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Show anIlJ quarrel. A Koiv li tho Evangelical Church Which Dates Back to the Seventies. INVESTIGATION 01 THE CHABGES. '"Tho Chun Divided Against Itself and a General Smashup Imminent. Chicago, March 19.-The investiga- tion of the charges preferred against Bishop Eaher of the Evangelical church, aQ organization composed largely of Germans in this country and which has a successful mission field in Japan, as well as soveral conferences in Germany, was begun today. The church has been in o fermont for some time, and the contentions conten-tions of its ministers have attracted much attention. The origin of the troubles is not clearly J defined.. It is certain, however, that ,' there is a decided revolt against tho constituted con-stituted heads of the church, BiBhops E-shor and Bowman. The enemies of the bishops declare that it began twenty years ago in a family quarrel between Presiding Elder Auestler of the Elgin district, nnd Bishop Eshor. This 1 ' i3 as strenuously denied by the bishop s friends who declare that the fountain head of the disturbance wns in Japan, when Superintendent JIartzlor, of that mission had a serious dilliculty with one of tho preachers under him. Bishop Eshor went out there to investigate, and upon his return recommended the recall of Mr. Hartzlor. This was done, and then it is alleged by the bishop's friends, Editor Hartzlor, brother of the recalled missionary, and head of the Mossengor, the church organ, began a war upon llishop Esher and his friends. This continued until the last genera! conference deposed the editor, who al onco started an independent paper which, since its inception, has been largely dovoted to an airing of the troubles. |