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Show Lynch & McCarroll, Fust Door South of PostofTioe, REAL ESTATE BROKERS. Iilcck 8 Lnke View Subd'qision at a bargain. Capital Hill lots at 81,000 ench. Lois in Plat "C" $250 each. CT1 A beautiful homo on 3d South, CjIO roJs, only fG,000. - For Sale, By Wilkinson & Bennett. No. 11, West Second South. 10x20 rds cor 8th South and 8th EaHt, 20 rods facing 8th South, 8750 per rod. 10x10 cor Cth South and 8th East, fac-ing north and East, with houso, &XXJ0. . 110x105 feet, lot 1 block 11, plat E, Capital Hill. S11.0C0. 10x17 rds cor 3rd South and Cth East, facing West and south with good bouse and improvements, 810,000. 13Jx20rds5th East bet 3rd and 4th South with house, $25,000. 43 acres over Jordan, close in, 8500 per acre, 520 acres ovei Jordan at a bargain. LIMA II HOTEL. Commercial Street, on the European 1'lan. This fine Hotel, strictly first class in every respect is now olfering induce-ments to the local and traveling public which cannot be excelled in the went. Central location. Restaurant in connec-tion for short orders at all hours. E. E. Fbench & Owen Phillips, Proprietors. . m . TYEBB & PALMER, Real Eslute. 10 acres on 2nd West. 3x10, 9th ast. tr2nd South. 5 acres on 2nd West. 8x10 corner lilk 56, Plat "D." J. VV. THOMPSON & CO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 209 Main Street, Just North of Postoffice. o 0000 o 00000000 4Rods Frontage On 9th South by 10 Rods Deep, 3d and 4th East, $27,000. We can give special terms on this. 20 Rods West Frontage Corner 5th West and 9th North. Cheapest corner in the city, $225 perrocl. 5x5 Rods Corner 2nd and K Street. Choice Resi-dence Site, $4,250. K Nice Brick Cottage, will rent for $30, on 2nd East, close to car line, price $8,750, $2,700 on deferred payments running from 6 months to 2 1-- 2 years. Thirty Rods, South frontage on 8th South, 10th and 1 1th East, per rod $350. 5x10 Rods, 7-Ro- om Brick House, Barn, etc., on K between 5th and 6th, $6,000. $250 will hold it for sixty days. Watch Our List forNew Properties. J. W. THOMPSON & CO. AVE HANDLE Business, Eesitlw and Coilry Proseity, IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED. Parties wishing to buy or sell Really, hud better see us. Our motto: ''Stniil Pralits and Quick Turns." Currcspuudouo bolicited. W. L. BARRET & CO, 207 S. Main St., Suit Lako City, Utah. J. A. Morlan & Sons. Parties wanting to buy property of any description will save money by call-ing on us. We have a fine list of busi-ness and residence property that cannot be equaled for location, price and tornis. Wo have more lino corners than any-body nnd several tracts of acreage suit-able for platting close in. Call und see us before buying. J. A. Moiu.AN fc Sons, 3-- 8 tf 13 W, Socond South St. ELECTION I1ETS." Martin Sibnildt,"The Tailor." Culls tho attention of his many custo-mers and the general public, to his new quarters in the rUOOHESS IJUILDING nnd promises to continue turning out the NouuiicsT and best Style Slit in the city. IT you want first class moats in the way or Kansas corn-fe- beef nnd pork, go to tho Fulton meat market, No. 10 W. Third South street, and there you will lind what you want. The Utah Steam Laundry now have the best equipped laundry in tho West and will double their plant for the com-ing season. Main ollice und laundry, 45 West Tomple, opposito Grant llros. Branch office, 111 Main. Wagons to all parts of the city. FOR SALE Ily iiiKi'aiii & lloiinelhin, 11 Went iiml South St. We havo secured some of the most property in the city, and are pre-pared to deliver the same at bottom prices. 27 Acres in Five Aoro Plat C, Blk 27, it $1000 per Acre. 15 Acres in Five Acre Plut C, Blk 14, $750 Per Acre. . 10 Acres in Five Aero Plat C, Blk C, $750 Per Acre. 125 Acres in Five Acre Plut C, $000 TV- .- A ...... X HI 10x10 cor. 3rd 'South and 10th East, $12,000. 10x12 cor. 5th South and 12th Enst, 80000. 10x10 cor. 4th South and 4th East, cash, 820,(100. 