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Show A POLITICIAN WiTIIOl'T A PAHTY Telegrams from England say that Lord Randolph Churchill's recent speoch on tho report of the Piirnell commission has comploted his isolation from all purtios. "In the meantime the impulsive young politician is a man without a party." Happy tho uolitician, who, at times liDds himself without a party. Political parties under a constitutional form of government are, shall wo say, necessary ovils? So long as the individual nioin-bors nioin-bors of a political party can touch elbows und keep tho party slop without violence to thoir conscionco or their individuality, in-dividuality, unity of partisan action enhances en-hances thoir personal influonco and makes possible the triumph of their principles. Itis presumed that the principles prin-ciples of tho man aro right and the policy ot ins pariy is in accoru wun them. If the revorse is true, and the principles of tho individual are base and tho policy of li is party corrupt and corrupting, cor-rupting, ho adds other evil spirits to his own dumoniiio possessions, and becomes ten fold more devilish us u partisan thun as an individual. So purty ulliiiations, like a two-edgod sword, cut both ways. Tho politiciiin wiio sinks his individuality in his party, or who uses his party to iido into place and power, loses tho first as a fool, and gains the latter as a kmivo. A freeman without u party is presumably a good and bravo man; if ho retains a manhood in connection with a party his circle of influence is enlarged nnd his personality adds to the momentum momen-tum in tho right direction of the party of his choice. ; . ; Tho tendency ot political parties ia downward and this in proportion as they becomo powerful. This downward movement move-ment is accelerated as party nipremacy is readied by tho dead weight of placemen place-men and profossi inal office seekors who attach tlioniEclves to and handicap winning win-ning pnrtieH. When they "como to tho fore" and tuko tho holm, good mon nnd honest politicians drop out. In a gen oral way, to say that so and so "is a politician poli-tician without a parly," is a tribute to u just and bravo num. |