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Show 'ITY AFFAIHS. , ISualtifvui TninuiK'teil ly tho City Council Bt llm Urguliir Weekly Meeting. Tho most important business transacted tran-sacted by the city council last evening was as follows: Claries Hiildwin and others asked that tho Rrntlo of Twelfth East street be es-tublwliod, es-tublwliod, as they woro about to build houses thero. Iteferrod. Mr. Orillilhs and others called the attention at-tention of the council to tho bud condition condi-tion of 8ixth VVestRtreot, which has been ciused by work done by the Rio (Jrnii'le Western railway. They psked that tho street bo repaired, and that the electric light bo extended in that vicinity. Referred. Re-ferred. The Commercial National bank was granted iiermiwiioii to pilo building material ma-terial in front of the buildings to be erected on tho corner of Commercial and wind .South streets. The chamber of commerce directors anked the council to adopt a protest to conKrofs against the Women's Indufitrial Homo location for the federal building-They building-They charged thct the suhemers were actuated by "inoToonnry molivcs." Tho coun iil wanted proof of this charge. Instead In-stead of adopting the protest, the council, coun-cil, nn the suggestion of Mr. Hall, concluded con-cluded to nppoint a committeo to draft a memorial, simply stilting that tho Industrial In-dustrial Homo site is too far from tho business center. W. H. Shearman and others eallcd the attention of tho council to tho fact that thero was a small strip of land adjoining ad-joining their promises on Arsenal hill owned by tho city. They aakod that it bo deeded to them. They thought they were entitled to it for tho reauon that tho frontago on the street naturally fell to thorn. Referred. A committeo from tho chamber of commorco asked that an evening bo set opart for the consideration of tho health ordinance Friday was named. A lar;;o number of residents ot Second South and Third West Htroots protested against the granting of tho riht of way to the Wyoming, Salt Lalto & California railway company. Tabled. Marshal Voting asked that sonio improvement im-provement bo made in the condition ol Washington squaro. The coin m ittees on waterworks submitted sub-mitted tho following: Your comtnittoo on waterworks,' after careful examination of tho sevouil petitions peti-tions named bolow, beg leave to report as follows: That M- Fitzgerald bo granted permission permis-sion to tap tho main on payment of his proportion cf tho lax. That the petition of John Ruckle and othors usking an extension of tho water mains, be granted. On tho petition of R. C. Woodruff and nine others, that it bo fc -runted for household house-hold purposes only,and that the recorder bo requested to publish notice of aHsesB-ment. aHsesB-ment. On the polition of K. I). R. Thompson and others, that tho samo bo granted, mid that the recorder publish notice of liH.seiwmeljt. On tho petition of John II. Raid win and otheni, that tho piimo be granted. On tho petition of Henry Raddon and others, that it bo grunted upon tho arrival arri-val of tho pipe. On tho petition of O. II. Tettit and others, in relation to the primary rights of residents in pints A and D, lifter consultation con-sultation with llio city attorney we beg loavo to report that the city has had control con-trol and pt eset'sion of all waters (lowing in City Creek ennori mill conducted tho samo through pipes sinco ISto', and if the said petilioiie.o nave had any primary rights to said water they have lost tho same by the ttatute of limitations. Adopted. The petition of tho Wyoming, Salt Luke & California Railway company for right of wny was retimed. Tho quest ion of compelling the various railways to properly plank crossings, etc., was referred to tho lit toruoy, with instructions to report his findings to the council. The eleven policsmen nominated for positions on trio police force a week pro-vioun, pro-vioun, were continued on recouimomla tion of tho committee on police. Tho report of tho r.uperintoiulent of powers showed that the total amount of 8107,01 l.liU had been expended to date. Tho committee on municipal laws recommended that tho liquor ordinance bo amended so as to prevent the frequenting fre-quenting of saloons by minors, Indians and females after the hour of 0 p.m. The ordinance was amended and passed in conformity with tho recommenda- tioliS. iho report of the street supervisor from January 1 to March 15, bhowed a total expenditure of tflO.vlS during that time. The committee on streets recommended recommend-ed that, tho mayor call for bids for a 20-ton 20-ton steam roller and submit the same to tho council. Adopted. Tho sum of 8S23 was appropriated to equip tho ollieo of tho city survoyor. The committee on ways and menus recommended that tho mayor give the notice required by ordinance relative to sprinkling tho Btreets. Adopted. The city attorney reported that John Writ berg had no shadow of a claim against tho city for a certain lot, which he asked to be given him. In reference to tho light of the city to dinpoiso of the blocks now useii by the territory as fair grounds nnd by the Des-eret Des-eret university, the attorney reportod that there could bo no action tiiUon in either case, as tho contract:) with tho city had been legally fulfilled. He reported that William Lowe, tho member of the legislature who was recently injured by falling down a stairway, stair-way, had no legal claim for damages. He recommended that the petition of Hubert Prico fer a certain deed be granted. lie also presented nn ordinance in reference ref-erence to the tine of sowers, which was revd tho lird timo and made special order for Tuesday next. A resolution ottered by Mr. James to the ell'eot that no application for deeds wiil be considered unless nn abstract of title be furnished, was adopted. The mayor was authorized to purchase ten iron sprinkling carts. A resolution prohibiting bicycle riding on certain sidewalk was referred to tho committee ou rtreots. Peter Van Houghton was appointed superintendent of sower construction. ii. 11 .11 . . . . ... air. ruin presenieu tne iollowing: Kesolved, That the city surveyor be instructed to see that tho streets" of all plats of additions or subdivisions of city lots conform us nearly as possible to extensions ex-tensions of streets ulready laid out and established by tho various plants ot the city before be approved of such new plats or subdivisions, and that he confer with tho probate judo of this county aud try and secure harmony iu plats approved by him with the possible extensions of other streets. Adjourned until Friday evening, w hen the health ordinance will be considered. |