330 Ft Front by 330 Ft Deep, near New Ilotol, East Side, nt 8100 per Ft Best by in the city. 3x10, Blk 28, Plut F. 92500. - Bargains! If you want Snaps in Business, Residence or Acreage Proporty coll ou C. F. Wantland, 201 South Main St. o . I oiorndo ami Kansas People drink Letup's beer at the Casino. Bob Short is always on deck. If you want pork tenderloins nnd sptireribs, you will get them by calling on S. S. Dickinson & Co., Ht tho corner of Main and 'Third South streets. Choice maple syrup, the finest in the land, Ilamond's choice hams und bacon, new goods and choics Jruits arriving every dav at C. B. Durst's, 72 and 71 E. Second South street. - To Hardware Buyers. Ilousokeers, Builders. Mechanics, Blacksmiths, Millers, Miners and in fact all hardware buyers should visit tho E. C. Cofiin Hardware Co., in "The Progress Building." Salt Lake City. Allen & Ilea. Has property for sale in various parts of the city which are well worth looking at. They also makes loans on real estate on long time. Booms land 5 Scott-Auer-buc-h block. Mine. Lamb Will continue her reduction sale on all trimmed hats on bonnots during the re-mainder of the season. No old goods to offer the trade. No. 2(5 Main St. Just received at S.S. Dickinson & Co.'s, corner of Main nnd Third South streete, a car load of Kansas corn-fe- d beef, to-gether with spare ribs and pork tonder loins. . Or ontal Scurfs, Hand Kim, Mull Ties, Veilings, Emb'O Sets, Figured India Silks In very latest dosigrs it The Loe House. HELP WANTED. A rmsrCLASHlROCEUY CI.ERK -- To tl 1 V right man thero in a good pine oiien. with references, S. B. M. Timks otlico. IT1 YEltYDODY to nilvcrtim) their wants intbi department ot Tun Times. A OIIUj for general housework, at 136 S. Wf iVTemplo rpVOCAI!PE.TIi!Wto put np a board fpnff. A Apply nt, New Kant Bide Hotel. AT ONCE, a (rood canvasser to work in tie uiiMiiipim; must liavo experience. Ci'li ill 7."i VV. lht 8011th Ktrect. A HOOD flUtl, for general housework. Uwd wnies. H7U S. Wet Temple street. A YOUNG (UltL to help ntlifrlithonsekeepiiW. fx Apply 5,5, comer Fust F street. MICN for city work; railroad and canal nwni daily; good wages aud long job. DhW AChrialy. IS W. 1st Houtli street. AFlliHT CLASH Ollili in a small family call at .ri."i7 South Main. CMlOJleilltLfor general housework, 1Z E AO I HL tn take charge of children. Apnll E. M South. A 11 HL for general housework. Apply i - Third East. A GOOD SMiVANT GlllL. Apply at l (Sonlh Maine street. t l'HE GIRL, at 71 Centre street. BITUATIONS WA.vrEU. A SITUATION by a first class dnw-mak.- V Addrvss Henrietta Manderson, care of 1" Timks. AN EXPERIENCED HAUKEEl'ER ' situation in Bait Lake. Address Joun Walters, Denver. JI)ES1RE EMPLOYMENT in the 1 evening poetinn books. Am an experienced ant Address VV. H. H Times otHce. A FirUATXON. Try an advertisement in I'm ii. Times, 7 M PLOYMESt ON NEWSPAPER in erota country town by capable printer: m ''"fri reliable man; competent to take meoW"1"" charge; will make it of interest to riiit s J. e Burell, Kalt Lake t'ity-- - . To Tourists and Visitors to Salt Lake. You aro respectfully invited to visit our ollice, where you will receive 0 hearty welcome. We shall be glad to furnish information concerning the re-sources and attractions of Salt Lake and its surroundings, their agricultural, mining, stock and sheep raising and manufacturing interests, to ad in search of homos or seeking safe and lucrative investments tbr capital. In real estate wo have the largest list of property. carriages are nl the disposal of visitors. Call and see us. Ivospeotfully, Tub A. J. White Company. Kail road Tickets Bought, Sold And exchanged by J. K. Gillespie, mem-ber of tho American Ticket Brokers' As-sociation No. 211) Main street. The best lot of corn-fe- beef ever brought to the city can now be had at S. S. Dickenson & Co., cor. Main and 3rd South street. If you want fresh meatp and te very best in tho market, go to S. S. Dicken son & Co., cor. Miiin and 3rd South street. A I'cw Extra Piters. Elegant corner, one block from Utah Central Depot; two blocks from Temple, only fUXl per foot. 1 full bloeK, 4 half blocks, 0 quarter block, .in Plat C. 3 full block, 2 half blocks, 0 quarter blocks in Plat D. We have over 200 pieces to select from that w-- can deliver with certainty. 37 pieces on which we can secure 30 to 90 day contracts. Davis & Sthingt.r, 23 West Second South street. Second door east of Cullen Hotel. - l!:H Wanted For ten miles of street grading; apply to A. J . Du tton, ot ollice of Davis & Strinuor. il W. 2nd South St. The Continental. This hotd is the recognized hoad-quarter- s for commercial men and tourists. Centrally located, it is fur- - If You Want A good smoke, go to the Casino cigar store, 238 Main street, north of Walker Uouse. The A. J. White Ileal Estate Company, 31 East Second South street, the oldest real estate ollice iu the city. Established in 1SS0. We have 8o0,000 to loan on real estate. Fine briuk laud cheap. CaU and see our acreage. We have snaps. Call and see lots in