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Show WELLS, FARGO &C0'S Salt lake City, - - - - - - Vtah TUYS AND SELLS EXCHANGE,. MAKES li telegraphic transfers on the principal cities of the United States and Europe, and on all point on the Pacific Coast. n.-t. Issues letters of credit, available in the principal prin-cipal cities of the world. , Hiiecial attention given to the selling of ores and bullion. . i. Advances made on consignment at lowest "Articular attention given to collections hroughoot Utah, Nevada and adjoining lern-onee. lern-onee. Accounts solicited. oobbespondkntb: Wells, Fargo Co i,LvdS Wells, Fargo & Co New York Maverick National Bank Boston First National Bank Omaha First National Bank ;'.nver Merchant's National Bank hicago Boatmen's Savings Bank St. Louis Wells, Fargo A Co San i rancisoo 7. E. POCOlfg. .grent. SEARS &CO 215 Ma.n Staeet, Have the E.Tclu8;ve sale on a largo list of property and will be glad to show them. Call now while our Lists are in shpe. GEORGE A. LOWE, Dealer in All Kinds of First Class Agricultural Implements, SCIIUTTLER FARM AND FRKlGIISJVAGOXS, CoHiis Bii Riastons ai Road Carts of every description. Steam Engines, Leffel Wheels. WAREHOUSES STATE ROAD BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND SOUTH. Union National Bank. SALT LAKE CITY. Capital - $-100,000.00 United States Depository Sato Deposit Vault, Abwlutely Fire and Burglar Proof. Boxes from 85.0C to e25.00 per Year. Careful and Prompt Attention Given TO COLLECTIONS. ;-ComMcial National Bank- OF SALT LAKE CITY. Capital $250,000.00 No. 11 E. First South street. EIEECTOR3 : H. G, Tialch, Pres't. G. M. Downey, Vice-IWt rhos. JTar-ihal. F. E. Scrymsor, F. H. Auerbach, D. C, Bacon, John J. Daly, W. P. Nobis, J. W. Donnollan, Cashier, Transacts a general banking business in all branches. Sells Sight Drafts on the principal cities of the world. Issues Circular Letters of Credit and Postal Money Orders on all parts of Europe and the Orient. Collections promptly attended at-tended to. Loans money at the lowest rates and on the best terms prevailing in this market. SEARS & CO. 245 - MAIN STREET. KELLY & COMPANY Printers, Blank-Booh Makers and Stationers. No. 4G W. Second Sou th St., Salt Lake, - Utah ODH facilities for doing first-class Job Prim mgaroof the newest and boat,, Mlrlm-QOOKB Mlrlm-QOOKB ltnled, l'riiitnl and Hound to Order D (temples of Ita lrom . Mining lLnk Z Mercantile Work always on hand ' and COMPLETE line of Oilice Supplies, m,rac. in he most approved Uibor-saving and economical inventions. B Mu PRICES LOW. CALL ON rjS. H Ell CLARK --THE TAILOR. 20 E.' First South Street. Vfi. mm & sos, XJITDE RTAKER Keep Constantly on band a full line of Metalic and Wood Burial Case AND CASKETS. n?Spei,iil attention pn!d to embalming embalm-ing an"1 prepiiiriiig bodies for shioinent. .4 II THIRD SOUTH STREET. Tlellwin- U". lAMES H. BAOOH, V BANK L. HoLLAHD President. Casbier. Bank of Salt Lake. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. General Banking Business Transacted. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Exchange Bought and Sold. , Money to Lend on Real Estate from one to five years time. McCORNICK & CO., SALT LAKE, UTAH Corofhl attention given to the sale of Ores and Bullion. We solicit consignment guaranteeing guar-anteeing highest market price. COLLECTIONS MADEJT LOWEST RATES ACTIVE ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENTS: New York Imp. and Trad, Nat. Hank, Chemical Nat. Hank, Kountzo Hrrs. ( 1 1 icno ( 'cm morcia 1 N at. Hank . Han Francisco First Mat. Hank, Crockor-Woodworth Crockor-Woodworth Nat.. Hank. Omaha Omaha Nat. Hank. Ht. Lonis Suite Hank of St, Louis. Kansas City Nat. Hank of KanHasCity. Denver Denver Nat. Hank, City Nat . Hunk London, Kngland - Messrs. Martin & Co., 33 Lombard Street. Sjarlli Diamonfls, Fine teles, Charms, Silverware Solid, and. UPlated, and. an Endless "Variety of Jewelry in New ai Artistic Designs i FOR THEilHOLI DAYS, i ... Qur Stock of Stmvcrnirs are Beyond Question 5lll''i)i' 1 ny Heretofore Shown In This Country, all at Our Booms ami Sec the Offering.' 