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Show SPECIAL. SALT LAKE THEATER CHAS. S. Ul'RTON, - Manager. THE EVENT OFTHESEASON. lUgUlb flPRIL 16 aDd 17t Mr. AUQTJBIIN DALY'S Brilliant Comedies, A NIGHT OFF !' 'AN ARABIAN NIGHTT Wednesday Ev'g. Thurday Ev'g. Pronounced by the entire Press of New York nml Ban Francisco the COMEDY SUCCESS of the season. Presented by a Superb Comp'y or Comedians, NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. Sale of Seats begin Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Mors Gamut Airfl to Miss Ci'i at tto Fair WHT ? Because they will find there an immense stock to chose from in Fancy Novelties, Japanese Goo is, Toys. Purses,, Chatelaines, Stationery, Wooden-ware, Tinware, Crockery and Glassware. All kinds of Brushes and Baskets, etc,, etc., and at PRICES THAT BEAT ANY IN THE WEST. TO-.T FORGEF THE PLACE FIRST BOOR WEST OF THE CLOCK. We will Surely Save you Money, 13 West 1st South. If ijffek - . GifcS GJE) i sSkJrpv -i - - I IflnJl! II l rw J m SPRING OPENING! 1S9Q- I It has been our aim to keep the Best Line of Goods ever shorn in this market. We are satisfied with the results and this spiing have endeavored to surpass previous efforts. The stock is now complete, and consists of the Latest Foreign and Domestic NOVELTIES. THURSDAY, APRIL 17th, From 2:30 to 9 p. m. Will be devoted to showing our Stock, and we hope that ever; Lady in the City will improve the opportunity to see the GHOICEST LINE OF GOODS IN THE WEST! POSITIVELY No Goods Sold or Reserved on this Day. HAETENSTEIN& SHEETS, Fashionable Barbers, (In Auer & Murphy's New Building.) HAIR CUTTING, SHAMPOOING, ETC., No. 16 E. 1st South St Salt Lake City. I. Watters, Broker, 31 E. First South St., East of Deseret National Bank, Salt Lake City. Makes Loans on Watches. Diamonds and J ewel-ry. ewel-ry. Bents Collected, liailroad Tickets Bought and Bold. Business confidential. Established im. All Unredeemed Pledges Bold at very low rate, . Kio Grande Western Railway. SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD The only Transcontinental Line passing pass-ing through Salt Lake City. The only Tine to Denver with no change of cars, and with only one Change to Chicago. ' Centra time tbla in effect tad from Novarn o 15th, 1888. EAST HOUND TRAINS. No. 2. No. t. Atlantio Atlantio Mail Eipress. Leave Ogden 0:10 a. m, 5:40 p. m Arrive Bait Lake 10:80 a.m. 7:05 p. m. Leave Bait Lake 10:85 a. m. 7:15 p. m. Arrive Provo ; 12:10 p. in. 9:18 p. m. Leave Provo 12:80 p. m.0:M p. m. Arrive Green Kiver 8:45 p. m 4:85 a. in. Leave Green Kiver 7:10 p. m. 4:40 a. m. Arrive Pueblo 8:05 p.m. 2:00 a. m. Arrive Penver 7:45 p. m. 7:16 a. m. WEST BOUND TBAiNtf. No. 1 No. 8, Pacifio Paolfio Mail. Pxpres Leave Denver 8:00 a, m. 8:00 p. m. Leave Pueblo 1:80 p. m. 12:40a. m. Arrive Green River 9:50 a. m. 10:25 p.m. Lonve Hreen Bivor 10:10 a. m. 11:00 p.m. Arrive Provo 4:50 p. m. 0:00 a. in. Leave Hrovo 5:15 p.m. H:00a.m. Arrive Bait Lake tt:Mp. m. 7:40 a.m. Leave Suit Lake 7:05 p. m. 7:60 a. m. Arrive Ogden 8:80 p. m. 9:10 a. m. Pollnan Palace and Buffet Bleeping Cars on all Through Trains. Morton Hcllning Chair Cars Free between Bait Lake Cito and Provo on Trains 1. and 2. D. C.DODOK, J.H. BENNETT, Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt 251 S. Main St. George R, Dunn & Co, CONTRACTORS for STEAM HEATING APPARATUS in the Following Systems: Either in HIGH or LOW Pressure, or Indirect. Special Spe-cial Attention Given to Job Work, Including Plumbing and Gas Fitting. 