Nelson & Early's subdivision. The abvivo property is side by W. II. White i Co. nisneti wnn everything pertaining to a first-clas- s hotel. For rooms nt anv time address G. S. Holmes, Manager Continental Hotel. For fresh poultry, fruits, flour and feed, together with all first class grocer-ies, coll at tho place of W. E. D. Bar-net- t, 59 E. Third South street. POSITION by two first class bread ani " 1 l akers. Address 212 W. South Teail'" -- room 7. FOB SALE. STOKES on Commercial st'reet and Third Revenue property. iiarf11" call on C. E. WantiantL ZUl Main streel-- J. I HAVE a choice lot of acreage and citjfTJj ertyfor sale. All particulars can i, from theowntr. at No. US East Becond strwt. Salt Lake City. - ALLEN REA have property for "'.'"JJJS parts of tint city which are ,f looking at. They also make loans on Tf on long time. Rooms 4 and S, bcoti-i- " block. - LOST. APOCKET-BOO- K containing ,T,rIr.t5rt metu of no wine to the "",--- , w nf f!0 will be puid for t- - nturd of tb Tag Tin oOice, John W. U i For hale. We con give special terms on the fol-lowing properties; call and investigate: 10x20 on 0th S.. bet. 5th and (ilh E. 2i,'x7i,' on 5th E., north of 5th S. 10x10 and 10x7). in rear on 3rd S., bet. 9th nnd 10th E. Lot 1, Blk 21). Pint G. 10x9 and 2 rod alley 7th E. and 8th and ' 0th S.' BxS Ut 0th pn.l 10th E. Rnd 1st and 2nd B. tf m M(nn, opp, WRt'-- ar i tmiw, ' . . Wanted to buy -- 10 ncres suitable for imtnedinto plntlimr in 5 nciv plat A. Address with rioe, teniis nnd tlescrlp t'oil. C. W., Ujv i'iTO. eity SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements nnderthis head will hecharced at tlie rate of ten cents per line for each insertion Noadvert.sement will fr less 25 cnts. Parties ailvertismB in this column hae their answers addressed care of Thk Ti mim! I'KRSOSALi V oily, wmhl uk in fortn ih acuinisunlvi, f lVmbiiiU ouiek job printar ) l'KIWOXAL. Mr. V. B. Stacy, a capitalist of large means, is at the Walker House. Mr. Stacy hails from Seattle, where he is largely interested in property. G. Taglenph tr i, Emmn Juch, Mrs. Augusta Juch, Charles E. Locke and Franz Vettn and wife are at the Walker House. Miss Juch is the wife of Mr. Locke. . ; Frank Knox, wife and child, lately of Kansas City, have arrived in Salt Lake. Mr. Knox is tho projector and probable president of the Natiounl Bank of the Republic, which will open for business in the Progress building, this city, about April 1st. KEAL KSTATK TKANKFEKS. Tho Instruments Filed yesterday Foot up Nearly 1200,000. The following real estoto transfers were tiled for record yesterday: A M I!ush ft al to W Km'm r, nil i f !o W to Jt Ij.k it I'ojpi Hem r.liwe nd $ 3.KJ0 S A Woolley (., h1 to. VI H Woolley, 10x12 rodslotlti liik I'Milat 1M7 A b bimowll to F Hoke, 11! r!B hy V. U feet lot 1 hlk tl'l pint a 1625 Harriet A 1'nrlri. tee to M.iry J Moon, fill of 11 JoU in (lurden City amended pint b StO LI' Core et nl to Lillian C Collins, till of lot blk A Core llolieit ml 700 3 L Cooper ot nl to K M Onion, nil of lotH S:l and .11 North KxiKlewood nil POO 3 H lirhnes h) J M Nelson, hi? or of sec hi tnUrlo 7000 N II Jensen and wf to J Junscn ct td, no qr of sec 2 t p s r 1 a ... 55.10 8,'rad L Hieite) et nl to O P Miles, half of lot! blk 32 pint d 8700 M rlrlmiidt et nl to () 1' Miliw, nil of lot 1 i ,lilk ill plat cor of 0 anil Hceoiid strict 0000 J llarvi'y anil wife to Martli!! Ellis, 5x10 rods, It H, hlk 11, pint f 125 Miireret R Elder el nl to J J Hnyd." x7 risis. It 5, lilk ill), plat a, corner 2nd went nnd Md south streets lO.OMl A lloerH and wife to L l Cndy, 7 rilsxiS ft, lot 1, blk (M, pint tt 1500 J .1 Hiiydcr to A C liorlcr, x7 roils, lot 5, lilk tiD, plain '. SHOO J et id to J J Critchlow, 5x10 rd, lot 5. blk-Il- plat a - SIM)" FOI'atu.n to 4 11 lliiw, 5x11 roils, lot8 hikaa, i.iatf sooo J II Heecu et at to W L VVelih, part of lot II. hlk 10, five-ne- plat ...-- . H00 LU Yoiiiik and wifci to (' 11 Ah y, all of lots ;I2 and 3:1, hlk 1, I'nrk Viw add. .. 