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Show WOKKLNOMEK'S SOCIETIES. Times and Places of Meeting;. Ooerative Plasterers' Uniou-Every Monday night, room IS, Scott-Auerbach building, Main S,J rowers' Union Second and fourth Tnes-davs Tnes-davs even- month, room 48, Scott-Auerbaen building. Main slivet. Painters and Decorators Union-Second and fourth Kridav cverv month, risim IS, bcott-Aiierbach bcott-Aiierbach buiidlm;, Main street Tinners' Union-First and third Saturdays every month, room 4S, Scutt-Auerbach bmld- 1,ciKiwkers',Utilon-First anil third Thursdays Thurs-days every month, room 4S, Soutt-Auerbaeh fc'r'irolTThlrd Monday of every month at some barber shop previously desig- "TypoKiaphical Union-First Sunday of every WtLq'n;t Union-Evcry Wednesday evenlm; at Temple of Honor UodcatTlers, Lain uers and Teamsters 1 nion Second and fourth Mondays each month in the Tcmplenn Honor. Tailors' Union-On Sunday lu A. O. L. W. h Stonecutters' Union-S.-cond and fourth Monday of each month at A. O. L. W . nail. Brick anil Stonemasons' Union-Second and fourth Friday of each month at the K. ot l. "''he Federated Trade and Labor Councll-Every Councll-Every second and fourth Sundays at their hall, room 4, Scot.t-Auerbi.h buildlUB, Main "'Sw-uUve Doard of the Federated Trades CotiVll-Every Sat unlay, room 4S, bcott-Auer harh building. Main street. |