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Show 4 - - - " local iu:iiViTii;s4. ; Kit) Grando Western No. 1 ia reported ''' two hours and a quarter late today. ' Thero aro messages lit tho Western Union ollice for Frank Hodgman nnd I Charles W. Mills. L. D. Kinney, Frank Ilodgman nnd II. D. Martin will Hud moi'sagoa for thorn ut i ' the Western Union ollice. if Morris Sommor, lato of Denver, will V Una week open un agency in Salt Lako of tho New England Accident Insurance !' company. Alphretta Smith, who flourished 11 pistol to frighten awny n lot of hood - luma who were throwing stones at her ' house, was lined $5 by CommiKsioner ; Greenman. . 1 This morning in the third district court William II. Dent obtained a judicial judi-cial docision in his favor 'in his suit against E. A. Ileed of Ogden for breach of contract in n real estate deal. The directors of tho street railway " ' company last evening eluded A. V. McCuno president, and K. C. Chambers vice-president Mr. ll'icon takes tho s' place of Mr. DinwooJy in the directory. The Star Debating Club hold anot her entertaining meeting hiBt evening. Tho meetings of this club are becoming qtiilo . popular with its membors, nnd alford an '. evening of amusement and instruction ; to the young men who caro to avail thomRelvos of the opportunity thuB pro- v seti ted. ' The Bullion-Iieek A California Mining compnny has brought suit against tho ? ' liulliou-Ueok A Champion Mining com-s com-s pany, Mosos Thatcher, W.m. P. Preston, John Ilock and Alonzo E. Hyde, asking for nn ncoountiug for $200,01X1 and for Hpecilio performance of contract to ctm-", ctm-", ' vey certain interests claimed by the plaintiU. The petition of plaintilTcliarges X ' fraudulent management on the part of f tho defendants. I Maggie Copo was arrested last evoning I . for throwing 11 pail of hot water over several persons at the Colorado house, t While on the way to tho jail bIio fell, and I . the ollioor supposing that sho was inlox-; inlox-; icnted nlaocd her in a curt. When tho conveyance roochod the jail, tho woman was found to be dead. She died of apoplexy. She wa3 a sutroror from a ro-pulsive ro-pulsive "disease, and her body was in n i horrible condition. , . , |