203 West Temple Street, South. One Door South Old Eagle Foundry, Salt Lake City, - Utah Territory. D. VAN BUSKIRK, OFFICE OF T. C. STEBBINS. THE 1 ' VAN BUSKIRK INVESTMENT COMPANY. GENERAL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRANSACTED, SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE FORMING OF SYNDICATES. AGENTS FOR EASTERN CAPITAL. We do not handle SNAPS, but GOOD BARGAINS! EXPERIENCED OPEIATOHS and Members of the Real Estate Exchange. 179 MAIN STREET, corner Second South. RUDOLPH ALFF, IMPORTER OP CHINA, CROCKERY AND GASSWARE, Plated Ware, Cutlery, Lamps, Vases and Statuary. A' FULL STOCK OF CHINA AND PARIAN NOVELTIES. ' 140 Main Street, Salt Lake City. W. A. Taylor, Merohant Tailor, NEW SPRING STYLES JUST ARRIVED. 13 and 45 E. Second South Street, Salt Lake City. J J. C. MURPHY & CO., Rubber Stamps and Notarial Seals. Agents for the Abbott Check Perforator Salt Lake City. M. E. McENANY, Attorney-at-Law, Progress Building (Fourth Floor). Q W. POWERS, Attorney-at-Laur, Opposite Cullen Hotel, Second Booth Street, J B.CB1TCHL0W. Attorney-at-Law, Rooms 27 and 28, Soott-Anerbach Building. DBS. FREEMAN & BURROWS. J Hpectaoles Accurately Fitted. Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Rooms 17 and 18, Seott-Auerbaeh Building. y EADON 4 HEATH, Real Estate and Loan Agents. No. 150 Main Street. teferenoei McCornlck 5e Co., Bankers Correspondence Solicited. THE OCCIDENTAL. Pure Goods Only and of The Best Quality. STUDIOUS ATTENTION. AUER & MURPHY, Proprietors. No.18 East First South St. - - SltLakeCity Dr, J, S. Blackburn & Co,, HERNIA SPECIALISTS Rupture Permanently Cured without Surgical Operation. ROOMS 92 AND 93 WASATCH BLDC, SALT LAKE, UTAH. P. O. BOX 616. TAKE ELEVATOR MADAM H. C. HAYNES, (Formerly of DENVER, COLO.) HAS OPENED OUT A NEW AND COM-plete COM-plete Stock of Millinery, Fancy and Ladles' Furnishing Goods at No. 101 E. First South St., and to which she Invites the attention atten-tion of the Public. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. (1. JACOBS & CO., Real Estate Dealers, 117 Progress Building, have tor sale residence property in all part of the city; also choioe bargains in business and furru property. II." C. LETT & SON, Dealer in Real Estate, City and Country. No. W South Main Street, opposite the Walker House, Salt Luke City. THE MIDLAND INVESTMENT CO. Bargains in Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. No 177 Main Street. B. O. BURTON, JR. J. A. GROEHBEOK. W.B.ANDREW BURTON, GKOESBECK & CO. Real Estate, No. 269 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notary in office. Telophone 4S4. R. M. JOHNSON & CO., Real Estate, Loans, Mines. Irrigation and Manufacturing, 28 West First South Street. HAVILAND & DENBY, Civil Engineers and Surveyors. Additions laid out and platted. Rooms, 614 and 015 Pro. gross Building-, P. O. Box 627, Salt Lake City, Utah. R. M. BIELE, FRENCH HAIR DRESSER, And Manufacturer of STYLISH HAIR GOODS, Kooin 16, Scott-Auerbach Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Take the Elevator. WHITE & ILMER, Architects and Superintendents. Rooms 410, 411 Progress Block, Salt Lake City. F. AUERBACH k BRO. '',,'! ' , WE CARRY AN IMMENSE STOCK OF FINE DRY GOODS! Millinery, Cloaks, Ladies' Underwear, Trimmings, Trim-mings, Carpets, Curtains, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Boys' and Children's Chil-dren's Clothing, Jersey Suits, Kilts, Etc. We Offer This Week SOU Child's stylish Dresses, just received, at the following tempting prices: 6 years at $3. 