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Show Somk. Ignoramus 111 ono ot tiio morning morn-ing papers recently referred to Commercial Commer-cial street as an alley. If Salt Lako had more of such alleys she would be much bettor on". It is true that Commorcinl street is a short and narrow thoroughfare, thorough-fare, but it already has some of tlio best business buildings in the city, and bo-fore bo-fore the summer is endod it will be linod solid with four and rive-Btory structure?, nnd will be paved and sidowalkeil, presenting pre-senting fn every respect b thoroughly metropolitan appearance. Every business busi-ness block in the city ought to bo cut in two and given such a otroet as Commer-cial. Commer-cial. There is loo much land going to waste in the heart of theso big blocks, which are C(il feet square. Wo say give us moro thoroughfares liko Commercial streot. |