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Show It may bo truo Unit the members ot tho Salvation army are a quoor lot, but t icy are evidently as much in earnest as tho membors of any other religious organization. or-ganization. If they are permitted to parado the streets on woek days, beatiiiK the big baso drum, striking the cymbals and rending tho air with their cracked voice3, all for tho purpose of saving souls from everlasting damnation, why should they not be allowed to do the same good work on Sundays? Is not Sunday a much more appropriate day for soul-saving soul-saving than any other? S01110 peonle may think the Salvationists aro simply burlesquing religion, but it is not so. They are sincere. Many a poor wretch, who would otherwise have gono down to a drunkard's, a criminal's or a pauper's grave, has been rescued and made a man of by the Salvationist!. They labor among the lowly, and the good thoy do is known only to the few who take pains to investigate the results of their work. The Times is in favor of lotting tho Salvationists Sal-vationists alone. Let them parado on Sundays if they wish to. They harm 110 one, and they may do some good. |