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Show in ton days could they be had. The Times urges the owners of good unimproved unim-proved business lots to immediately erect thereon first-class buildings for the mercantile mer-cantile trado. Thero nro on Main street a Inr.jo number of very inforior buildings which should be lorn down at once to rivo waj to modern structures struct-ures to answer tho business demands of tilts city. Tiio true policy is to accommodate accom-modate every btihincps man who desires to locato hero. Give the mercantile man n clinnco to open abusiness establishment establish-ment first, and later on ho can bring his family here. Give him a show in business busi-ness anil ho will purchase n lot and build a dwelling house on it. Tho domands of business should first bo supplied. The domands of tho family for a home can be taken care of later on. ( m si;ss itt li.KiNt.s M:j.i)i:i). The tlenmnd for business buildings in ' Salt Lake City 13 unprecedented. There are today over one hundred strange business bus-iness men in the city whoare looking for store-rooms, but are unnblo to Hnd them. S mho of them have purchased leases of rooms by giving a largo bonus, and pre waiting thirty and sixty days lo get possession. pos-session. Other.! are waiting for the completion of new buildings which they . have already rented. It ib safe to eay tlmt over two hundre l ttoro-rooms could lp jmici nt b very profitable rept with- . ' - - - ! ... |