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Show MOKXINC TtXKGKAMS 1'ONnKWKH. I San Diego is to have a new telescope, the largest in tho world. Shaffer and Slosson have made arrangements ar-rangements for another billiard contest. con-test. Charles Welch, tho Buffalo lightweight, light-weight, last uighl knocked out Charles Fitzgerald, tho St. Uuiis light-weight, in tho eleventh round. Lawrence, Barrett is advertising himself him-self by asserting one, day that he has made his last apwaranoe on the stage and denying it the net, Tho cotton exchange parsed resolutions resolu-tions strongly protesting against the passage of the llutterworth bill, taxing dealings in futures, declaring that ll would drive all tho trade to Kugland. HerrFurthof tho chamber of commerce, com-merce, has published a report declaring that Vienna trade is on the verge of ruin, as a result of protection. Tito report re-port Is oorrolioratod bv the exporters. .lark Smith of Canada knocked out Mike Coburn of England last night In ten rounds, with two-ounce gloves, at tlio Buffalo Athletic club, for it purse of $1000, Smith had everything his owu way. J. S. Harrinmu. the pedestrian w ho started from Wabash, Ind., on April 10 to walk to San Francisco, ilOOO mill's, hi sixty-live days, on a wager of iMHKl, passed through Decatur yostonlav, accompanied ac-companied by two judges on horse-h.v'k, horse-h.v'k, Uarrlman is confident of winning. |