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Show PROPOSALS FOR POST OFFICE PI R- posts. CLALKI PROPOSALS WILL BK BE-O BE-O reived by meat Stilt Lake CM v until noon oulhu auth day of April, iswi, for furnishing the Postodlce Department with suitable premises, prem-ises, centrally located, which premises shall he of sufficient capacity, and located so as to a.' commodate the patrons of the Salt Luke City postoHlee, suld premise to be occupied us it postofllce ut Salt Lake City. Salt Luke county, I.' tali, for a term not to exceed tive years, from June 1, lo'Ai, The owners w ill lie required to partition the premises in su h mannr us may he decided necessary by t he Postollleo Depart ment.and furnish complete outfit of furniture, furni-ture, letter cases, counters, distributing lubles, desks, carriers' cases, etc., us may la- necessary for the proper conducting of the business of the oflice. and n() lock boxes, divided. I 'J HI assorted lock boxes, and 311) assorted lock drawers, of the latest improved pattern. In connection with the alwve, bids will b considered, for furnishing tho necessary heat and light, also a lire-proof vault, not less than Wxltl feet in the clear, furnished with latest Improved doors and combination locks. Said premises should he lu the central, business busi-ness part of the city. Dlanks for pro)osals can be hail by culling upon the postmaster at Salt Lake City. W. VV. PATTERSON. Postofflce Inspector. |