 Acres in Five Acre Plut C, $000 TV.- A ...... X HI -III.-IC. 10x10 cor. 3rd 'South and 10th East, $12,000. 10x12 cor. 5th South and 12th Enst, 80000. 10x10 cor. 4th South and 4th East, cash, 820,(100. 330 Ft Front by 330 Ft Deep, near New Ilotol, East Side, nt 8100 per Ft Best by in the city. 3x10, Blk 28, Plut F. 92500. . '- 1 Bargains! If you want Snaps in Business, Residence or Acreage Proporty coll ou C. F. Wantland, 201 South Main St. o . I oiorndo ami Kansas People drink Letup's beer at the Casino. Bob Short is always on deck. If you want pork tenderloins nnd sptireribs, you will get them by calling on S. S. Dickinson & Co., Ht tho corner of Main and 'Third South streets. Choice maple syrup, the finest in the land, Ilamond's choice hams und bacon, new goods and choics Jruits arriving every dav at C. B. Durst's, 72 and 71 E. Second South street. - To Hardware Buyers. Ilousokeers, Builders. Mechanics, Blacksmiths, Millers, Miners and in fact all hardware buyers should visit tho E. C. Cofiin Hardware Co., in "The Progress Building." Salt Lake City. Allen & Ilea. Has property for sale in various parts of the city which are well worth looking at. They also makes loans on real estate on long time. Booms land 5 Scott-Auer-buch block. Mine. Lamb Will continue her reduction sale on all trimmed hats on bonnots during the remainder re-mainder of the season. No old goods to offer the trade. No. 2(5 Main St. Just received at S.S. Dickinson & Co.'s, corner of Main nnd Third South streete, a car load of Kansas corn-fed beef, together to-gether with spare ribs and pork tonder loins. . . Or ontal Scurfs, Hand Kim, Mull Ties, Veilings, Emb'O Sets, Figured India Silks In very latest dosigrs it The Loe House. HELP WANTED. A rmsrCLASHlROCEUY CI.ERK -To tl 1 V right man thero in a good pine oiien. A(i-ilrens, A(i-ilrens, with references, S. B. M. Timks otlico. IT1 YEltYDODY to nilvcrtim) their wants intbi J department ot Tun Times. A OIIUj for general housework, at 136 S. Wf iVTemplo rpVOCAI!PE.TIi!Wto put np a board fpnff. A Apply nt, New Kant Bide Hotel. AT ONCE, a (rood canvasser to work in tie mimic uiiMiiipim; must liavo experience. Ci'li ill 7."i VV. lht 8011th Ktrect. A HOOD flUtl, for general housework. Uwd wnies. H7U S. Wet Temple street. A YOUNG (UltL to help ntlifrlithonsekeepiiW. fx Apply 5,5, comer Fust F street. MICN for city work; railroad and canal nwni ship daily; good wages aud long job. DhW AChrialy. IS W. 1st Houtli street. AFlliHT CLASH Ollili in a small family Oood wanes; call at .ri."i7 South Main. CMlOJleilltLfor general housework, 1Z E J HriKliam. AO I HL tn take charge of children. Apnll 52 E. M South. A 11 HL for general housework. Apply i - Third East. A GOOD SMiVANT GlllL. Apply at l (Sonlh Maine street. t l'HE GIRL, at 71 Centre street. BITUATIONS WA.vrEU. A SITUATION by a first class dnw-mak.r V Addrvss Henrietta Manderson, care of 1" Timks. AN EXPERIENCED HAUKEEl'ER ' situation in Bait Lake. Address Joun Walters, Denver. JI)ES1RE EMPLOYMENT in the evening 1 poetinn books. Am an experienced accouni- ant Address VV. H. H Times otHce. A FirUATXON. Try an advertisement in I'm ii. Times, 7 M PLOYMESt ON NEWSPAPER in erota country town by capable printer: m ''"fri reliable man; competent to take meoW"1"" charge; will make it of interest to riiit I")-Address I")-Address J. e Burell, Kalt Lake t'ity-- . , To Tourists and Visitors to Salt Lake. You aro respectfully invited to visit our ollice, where you will receive 0 hearty welcome. We shall be glad to furnish information concerning the resources re-sources and attractions of Salt Lake and its surroundings, their agricultural, mining, stock and sheep raising