1&0 i LCulpet nl to Mnnr LnrMin, :)xj:i2 ft, loui 1 mid K hlk 4, plut h 1100 L (1 Voiinu to J OlKun, all of lot 15 and 111 hlk 111, Handy plat 80 J Olson et al to Ida .Mi'Cleerj-- , all of lots ir. I t.t l.li, iMt u I.. ..I... iMl E A Hmith U(i ( Hurtun, all of lutn 1 nnd il,lilk7. !iil .1 J A JoluiHim mid wifo u CM Cupp, nil nf lots 1U, 11 nur,M, Wont Viewmiljili- - vimon ll0 W It MeKlrov l H P ICIiiiuiihW nl, It ) X7 lil I 'rk YWniM IMI A I'niwley el nl to E It l.iliiliuit, Iinrt It 2 li! I City Park will pi c 175 E W Wilmui iiml wife tn C Ihinnou, It III hi 4 Ontario will 4r0 V lleline In W Juuolwm, ft by 10 nl It :i hi tii pi ii nou Shinii l.iirnon ti li W Xnilor, :W ft liy 10 nl II 'I hi til pi . I ?m 0 It Kolliwell et Hi III l; 1' A Ml t ill. It VI 111 A City Pin k Kiih liOO ) N lii'Hpain to Ij I'. UoHpuiu, hw nr m:r I'l ISiirli! l'JO L'zin Eliireiltfe to K It Kiiirnln.', 5x10 nl II I hi 3 pi ii em ( anil H Temple 20,000 li Nohle mid wire to W C Ckrk, 0 I tck It l'( 111 111 .1 ll pi ll 1 VV C Cliirk to Mary It ( lurk, !, mnn hi is pi Hsu pia j::io A J Viuuey el in to U lIljJxinH et til, 10'ix :u ft it 4 iiha pi h awo S l'ienlierer toT It I'nrkH, It III ! Martin's nub pi 1000 F l HoliliB unil wile to D 8 liriiliii, 7x20 imiH ioIh fi unit t). nl ;io, Ij, cor Tliinl Ho mill Hixili anil Seventh ii K!r,0 T.t W.n:h lott 1. limivii, all of lot tl lil I.Vm , 4"(X) (' Hartley et al loT II .MeNair, rifixiKI nla lollbltr, h ; 2100 C Warnock In W lli'ikle,ull liilsltlauil 17 hi H. I'nrk View ml liiB W K'lllttroiii to! Hroekliauk. i'iiiIh lot Hlil 3 a WiO C tl Durn! to V. H l'aii n, all 1 (b iiml II (ilirilen City plat 50 3 1) Hpencer to li II ParBoiiB, CxlO nln lot 4 III Ml il 1000 1, IjAreheret 111 tod H Holm"", ail loin 14 lo 17 hi 1, Archer tit Ivullak'x hiiIiiI 111 4'ie 1275 11 1' lt!r!ianle( til loll K Kerrthaw, ll'ix 10 null- - lot 2 hi la ll. coiner 11 mill Tliinl itreetM ti'iW) .1 (:unn anil wifo to li .Martin, '.iltxMU ft. lot I hi 77 il 0C0 Marin Hehiieidor to 1 J Hlnrliiiek et at, H 1oIh7 iiml H hi II li.Teiilii li .1 Heventli mill liuhlli ho 10,000 A Mellne wf to li ll Woolley, lif It I 1)1 M pi Ii. ill!, ii, lint 1h( iiml .'nil S 2:,r,00 liil Vool!ey wf lo .ioii'rt Ha'in,;s Hank mulTiiist Co, hf It 4 hi 5s pi Ii 22,500 Iillen cliitniller lo Janu L Cliamiler, 11x5 pIk It I 1,1 10 i.I I, 1 A M Jamen to J Ki'ili'i, 1 au It 11 lil IH pi c 500 i: li .Muttliew to A T Copley, all lis 4 iiml 5 lil Wirieii will hi an pi f l.'OO A M Jrimiw et al to A M Hp.xiner, ail ll h 1 I. i 5 hi 1 Liinlen pk k.iIi S500 U wieky lo W H l'i rine, all lta .1 ami I ill I llosiilaie H'lli 5'i2 J M Kenneily wf toT J llervey et, al, all Il Hit lo 11, (' H Wellt'Hi.nli. lil ml pi c. . 1150 W.I linrveyel al to.) I Nell, all Us nil to II, C H IVelk'Hfuli, hi wi pi n 2500 Murirt Corlelt to W M Ma'i'.ti I.l, llxtt nls it 1 hi 2Jpl h, oor7lh tiiiml 5lli li MKIO Total Sl'.a.iW . SALT IMS EVENING TIMES. I ., AURIVALS AND CLOSE OF MAILS. of Hrrivnl and closinir of mnUo at the Citv l'ostoliloe March 0. mi. (Bchednle Arrive Clow Hails. at at Depot. Fstoifice 3 Kastorn, via U. P. H'y 2:10a.m. 7:10a.m. A hasten., via H. (i. W. B'y. . .. 8:55 p.m. 9:80 a.m. -i Western 10:90 a.m. :00p.in. f Han Francisco, uufced puuju 11:00 a.m. j Oirden 10:30 a.m. 7:10a.m. ' Udn Klp.m. OKden M0p.ra. thOOp.m. ' North and Northwest 7:00p.m. 4:1X1 p.m. Park City 10:30a.m. 7:10p.m. Talk City 4:00a.m. Hoathoru 6:50 p.m. 8:10 p.m. tiouthern, closed pouch, Mil- - fonl, Frisco aud beyond... 10:10a.m. 2:50p.m. Bingham Canyon and West Jordan 4:20 p.m. fl:40 a.m. Tooeleootinty :15p.m. 7:10a.m. .: Altaand Wasatoh 8:50 n.t. 0:10p.m. (tl General Delivery ....8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Carriers' window ....MIO p.m. to iWp.m. A Sunday and Holhlay hours.. .12:00 m. to 1:00 p.m. t , Looal mention lu this oolnmri wUi be carried ' It 25 cents ier line each insertion. t WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1800. COMIXU EVKNTN OK TIIK YVi:F.K. WKIINEHDAY, Opora of "Willinm Tell" ut Halt Lako tliwiler. A real estate exchange meetinff will he held this evening in the Chamber of Commerce. Tho Conureitationalisls will hold a husiuctw mooting this evening at Independence hull. Tho baseball plnyers hold another meeting in ' ;. the ball ovor tho Wostern Union ollioe tonight. tiiuhsdv. Opera of "Mittnon" at Salt Luko theater. I Kill DAY. 1.. Elder Win. M. rainier liwtures in tho evening in tho Seventeenth wnrd solmolhotiso on "Tho i 'i- -; vine Mission of Joseph Hmith, nud Aiitl'enlieity ; of the Hook of Mormon." The' Optra of "Carmen" at tho Bait Lake .v theater. Tho Bait Lake Unn club will hold its Orst reKU-l-shoot at 2:30 p. m. at tho Hot Springs. Weather ltulletln. . Roports received at Salt Lalto City Utah, March 10, 1800, at 8 a.m.: ' Salt Luko CRy, 48; Helena, 41; Ft. ! Custer, 30. Eleven o'clock report: Suit Lako, 44; Ogdon, 45; Provo, 54. 