75; 8 years. H: 10 years. $4.35, and IS years, $1.50. The materials, styles and workmanship of these Dresses make them witie, myies ana , SALT LAKE CITY LOCAL UNION 489 01' THE United BrothErhoodCarpenters & Joiners OF AMERICA. l KKTS EVKRY WEDNESDAY EVEN O Itl In the Temple of Honor Hall at7:30 p. m. Delegate's office at Room 48. Scott-Auerbacn lilk. Office hours: 7 to 8 a. m. i B to 6 p.m. J. M. Conneus, Sec'y. A. D. Cowi.es, Pres. . . q j Assignee s Set lei Japanese goods SACRIFICED FOR THE NEXT EIGHT DAT! -THE MIKADO STORE Will sell their Entire Stock of Japanese Goods, including includ-ing all Silks, such as GOWNS, PANELS, SCREENS I PIECE GOODS,PORCELALN BRONZES, POTTERIES, ETC., Regardless of Cost HARRY SYMONS, Assignee. . LI h h h -. " h h ; ADVERTISE. For spaces on the fence enclosing the new East Sido Hotel apply to UTAH PAINT AND OIL COMPANY, 1st South St. East, opp. City Hall, LANGAN & CO., Jriorse Stioers, Old Eagle Foundry, cor. 2d South and 1st West sts. Twenty-five years experience in Colorado. Tub only place in the city where horso shoeing shoe-ing is made a specialty. D. U. STAN WOOD, Real Estate and Investment Broker. The handling of Real Estate for nonresidents non-residents a speoialty. N. E. Cor. Main and Third Sts., r3asetuent of St. Elmo Hotel, Salt Lake City. . ALFRED DUNSHEeJ Real Estate Loans, Investments, 1G1 Maine St Rear of Jones' Bank. salt lake city, utau. J. Q. MoAjjjsteb. D, H. MoAllisteh. McAllister bros., Real Estate and Lands. 265 S. Maine street, fuder Abstract Ofl'.ce, SALT LALE CIT J. W. WHITECAR, Designer and Engraver on Wood, Ul S. Main St., Salt Lake City, S. F. SPENCER & CO.. Real Estate, Loans, Investments 2hH S. Main St.. Salt Loke City. I Cojwiete List of Citv and Acrsage Prosertv. j THE BARGAINS OF THE SEASON lir you want an Infant's Coat oh Cloak NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES: Infants' Union Cashmere Coats in Tan, Blue and Cream, at 1.50, $1.75 and J3 Infants' flue all-wool Coats iu Cream and Tans, f2.25, Js.75, til it. CreamVnd Tan'516'' lufant8' Long cloaks- at S3-75' 3-75 W-50, J4.75, W.50 and $7.50 each In 30 pieces double wide Dress (.ioods.in new Spring shades, at 27 a yajd 1 lot of Ladies' fast Black Hose, full reprular, at 30c., sold everywhere at 30c. J J I ,?,'lnnecl' "triped, fast Black Hose, colored toe and heel, 50c., cheap at 75c 1 ot at Child s fast Black, ribbed Lisle Thread Hose, sizes 5 to 8'4, at a)c.. regular nrice a ot Boys' fast Black Bicycle Hose, full English, double knee and toe, at ; regular price'! 35 ll0vVluehln,thisacitv.rlbbel 3"8t " 1M'iC- 3C" " to 1 lot each of high Novelties in Ladles' Windsor Ties, at 25c., 50c 75c $1 We havo received quite an Assortment of Ladles' ready-made Calico' and Sateen Wraimevo which we offer at very LOW PRICES, from 90c. each upwards. oaoeen vviappeia, 30 pieces each Colored Modras Scrim in latest designs and colorings, at 10c 20c and 5c npr 1 lot of Black and Colored Silk Panels, at $1.25 each, worth $y. ' "sc' per 3 d' Our Carpet Department. &r!0lW1,a' VeIvet? Bmssels 0 IiS'-aius, ranging from Aleo new Curtains in Swiss Tambour, Nottlnghams and Silk, ranging from $1 to $20 a pair. OUR CHILDREN'S CLOTHING DEPT. Has received a splendid lot of Jersey Suits ranging from 4 to 8 years, and Kilts ranging from -iu to 5 years. For variety of style, taste and workmahshiy they are unsS?- 8 !i passed. Prices ranging from $3.50 to Sj eVn. Hail Orders Solicited from Fai and Near! We Guarantee Satisfaction, or Money Refunded ! ESTABLISHED 1864. ONE PRICE TO ALL, F. AUERBACH & BRO. ART EMPORIUM. 27 W. Plrst South St., SALT LAKE CITY. Stamping, Designing and Embroidery. Instructions given in all the Arts. . JAMES FEN WICK Practical . IFTurri'ber, 8TEAM AND GAS FITTER, 81 E. Third South St,, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, tiff- 7 "r-r J. F. JACK, Real Estate, 335 South Main, Salt Lak Crrr. p HARLOW, I ' |