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Show railroad reported that the potition should bo not granted with respect to llurd South street from Main to Sixth West, aud that it be granted from Sixth W est street to the city limits. Adopt-ed. Adopt-ed. Tho reservoir on First South was ordered or-dered cemented to prevent leakage, and then the city supervisor w as authorized to confer with the county , selectmen on the improvement of tho east boulevard. Tho committee on streets asked for further time on tho application of tho Rapid Transit company for a frau chisc. Mr. James then called up tlip bill fix-iug fix-iug the amount of bonds for permits for erecting buildiugs or' making excavations. excava-tions. The bill was read a third time, but before a vote was taken; Mr. Brown of tho real estate exchange spoke in behalf of a committee of three consisting consist-ing of Messrs. Donnellan, Wicks and himself regarding a resolution passed by the exchange in favor of granting franchises to street railway companies. Mr. Brown argued in behalf of his resolution res-olution at some length, and urged tho granting of franchises. The sentiment of the exchange, lie . said, was in favor of encouraging suburban population. In order that men might get to and from their homes it was necessary to have street railways. Tin; companies had olVercd to spend WOO.OOO, and tho exchange ex-change beli;ed t hey should be eucour-aged. eucour-aged. Tho exchange also belioved in competition and thought it too should be fostered. The resolution was referred re-ferred to the committee on streets. Bill No. 2:), a bill granting a franchise fran-chise to the Saltan- railway company, was read and laid over under the rules. The gypsies were ordered from the Eighth ward square and the, Sunday concert question camo up. ' The committee com-mittee on law reported the question 'bark without any reconinieudation. Tho . ordinance was then read after which Kuv. Dr. MeNeice spoke in relation to the matter. mat-ter. The. doctor said that ho represented repre-sented tho Christian sentiment of tho community and that us it was a grave matter and requested a postponement of one week. It was granted. Tho doctor will protest against the passage of the ordinance. The. ordiuauce providing for the appointment ap-pointment of a garbago inspector was then called up on third reading ami passed. Mr. Kahu suggested that the ordinance ordi-nance be amended so as to lix a salary. Referred to the liuaneo committee. Mr. William Shtill suggested as a candidate. ('.!. M. Brown was also nominated, while Z. Wood and Mr. Green were also slated.. Showell carried off the plum by a vote of thirteen to Brown's one, the others not being in the race. Prior to the adjournment of the coiiu-cil, coiiu-cil, Councilman Noble offered a motion to the effect that in future uo person bo allowed to address the. body, but that they must appear before the committees. commit-tees. This provoked considerable discussion, dis-cussion, a numberof the members being averse to denying the right, of petition. Tho mayor said that in all eastern cities committees from associations were allowed al-lowed to speak, aud he did not think it should be stopped in Salt Lake. Tho motion was lost. The motion 'originated becituso of Mr. Brown of the real estate exchange presenting some argument in favor of granting franchises to street railroads. City Attorney Merrill, who acts as a sort of monitor for the council, coun-cil, was apparently quite indignant at the "cheek" of Mr. Brown, who had "presumed" to suggest a few matters which the council, in its wisdom, was able to take care of by itself. jr0iua Lengthy Session and Transact Much Business of Importance. Im-portance. MINISTEEIAL PROTEST. L leBoal Estate Exchange Liftetli Up Its Yoico in Behalf of More Street Kailways. - f It wis ten minutes before eight i 'li Mayor Scott called the council to hr list night. Fourteen members re-" re-" lied to roll call and then tho read- of th minutes was indulged in for "time- Tlioy wre unproved as usual ull the buuil'lo of. PETITIONS . ,,il bv t ho clerk. Tho first out of l,ox was that of S. II. Tails and Irs ivlio asked that the cattle in the mlicin part "f t'10 cUv 1,6 ""Pounded n , pound to be established . Referred ;hc committee on municipal laws. I. onstees of Salt Lake academy tc. that a l"-'Cil1 lx of $'J00 nut collected as assessed, " ,, ground that the iustitu-ilD,nf iustitu-ilD,nf a' public good. Referred to towimmtlec on water works, because imperial tux was for water mains. 