'ITY AFFAIHS. , ISualtifvui TninuiK'teil ly tho City Council Bt llm Urguliir Weekly Meeting. Tho most important business tran-sacted by the city council last evening was as follows: Claries Hiildwin and others asked that tho Rrntlo of Twelfth East street be as they woro about to build houses thero. Iteferrod. Mr. Orillilhs and others called the at-tention of the council to tho bud condi-tion of 8ixth VVestRtreot, which has been ciused by work done by the Rio (Jrnii'le Western railway. They psked that tho street bo repaired, and that the electric light bo extended in that vicinity. Re-ferred. The Commercial National bank was granted iiermiwiioii to pilo building ma-terial in front of the buildings to be erected on tho corner of Commercial and wind .South streets. The chamber of commerce directors anked the council to adopt a protest to conKrofs against the Women's Indufitrial Homo location for the federal building-The-charged thct the suhemers were actuated by "inoToonnry molivcs." Tho coun iil wanted proof of this charge. In-stead of adopting the protest, the coun-cil, nn the suggestion of Mr. Hall, con-cluded to nppoint a committeo to draft a memorial, simply stilting that tho In-dustrial Homo site is too far from tho business center. W. H. Shearman and others eallcd the attention of tho council to tho fact that thero was a small strip of land ad-joining their promises on Arsenal hill owned by tho city. They aakod that it bo deeded to them. They thought they were entitled to it for tho reauon that tho frontago on the street naturally fell to thorn. Referred. A committeo from tho chamber of commorco asked that an evening bo set opart for the consideration of tho health ordinance Friday was named. A lar;;o number of residents ot Second South and Third West Htroots protested against the granting of tho riht of way to the Wyoming, Salt Lalto & California railway company. Tabled. Marshal Voting asked that sonio im-provement bo made in the condition ol Washington squaro. The coin m ittees on waterworks sub-mitted tho following: Your comtnittoo on waterworks,' after careful examination of tho sevouil peti-tions named bolow, beg leave to report as follows: That M- Fitzgerald bo granted permis-sion to tap tho main on payment of his proportion cf tho lax. That the petition of John Ruckle and othors usking an extension of tho water mains, be granted. On tho petition of R. C. Woodruff and nine others, that it bo fc runted for house-hold purposes only,and that the recorder bo requested to publish notice of aHsesB-men- t. On the polition of K. I). R. Thompson and others, that tho samo bo granted, mid that the recorder publish notice of liH.seiwmeljt. On tho petition of John II. Raid win and otheni, that tho piimo be granted. On tho petition of Henry Raddon and others, that it bo grunted upon tho arri-val of tho pipe. On tho petition of O. II. Tettit and others, in relation to the primary rights of residents in pints A and D, lifter con-sultation with llio city attorney we beg loavo to report that the city has had con-trol and pt eset'sion of all waters (lowing in City Creek ennori mill conducted tho samo through pipes sinco ISto', and if the said petilioiie.o nave had any primary rights to said water they have lost tho same by the ttatute of limitations. Adopted. The petition of tho Wyoming, Salt Luke & California Railway company for right of wny was retimed. Tho quest ion of compelling the various railways to properly plank crossings, etc., was referred to tho lit toruoy, with instructions to report his findings to the council. The eleven policsmen nominated for positions on trio police force a week were continued on recouimomla tion of tho committee on police. Tho report of tho r.uperintoiulent of powers showed that the total amount of 8107,01 l.liU had been expended to date. Tho committee on municipal laws recommended that tho liquor ordinance bo amended so as to prevent the fre-quenting of saloons by minors, Indians and females after the hour of 0 p.m. The ordinance was amended and passed in conformity with tho recommenda- - tioliS. iho report of the street supervisor from January 1 to March 15, bhowed a total expenditure of tflO.vlS during that time. The committee on streets recommend-ed that, tho mayor call for bids for a 20-to- n steam roller and submit the same to tho council. Adopted. Tho sum of 8S23 was appropriated to equip tho ollieo of tho city survoyor. The committee on ways and menus recommended that tho mayor give the notice required by ordinance relative to sprinkling tho Btreets. Adopted. The city attorney reported that John Writ berg had no shadow of a claim against tho