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Show Annie Leconey placed the little half drowned chicken in the open oven to resuscitate, re-suscitate, and this act abne was sufficient suffi-cient to prove that she was alive after her uncle left the house, and at the time when it was claimed she had perished by his hand. Philadelphia Record. A Ufa Saved by a Chicken, Along with the cock that crowed thrice when Peter denied his Master and the geese whose cackling is said to have saved Rome, the little half drowned chick that saved the life of Cbalkley Le-conev Le-conev will go down in history as a famous fowll The Lcconey bird is no longer a chicken, however, but in the months that have elapsed since Anne Leconey s sad death it has grown to a sturdy fowl, and it now stalks proudly among the lesser barnyard birds on the Lswonejr farm. Tho Dart played by the littlechick was simple but tbe slender thread of evidence that it furnished was strong enough to establish Chalkley Leconey s innocence of the murder of hi |