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Show A IIII.L WITH A 1IISIOICV. The firbt gun in tho opening battlo of giants roMounds along the mining lino. Complicated veins of rich mineral on Eureka Hill hi Tintio once more furnish tho subject mutter of greater complications complica-tions in tho courts. The Bullion, Beck it California Mining company vs. tho Bullion, Bock & Champion Mining company, after various and sundry agreements and compromises, brokon and disregarded, it is uflirmed, by tho complaining party 1 avo locked horns ovor Bon.e 8CO,C0O, and propose to lljdit it out on -tho legal lino if it takes all summor. Tho plniutilT asks for a rocoiver lo lako chargo of tho property and its output and incomo under order of and subjoct to tho court, and for n judgment for damages to tho extont f.f ftSXi.fKK). Tun Tiiwm, whilo regretting that law suits, rather than fair nnd friendly compromise, com-promise, must bo appealed to in tho settlement set-tlement of dillioulties, recalls to mind tho liorioiiH difficulty, involving criminal proceedings, growing out of n proporod sale of this samo property nomo twenty years ago. The two principal parties in that enso, men of character nnd of great wealth, nro now in their graves. Tho wonderfully rich Eureka, hill, still disgorging dis-gorging its seemingly exhaust loss wealth, has a history, socrot and open, which, if faithfully written would prove thai truth is stranger and more thrilling than fiction. It tho books of close corporations corpora-tions and tho closed months of living and deceased men were to disclose actual ac-tual facts and personal experiences directly di-rectly connected with ihat great tro;;s-uro tro;;s-uro house, they would astonish tho public. It might prove that tho not profit ot its oulooino has excoeded that of tho fumod Ontario. It would proclaim pro-claim that ovor its secret chambers of wealth, tho tiuruost passion of human hearts had been aroused. Such n history, existing in fact but never to bo fully written, is to bo 11 continuing one, 11s tho court records will show. In tho meantime it will continue con-tinue to add to Utah's gonoral prosperity, prosper-ity, to demonstrate the wonderful richness rich-ness and permanence of her mines, to furnish fortunes to ownors and employment employ-ment to an army of skilled and unskilled 1 iborors und railway companies, and to keep courts and opposing lawyers busy in manufacturing costly gordinn knots. |