0. L ELIASON,;:::::::::::: IsTo. 220 Eain St. - - - Opposite I3. O. Utah Title Insurance & Trust Co., 8 West 2nd Soutli St., Salt Lake City, Utah. OFFICERS AND STOCKHOLDERS. John E. Dooloy, President. L. S. Hills, Vice-President, A. L. Thomas, Secretary. INCORPORATORS. P. II. Auorbach, Morehant. W. S. MeCornick, Banker. lv. C. Chambers, Ontario Mining Co. W. II. Ilowe, Merchant. John J !iily, Capitalist. James Sharp, Utah Central Railroad. J. K. Dooloy, Cashier Wolls, Fargo & Co. E. A. Smith, Cashier Deserot Savings W. C. Hall, Attornoy. Bnnk. L. S. Hills, Cashier Deseret National Arthur L. Thomas, Governor of Utah. Bank. J. R. Walker, Union National Bank. John A. Marshall Probate Judge. T. G. Wobber, Sup't Z. C. M. I. Attorney, John A. Marshall. THE SALT LAKE ABSTRACT, TITLE, GUARANTY AND TRUST-:-COMPANY, (Formorly Harvey, Neil & Co.) SS5 S. Main. Street. CAPITAL 5100,000.00. ncojporated under the laws of Utah Territory. Males Correct Abstracts or Title., Mi all Errors. Titles to Real Estate and Mortgages Mort-gages Thoroughly Examined and Insured. INSURES ngninst loss by Mechanics Liens and decedent's debls. Hents boxes (latest improved Dictmld) in its fire-protf vault, and does an escrow business. Ants as Kxeen'or, Administrator, (iuarilinn. AssiKnee. Receiver, etc., etc., and executes trusts of every kind. Holding Trust Funds separate from' al! Other Assets of the COnpany, And Totaininff an conniwl the Attorney through whor 1 tho ImsinoKB comet. Collects ihteriwtH on income and transacts all other buRinoKs authorized by itfl chtirter. Hills receipted for und safely kept whhout phtir6 JOUErii H. SMITH, riwident Denver, Colo., WILLIAM J. HARVEY, Vice President aod Manager. JOHN W. NEKF. Treasurer ana As't Manager, EDWARD W. UENTElt, Secretary and Abstract OtKcar. MOBLE, WOOD & CO., The only Exclusive Hatters in Salt Lake Yonman's Oeleprnted lints, best in the World. Specially Manufactured fur fiublo, WoodiCo,. Bait ljike City. Utah. E.SELL8. J.TUCKElt. BJ, W. SELLS Sells & Corripany, -:- Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lumber -:- First South Street, Opp. 11th Ward Assembly Rooms.! P. 0. Hox 1078. , Old Pioneer Yard of Armstrong & Bagler. B HARLOW, I d.W. Farrell & Co Allien, Gas & Steam Filters, Dealers in all kinda of Lift and Force Pumps Orders taken for drive and duff wellsJ Cespools built and connectit na made. I elephone -iOJ I ISTMnin 81,. Opp . Anerb chores 1 Utah Cracker Factory, Manufacturers of the celebrated Silver Grand of Fine Suit Lake City. These (roods ere old by: Z. ('. M. 1., Remington, Johnson A Kfthn Hros., Co., 8. P. Tenndell, CnnniiiRton A Co., Barnes A Dims, G. F. I'uliner & Bros., Clark, EMridge & Co., Bait Lake City. Z. C. ST. I., J. Scoweroft 4 Sons, O. Tolmie, H. L. Griffin, Uumrthwaite, Kich W. Kay, Geo. M. Soott, Prest. Jas. Clknuinmng, Vicc-Fresr. II. 9. IIumkikld, Secy. EEEGEO. M. SCOTT & CCEEEr (INUOKPOKATED). -DEALERS I1T- Hardware and Metal, Stoves, Tinware, Mill Findings, Etc, AGENTS FOtt the Podge AVood Pulley, Itoebling's Steele Wire Rupe, Vacuum Cylinder nutl Engine Oils, Hercules Powder, Atlas Engines and Boilers, Boil-ers, Mack Injectors. Unil'alo Scales, Jefferson Horse Whim, B!'ike Pumps Miners' and Blacksmiths' Tools, Etc, 163 MAIN STREET. Salt Iakc City, - - Utah. dtah m wm . 45SWet Tcsiple. Branch Cffice, Gardner's, KUKainlSt. HwU yutU q uil gui.d toyiits. Terpbtip 4U, i Jaa Vork a Specialty, i Price & Clark, Dealers In I I '1 Poultry and all Kinds ofJv FRCrrS, VEGETABLES, EPO, IN SEASON, o. .'.8 W. Fitat South Street, Oppoeit Kimlwll Block. L, IL. COLORADO AGENCY LOUISIANA STATE LOT. TEST COMPANY, Tickets sold and information famished. Telegraphic Tel-egraphic reports received the same day of drawing draw-ing anil fnrnished to all who purchase tickets of me. Official lists of all drawings furnished on application and mailed to all out of town pnr- j chasers. I will cash prizes that may be drawn bj tickets sold bv me, in full without discount. Orders by mail given prompt attention. FRANK L. M. SMITH, Agent P.O . box Tnrl Exchange. South Pueblo CUCJLS, T1TU REAUJSSTATE ACENCY Loass, Rial E 8T.r, Miniso Stocks Dinvii Branch, ourt Uouse, Denver, (5ol, Iio nis 4 & 3 Calmer Block, E, 1st S, St, |