city for a certain lot, which he asked to be given him. In reference to tho light of the city to dinpoiso of the blocks now useii by the territory as fair grounds nnd by the Des-ere- t university, the attorney reportod that there could bo no action tiiUon in either case, as tho contract:) with tho city had been legally fulfilled. He reported that William Lowe, tho member of the legislature who was recently injured by falling down a stair-way, had no legal claim for damages. He recommended that the petition of Hubert Prico fer a certain deed be granted. lie also presented nn ordinance in ref-erence to the tine of sowers, which was revd tho lird timo and made special order for Tuesday next. A resolution ottered by Mr. James to the ell'eot that no application for deeds wiil be considered unless nn abstract of title be furnished, was adopted. The mayor was authorized to purchase ten iron sprinkling carts. A resolution prohibiting bicycle riding on certain sidewalk was referred to tho committee ou rtreots. Peter Van Houghton was appointed supiie.rin11te.1n1d.e.n.t of . sower co.n.s.truction. air. ruin presenieu tne iollowing: Kesolved, That the city surveyor be instructed to see that tho streets" of all plats of additions or subdivisions of city lots conform us nearly as possible to ex-tensions of streets ulready laid out and established by tho various plants ot the city before be approved of such new plats or subdivisions, and that he confer with tho probate judo of this county aud try and secure harmony iu plats approved by him with the possible extensions of other streets. Adjourned until Friday evening, w hen the health ordinance will be considered. REAL ESTATE SXAPS. No Trouble to Show Property Call and See Us. 10x10 rods corner of 10th and K, facing south ana west. Price, !0C0;$bT)0 cash, $350 sixty days, 41500 in one year at 8 per cent. 05x105 south front Gth So. bet 1st and 2d East, ?100 per foot. 80 acres on State road eight miles out, $175 per acre. This is a snap. Lots in Jennings addition, $200 per lot. Lots Nelson & Early's uddition. Look them up. 0x11 rods So East, part lot 1 block 155, plat A; price SIMX). LotU block 115 plat A, price $1500, half cash, bal 1 year. G lots in Heath subdivision, $000 per lot. v Lots 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, in block 24, Geneva addition, $1200 per two lots. 51x105 feet, being part of lot !J, block 13, plat F, with brick cottage of 4 rooms nnd 2 closets; fruit trees und grape vines; no finer view in the city; on Cth South, between 10th and 11th East. Price, 81'XX). 053xl;5 feet, boing part of lot 3, block 13, plat F, with brick cottage and 2 closets; tine view; on 0th South, be-tween 10th nnd 11th East. Price, $4000. East half of block 110, plat D, $1200; good terms. lilock 114, plat D, $20,000; good terms. Ulock 13'.), plat 0,$ 11,000; good twrnis. Lnt 2, block 141, plat D, $1'J50; ono-thir- d cash. Lot 3, block 141, plat D, $1750; ono-thir- d cash. !)Uxl32 feet, east part of lot 4, block 38, plat C. Price, $1500; balance 1 and 2 years. 3)x7 rods, middlo of lot 8, block 20, plat li, on 10th East, botween 1 and 5th South, faces east, $1050; good tetms. All of lot 3 und west halt of lot 4, block 2H plat O, $3000; goodiorms. 5x10 rods, part of lot 8, block 11, plut F, $2250; good terms. 10x13 roils 2nd Eabt nnd 7th South. 10 rods faces west and 13 rods faces south; $IH,(KH), very good terms. 10x20 rods, 0th and 7th South, faces south and west. Price $20,1X0, good terms. 50x150 feet, with new brick cottage, 4 rojtns and 2 closets; $2500. Have two of those alongside of e..Bt other on 7th West. 20 rods on 7th West, bet. 7th aud 8th South; 100 por rod; nice high land. 300 uiU in Sulphur Springs will closo out at low figure. 100 acres in sec. 8, township 1 north, range 1 west, 2 miles from city limits, at $i5 per aero small cash payment und good tern 8. 120 acres in see. 8, 2! miles from city limits, $00 per acre; 320 acres in same seetioii,8XJ per acre small cash payments and good terms. Lot 1, blk 187 $1750, . cash, bnl. 6, 12, 18 months, 0 per cont. Only April 1st. Lot 0, 7 West Tom-pi- e add. Price $1400. Cash $500, bal. on timo. W. n. White &. Co., 75 E. 3rd South Street. iWril'E! To Piirtlinscra of Wostlalie Lots, All persons who have purchased West-lak- o lots on the installment plan must pay up by or before April J, 1800, or their lots shall bo considered forfeited, unless by tho terms of their contract tho full amount if paid when duo would not by that time lw payable. This is imper-ative as matters are ro shaping that the lots aro increasing trroHly in value. II. N. UiiKKN, Agent. 