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Show THE HALL LAST NIOHT. A Ilrllllant Asaembly at (i. A. II. Hall I'nder the Auspices or the Scott Zouave. Grand Army hall was last night tho scone of a brilliant assembly of ladies and gentlemeu, brought together on the occasion of tho first annual ball of the Scott Zouaves. The corps appeared in full uniform and presonted a tine nppea -ance, and the elegant toilet of the ladies present sot off the ensemble of the soldiers sol-diers very effectively. The hull was handsomely decorated for tho occasion with flags, banners and streamers, and the ball was opened with a grand march, General Connor and Mrs. II. W. Bouso leading. Dancing was next in order, and this wns kept up with unabatod zest until the small hours of morning. The masters ot of ceremonies were Captain A. A. Io-nard Io-nard and F. E. McGurrin, and tho arrangement ar-rangement committee was composed of P. E. Cullman, 11. W. Bouse, W. R Westover, D. Wilson, J. II. Warner and W. C. King. Tho floor manager was 11. W. Bouse, and tho floor committee consisted con-sisted of W. C. King, Alexander Pickering, Picker-ing, H. Croman, It. L. Wilson, F. W. Cnmomilo and P. W. Muehlenbruch. The reception committee was niado up of all the Zouaves present. Tbe ball proved a great euccees. |