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Show fift THE BILL. a Sugar are Once More Placed oa the List as Tree Prom Duty. CONGBESSIONAL NEWS. ,erCityof New York Safe-Axe's Safe-Axe's Prophecy A Steamer -ed-Other News Notes. V. nrwN April 1G.-Just as the s to have boon reported to the republican members l,l their minds ami at 11 his morning completely tHU of the lost important , m. Again hides have ,,dcmtlic free list and so has l(iulic latter case tho eom-.(dopscd eom-.(dopscd a provision looking .ivracllt of a bounty of two ' un,l on domestic product. !,, have been conimuni-,l'lf conimuni-,l'lf democratic minority! mem-l.lsl.0iwtiouM mem-l.lsl.0iwtiouM are necessary ivpoil these democrats, it is ibf (Waved in their pre soutane souta-ne house""" til late this after-', after-', is understood that tho sugar little conlideiico in lh1 con-' lfllt, ijoiiii ly and they have protested against the chkngo. v on sugars above and iiJemcl-,ixtceii iiJemcl-,ixtceii Dutch standard,! it is lixetl at two-liffhs of a I cent ul, Tin' grades below limit tiro ,is satisfies neither tho slugar the beet sugar producing |