274 Main St. - - 4 " local iu:iiViTii;s4. ; Kit) Grando Western No. 1 ia reported ''' two hours and a quarter late today. ' Thero aro messages lit tho Western Union ollice for Frank Hodgman nnd I Charles W. Mills. L. D. Kinney, Frank Ilodgman nnd II. D. Martin will Hud moi'sagoa for thorn ut i ' the Western Union ollice. if Morris Sommor, lato of Denver, will V Una week open un agency in Salt Lako of tho New England Accident Insurance !' company. Alphretta Smith, who flourished 11 pistol to frighten awny n lot of hood - luma who were throwing stones at her ' house, was lined $5 by CommiKsioner ; Greenman. . This morning in the third district court William II. Dent obtained a judi-cial docision in his favor 'in his suit against E. A. Ileed of Ogden for breach of contract in n real estate deal. The directors of tho street railway " ' company last evening eluded A. V. McCuno president, and K. C. Chambers Mr. ll'icon takes tho s' place of Mr. DinwooJy in the directory. The Star Debating Club hold anot her entertaining meeting hiBt evening. Tho meetings of this club are becoming qtiilo popular with its membors, nnd alford an evening of amusement and instruction ; to the young men who caro to avail thomRelvos of the opportunity thuB pro- - v seti ted. ' The Bullion-Iiee- k A California Mining compnny has brought suit against tho ? ' liulliou-Ueo- A Champion Mining com-- s pany, Mosos Thatcher, W.m. P. Preston, John Ilock and Alonzo E. Hyde, asking for nn ncoountiug for $200,01X1 and for Hpecilio performance of contract to ctm-"- , ' vey certain interests claimed by the plaintiU. The petition of plaintilTcliarges X ' fraudulent management on the part of f tho defendants. I Maggie Copo was arrested last evoning I for throwing 11 pail of hot water over several persons at the Colorado house, t While on the way to tho jail bIio fell, and I the ollioor supposing that sho was inlox-- ; icnted nlaocd her in a curt. When tho conveyance roochod the jail, tho woman was found to be dead. She died of apoplexy. She wa3 a sutroror from a "disease, and her body was in n i horrible condition. , "lllflor.KTTo" AT Til K SALT LAIiR TIIKATI'.II. Those of our music loving citizens who wero not at the Salt Lako theater last evening missed a rare treat. Tho house was not nearly filled above tho dross circle, but in this anil the parquette overy seat was tnkon. Verdi's "Kigo-letto,- " ns sung by the Emma Juch com-pany, has seldom been rendered more attractively in this city. Tho iiiunic of this opera is peculiarly sweet, mid the duets and quartettes are bo numerous that 0110 in fairly overwhelmed with mel-ody. "Gilda" appears to be always on the stage, and us sung by Juuh lad night this charming character wan portrayed by h lovely woman in a moat lovable mtinner. Juch's voice in u beautiful soprano of tho tirnt orilr, and her training has been such Hint sheusns it to the very best advantage. Her iluetfl with her father and the qua.-tott- in the last seeno, where tho voices of "Gilda," "Kigoletto," "Madelena" nud tho duke 001110 together in such wonderful melody were rapturously received, and the quar-tette was repeated in response to an en-core. J uch as 011 nctrosi, aside from her delightful voice, is vory tine. Her grace and beauty; her charming facial exprea-Bin- n oud her general make up entirely won her audience, anil throughout tho opera she wits ulivavs in perfect sym-pathy with the spectators. Togliapietra was nt his best hist even-ing. His niagniliceiit baritone voice hns not deteriorated a whit sinco the days wiion he captured all New York by his m.igieol singing. As "Uigolotto" ho is very elTeclive, and his acting is fully equal to every cull made upon it. lie ib an able support to Juch, and in the scenes between father and daughter, even tho beauty of Verdi's sweet strains was lost sight of in tho consummate acting of tho two. Heilmondt has u good tenor voice and he uses it well. As the inconstant duke he acted and Bang linoly and received a proper degree of appreciation from his audience, in the scene with "Made-lena" he wna the ardent lover to perfec-tion; and the lady was pe.iially good in her portrayal of tho coy maiden. Miss Macnichol has a pure Im; rather weak contralto voice, and perlu ps in another opera whore she would 'aivo more to do she would appear to better advantage. Vetto's bir-- is worthy of all commenda-tion, and his