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Show LOCAL 1IREVIT1ES. Bodega Family Wine House, 10 Commercial Com-mercial street. Amazon rye, 4 years old, 60 ceuts per quart, at the Bodega. Nectar rye, 9 years old, one dollar per quart, at the Bodega. The Bodega. 19 Commercial, guarantees guaran-tees all ages in its cellars. Nectar bourbon, 9 years old, one dollar dol-lar per quart.at the Bodega. The bullion received yesterday by Wells, Fargo & Co., amounted to 5, 133. Amazon Bourbon, 4 years- old, this week 50 cents per quart, at the Bodega. Hermitage Rye, sixteen years old, $2.50 per quart.at the Bodega this week only. Angelica, ports, sherries, madeira, (seven years old, 50 cents per quart, at the Bodega. Courvoissenr Curlier Frcrcrs brandy, 68 years old, four dollars per quart, at the Bodega. After serving a ten months' term in the penitentiary. J. L. Butler of Salina has been released. Policeman Merrill's wife has charge of the city prisoners' board bills. She succeeds'Mrs. M. A, Burt. McCorniek & Co. received vestcrday: Hammer bullion, $21)50; silver and lead ores, $12,600; total, $15,550. A carload of horses was received yesterday from Iowa by A. G. Bast. He will lake the animals to his ranch. There are messages at tho Western Union telegraph office for John R. Fletcher, O. A. Nelson and J. Greene. Tho Grant Brothers Livery aud Transfer company has increased its capital stock from $100,000 to $150,000. The People's central drum corps will meet this evening at 6:30 o'clock in uniforms uni-forms to have a photograph of tho fcorps taken. The Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Manu-facturing society meeting, which was to have been held next Saturday evening, has been postponed one week, until April 26, at 7:30 p. ni., in Henry W. Lawrence's office. Ed Kelly, of this eitv, is prepared to wager $1000 that if Sullivan andCorhctt meet; Sullivan will not have the best of tho contest al the end of the fourth round. Kelly is ready to post his money at The Times office at anytime. The marriage certificates of John P. Park and Eliza J. Despain, of Granite; Hyrum S. Harris and Delia S. R. Twede, of Salt Lake, and John K. Owens and Leuita L. Jeghers, both of San Francisco, were filed with the county clerk. Jake Moritz has secured a lease from Mr. Dinwoody of the three-story dwelling dwell-ing immediately opposite the Walker house, and will proceed to tit it up as a cafo. He says that no exnense will bo spared to make it ono of the most magnificent mag-nificent resorts on the coast. The differences between Major Jones and tho Liberal band wore amicably adjusted at the meeting of tho band last night and Mr. Jones resumes his position posi-tion as leader. There was a largo attendance at-tendance of members and the meeting was very harmonious. A largo number num-ber of applications for honorary membership mem-bership were received and two applications applica-tions from excellent musicians for active ac-tive membership. The band is going, to work in earnest now to get in shape for furnishing both military and orchestra or-chestra music. |