'ijiisi'flu! Eighteenth mid Twcn-Ytlnvutui Twcn-Ytlnvutui asked that a-franchise bo ,.11iu.d Urn Salt Lake Street Rail-lv Rail-lv company as prayed for, which iaS referred to the committee on wis The petition of Z. Wood for cimiU.li to erect a slaughter house mlieihmipiug grounds was referred , the committee on public grounds. , petition protesting against the laying j water ma.ns from Sixth South to eventh South was referred to the com littce on waterworks. Then came an mioM'iiicnt of Z. Wood for. .city scay-ijt'r. scay-ijt'r. Kcferred to the committee on initary regulations. Tho property iincrs on Commercial street notified icoonucil that they were going , juvn the street at their own flense and asked the city arc on First and Second South street liorscctious aijd lay suitable side-ilks. side-ilks. Kcferred to the committee on nets. Residents of the north bench ki d fur a hrauch canal from J street i iinlcr to obtain water. Referred to mj committee on irrigation. An ex, iision of water mains on Second South mil Fourth West was asked for in or-r or-r that adequate lire, protection may obtained. Referred to the committee i waterworks. An endorsement of avid Kvaus for Sanitary inspector a read and referred lo the 'iiimittce on Sanitary regulations, he plumbers union then filed a protest ruinsl the appointment of K. II. Rush v the same position. -William Howell ked for tin; position' -of sanitary in-I'dov. in-I'dov. Also referred to tho sanitary nmuiltcc. A petition regarding the pr line lo Capital Hill grounds from fy creek and asking that a connection made was referred to tho committee i irrigation. THE WHEELMEN PROTESTED dust the proposed ordiuauce keeping in off the sidewalks. Tho wheelmen ve as their reasons' that they were an k'lly law-abiding chiss .aud. that the I' H'alks were not occupied auyway. :e bicyclo was a factor in social and ' ilioal life, and Germany was putting ll soldiers on wheels, and besides i. women were learning to ride and future tho race of men would greatly improved. Further 'ad-stages 'ad-stages would have been recited i for Mr." James, who moved to the million " which prevailed. Ms in the vicinity of tho public i'i tho Ninth ward asked that the : shed lie removed. Referred to the mmlti'e on public grounds. May & e asked that they bo refunded the "milt or $109 due them on a license "en which was not used.. Referred he committee on licenses. A peti- ii from Joslyn & Park asking to bo pointed , , , - - OFFICIAL CITY TIME KEEPERS granted, being no expense. attached, man Bamberger offered to lease the nn Springs property Jor.- a bathing "it and offered to spend'SMOO iu im-iieraouts im-iieraouts at once. Referred to the "wittce on publio.works, . . fiuiislieil tho '.peUtious and City "Bicy.. MtuTitt.. rosa io. a sensible i order thatrof requiring the re-to re-to lnakp an abstract of all pi.'ti-s pi.'ti-s instead of using up un hour -' m reading. His suggestion i.nade a nuition autl'carr'ied. d.-Kyan said thafin 'order to ' We mains in course of conslriic- '"y Ions each of four aud six inch Mere needed, and that six, four mreeim h .iIKJ was needed, besides i large,, varieties. TlIK -W STEAM ROLLER. ''j'M-Seott said he had contracted i.io lin sloaia rollui' at a f ' iu"l ten wooden sprinkling a cost of $i,ir.O, and that ' 'Wblhehercin ten davs. J Attoi'iicy Merritt's report on a .''i'f obtained by Frank Yearauce '., , , Clt'v W.074.0C was final, ""the dust would have to be Jt " as ordered paid. ;imnittee on water works re-""a re-""a number of petitions for '"aius and on the propo-. propo-. w I'ratt Brothers, whose I 7, s4 the city a $33,000 'nt. The latter was referred M'et't committee On water sup- yearly all the petitions for exteu- , ,CI( referred back for more ex- II J,;itenicnu. Police kepokt. " 0?IUu"Ue on polico reported in te' 'TPP?tinS Drew Al.lrich. A. lV M Tl auicls' JonM PonneUy e j- II- Poole as members of the ce- 'I lie old fire engine was ;-an Scnt.ed to the volunteer firemeus association emniitteu on linanee in :4'8lho hUV ot t!ie Duserct 'Jr "lc boarding of ono Bv- j d nfrtd tho bHI book for 1,10 :'P: ' ; officer who placed the old j ..titntion. '"''iltee OI. granting a fran- j Matthew WTiite for a street |