representation of the bravo who hires himself out to murder was fully up to the mark. The choruses were giMid and the cost union line. Alto-gether Verdi has seldom found better interpreters than those who compose the dtieu company. Tine Times takes pleasure in informing its readers that one more night of opera is assured. Friday evening Juoli will appear in 'Carmen," and thos-- who havo heard the Italy in this role will bo delighted at the prospect of a repetition of the opera. By nn arrangement w ith he Union Paciiic, a train made up for the trou 110 wiil leave Suit Lithe imtno-diati'I-alter tho close of tho theatre Friday night nnd run through to Chey-enne on siiectal schedule, arriving there in time for a performance tho same evening, thus milking no encroachment on the advertised dates for Cheyenne. Tonight "William Tell." AT THE HOTELS. Mrs. T, Shnw, Omaha; V. C. Hainan, Denver; Al. E. Uilmore, San Franeiaco; ( .' L. 13. Mattison, Uochester, are at the Metropolitan. Pat. O'Brien, Denver; C. Brooks, Chi-- . cugo; C. St. John, St. Loiub; J. E. Wise, 1'rovo, and a portion of the Jucli coin- - f, puny are at the Valley House, j J. J. Patterson, Denver; C. P. OIs.n 5 and Miss Anderson, Ijogan; Jamos Dob-so- Park City; F. A. Stephens, (irocn Kiver, Utah, und a portion of tho Jiieh company are jruosts of the White Mouse. . . . Iiogisterod at tho Cullon housn are ( !. a, Prowse and wifo, Denver; A. li. Liggett, Wyoming; Joe Edwards, New York; A. D. Holdaway, Provo; C. W. IlinchchfTe. wife nnd two children, Austin, Nov.; P. F. Loary, Idaho Springs, (!o.; W. A. Alters, Mont., and W alter II. Brooks, Sun Francisco. Among the roeont arrivals registered the Continental this morning lire W. It. Williams and 11. 15. Barnes, Chicago; C. N. Helwig, Pittsburg, Pa.; Boyd Clarke and Frank Knox, wife and child. Kansas City; S. K. Garwood S. P. New i York; .Taiuea J. Evans, Los Angeles; F. W. Calkins and Mrs. S. Baker, Denver; J. T. Davif, Omaha; Charles A. Tewks-liury- , Park City, and n portion ot tho Juch opora company. A. E. Hoiicock, tluray, Colo.; J. Fow-ler, Cori line, Utah ; J. Thompson, Den-ver; Wm. Cunnington, Park City; S. C. White, Pocatollo; W. J. Williams, San ' Francisco; Leonard (. ( love, Leadvillo; R. L. Jones, Mrs. M. E. Cemp, Aspen, Colo.; Thomas Harris, John P. Gillespie, Y New York; P. S. Trowbridge, A. Lo Feber, Milwaukee; C. S. Ford, liny City, - Mich.; A. M. Johnson, Butte; George E ! Shoon, Golconda, III., have rooms at the I CI: ft liouso. Tho arrivals registered nt the Walker i- House this morning include J. J. Fitz- - perald and W. J. Carroll, Omaha; Milton '. - Moss and L. D. Fullmer, San Francisco; J M. li. Buford, Promontory, Utah; F. T. f Hhorteli and M. Silverthan, Now York; " L. A. Colwell and wife, Detroit; M. X. 5 Btone, Virginia City, Nov.; J.J. Hognn f nd N. B. Holwtiv and wife, La Cropse, t Wis-- ; Robert E. Woodson, St. Louis; W. v F. Kargept, Kansas City, und Edward I. I Cioixlkind, Bismarck, N. D. - Notice of Itciiumil. I have reiAoved my oflice to corner of Main and Second South streets, room 20, second lloor over Union Pucifio freight ollieea, in Wasatch building, where I shall l)e pleased to see my friends and patrons. Take the elevator. tf ; J. C. CONKUN. w Styles in Millinen May be seen at Mrs. H. Christy's. No. 31 West First street New novelties and designs of spring fashions daily received. Oftireut Iso. The real estate agents' directory, to ba printed on eurdbonrd, and hung "in tho ollices and public places of the city. ... ('ent'cuiin's Driving Horse. An elegant blood-boy- , black points, well bred; may be bought for $,"00 (hall his value) if Liken within a few days. Also n very tine durK-'ine- two-seate- d, cut-und- carriage, with pole nnd shafts, built to order. Also a light buckbonrd, used but little nnd perfect. Also o large Herring Rfo wittt Bteel chest and two Hrnt claw cnmblnntion Irt-lt- . All'fulmva m-i- tia Ken fuf n few l)lsrh:ir(;eil from Cuitoily. This morning Justice Langy dismissed tho churt.'cs againtt Vinlleld Scott Key-n- Is nnd the prisoner was d'sehnrged. Kroln the evidence intrt duced bv the defetine nt the rxtiniinntinn tho justice was of otiin'.jn that etiirido wns the Cfi'.isoof Matliien'a death, nnd that Hey-hol- d wa innni'r,t. nf any "gaiplicityi p.. " ' f JtulKsti Afi utV Wrcntory. , This is in' ended for the uso or real es- - F" t ile agent", and it is bl be issued under f ti" Biispieosot ThbTimi-m- ThecliBrgo; will be 01.50 fo.' each nddfep. l'ho tlirrrtory wiil hoW nil reiinuiWo |