and manufacturing interests, to ad in search of homos or seeking safe and lucrative investments tbr capital. In real estate wo have the largest list of property. ,-Our carriages are nl the disposal of visitors. Call and see us. Ivospeotfully, Tub A. J. White Company. Kail road Tickets Bought, Sold And exchanged by J. K. Gillespie, member mem-ber of tho American Ticket Brokers' Association As-sociation No. 211) Main street. The best lot of corn-fed beef ever brought to the city can now be had at S. S. Dickenson & Co., cor. Main and 3rd South street. If you want fresh meatp and te very best in tho market, go to S. S. Dicken son & Co., cor. Miiin and 3rd South street. A I'cw Extra Piters. Elegant corner, one block from Utah Central Depot; two blocks from Temple, only fUXl per foot. 1 full bloeK, 4 half blocks, 0 quarter block, .in Plat C. 3 full block, 2 half blocks, 0 quarter blocks in Plat D. We have over 200 pieces to select from that w-e can deliver with certainty. 37 pieces on which we can secure 30 to 90 day contracts. Davis & Sthingt.r, 23 West Second South street. Second door east of Cullen Hotel. - l!:H Wanted For ten miles of street grading; apply to A. J . Du tton, ot ollice of Davis & Strinuor. il W. 2nd South St. . . The Continental. This hotd is the recognized hoad-quarters hoad-quarters for commercial men and tourists. Centrally located, it is fur- If You Want A good smoke, go to the Casino cigar store, 238 Main street, north of Walker Uouse. The A. J. White Ileal Estate Company, 31 East Second South street, the oldest real estate ollice iu the city. Established in 1SS0. We have 8o0,000 to loan on real estate. Fine briuk laud cheap. CaU and see our acreage. We have snaps. Call and see lots in Nelson & Early's subdivision. The abvivo property is side by W. II. White i Co. nisneti wnn everything pertaining to a first-class hotel. For rooms nt anv time address G. S. Holmes, Manager Continental Hotel. For fresh poultry, fruits, flour and feed, together with all first class groceries, grocer-ies, coll at tho place of W. E. D. Bar-nett, Bar-nett, 59 E. Third South street. POSITION by two first class bread ani " 1 l akers. Address 212 W. South Teail'" -room 7. FOB SALE. STOKES on Commercial st'reet and Third street. Revenue property. 1-or iiarf11" call on C. E. WantiantL ZUl Main streel-J. I HAVE a choice lot of acreage and citjfTJj ertyfor sale. All particulars can i, from theowntr. at No. US East Becond strwt. Salt Lake City. - ALLEN REA have property for "'.'"JJJS ous parts of tint city which are " ,f looking at. They also make loans on Tf on long time. Rooms 4 and S, bcoti-i" block. - LOST. A POCKET-BOOK containing ,T,rIr.t5rt metu of no wine to the "",--, w nf f!0 will be puid for t- nturd of tb Tag Tin oOice, John W . U i For hale. We con give special terms on the following fol-lowing properties; call and investigate: 10x20 on 0th S.. bet. 5th and (ilh E. 2i,'x7i,' on 5th E., north of 5th S. 10x10 and 10x7). in rear on 3rd S., bet. 9th nnd 10th E. Lot 1, Blk 21). Pint G. 10x9 and 2 rod alley 7th E. and 8th and ' 0th S.' BxS Ut 0th pn.l 10th E. Rnd 1st and 2nd B. tf m M(nn, opp, WRt'-ar i tmiw, ' . . Wanted to buy -10 ncres suitable for imtnedinto plntlimr in 5 nciv plat A. Address with rioe, teniis nnd tlescrlp t'oil. C. W., Ujv i'iTO. eity SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements nnderthis head will hecharced at tlie rate of ten cents per line for each insertion Noadvert.sement will Ik-tken fr less thaS 25 cnts. Parties ailvertismB in this column can hae their answers addressed care of Thk Ti mim! I'KRSOSALi V oily, wmhl uk in fortn ih acuinisunlvi, f lVmbiiiU ouiek job printar ) |