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Show IN HIS OWH DEFENSE. That Is What llie Jury Say With Kcgartl to the Killing by tVcet'ill. WEBNEE ISA SEMI COL'ATQCE STATE The End is the Burml cf an unknown un-known Man in a Kai.w-less Kai.w-less Grave. Yestenhv afternoon Coroner Taylor impntinoloil the following jurors to in-quiro in-quiro into tho kiliirjf of tho man Day, orGranlield as previously given: William (1. 1'hilliiis, P, !j. Brieger, and .Tamos Ii. Lewis. Tho evidence adduced was in corroboration of what him already been printed concerning tho atrair, and the jury rendered a verdict of "do-nth from tho effect of a pistol shot tired by John West mi iu self defense." Weston is lilill held in custody un ail ing tho result of Werner's injuries, Wt.KNK'.i's CONHITION. Inquiry at St. Mark' hospital at i o'clock this afternoon brought out the information that Werner, tho holdup wounded in tho throat in the Into shooting shoot-ing affair, still lingers bet ween life nnd death. Ho is pronounced by tho nor goon in charge to bo in n vomi comatose condition, and Fcarooly conscious i f surrounding sur-rounding events. Hai fiito is a curious one at best, On ono har.d ho is confronted con-fronted with ihatli, and on the other, supposing hi'i recovery possihh , with n long term in the penitentiary. TDK DK.VO MAN lll'lill.l). This morning Undertaker Taylor bur ied tho remains of tho uuknuwn man who was killed, in a nameless grave in tho city cemetery. It appears that the man's iiunio was not (iraulleld, nud lie yond tho fact that ho gave, that of 1 .iy at his lodging house nothing is known ns to hia antecedents. - - - "The Times" lo IIii I roiil . A real estate agents' directory in now being compiled tor publication in Tin" Tim km. Tliis has been a long foil mint both among visitors and agouti. Thodi-fetory Thodi-fetory will bo printed on cardboard mid distributed in nil the ollli'ts nnd public places for reference. This list will also appear in Tin: Ti mis' special edition about tho first week in April, when the size of the paper is to be doulilod. 1 luring lur-ing that week tho circulation of Tin: Ti.mks wiil bo in the vicinity of Oii,(ki copies. Canvassers are now at work and will endeavor to call on every man engaged en-gaged in the real estate hiisine-w. If any ngoiit is overlooked, ho will confer n Tavor by notifying this olllco. |