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Show iOiilllllTfffi Judgts Zana Announces That ha Will Try Matters and People Must Get Rauly. A SINGULAR BCSGLABT "CASE. The Ladies Didn't Scream for rear of Scaring a Robber-Ha is Convicted. It was a ditlicult task for Judge 'an to get a eae before him this morning in the district court. There wasasiif liclcnl number of easts set for trial U keep the court and jury engaged for a week, but If the criminal werw in court the wltnes.se had not lieoii summoned. If tho witness' lu certain ease werw In attendance, at-tendance, tin) criminal hud not hern brought into court from tho penitentiary. peniten-tiary. All was condition. Not eren Prosecuting? Attorney Varlan wa acquainted ac-quainted with his ca-es. He w.n unfamiliar un-familiar with the defendant nod their witnesses, and the attorney for tho prisoner were all confused. Tho United Stat, marshal' olllee. which ha eharg of the criminal busluen, tfqilYsetited by a bailiff w ho did not know that h was alive, Tho Judge became a little, warm and gave It out cold that thero . would Ihi some case tried and Uhvw Interested In it had Utter prepam lhennel fur the trial. James Marshall and Thoma Eagau, a couple of alleged burglar, went brought In, but the district attorney camn to the conclusion that ho bad no witnesses and their c rotibt not bo tried. Charles Williams, a young man St years of ago, w as then put on trial, charged with burglary. Ho wa accused ac-cused of having entered tho residence of William Hohb In West Jordan, on tho night of February 13, and bariiin stolen WJ.oO lu gold from tho rmun nl Mrs, Tegner. Williams had been In the employ of Ilobbs, and boarded with tho family. Mm. Luiira Tegner U a preKliir young woman of ti year of ag. .Hh is a daughter of klIobh, and wa. man'led In a mail named Tegner. She li ted with hint-a hint-a short time and llicv separated, and now as she claims, a suit tor divorce m pending. Laura H an rwwdingly charmlug young woman with a prntty figure and dresses very tastefully. Wheu pot upon tho stand sftt said that WIIIUuu wan well acquainted ac-quainted with lb home", and on the night In pietioii m euterfd her room by rutttfiflf a wii scrwi and opening a window to- her sleeping apartment. A lady miiln waslu bed with her, and they were awakened by tho iioUe ho umde. Ho entered tho room ami went through her klrt, succeeding In getting her jKH-fcet book toiititlnliig the lii(iny, She could distinctly see ami recognl. him, but was so diinifounded that ho could not p'ak, After realising the situation she summoned her father, but , by the time be gut out William had ; made good his oeape. On cross etautlimllon .Mrs. Tegner stated that William and she were very good friends, and that the money had been given lohcrby hwr father. She Intended to make a trip north with it. How was It th.d he did tint steal anything Ne?'" aked the defeii. "Well, you see. we r wared and breathed rather hard and perhup h was m ured nut of the room ". "It was rather ntnuigH that neither you nor your cousin n-renmed when you discovered him In the romnJ" "Ye. I knov It, but we wor wared and could n' l iy atiythliisf." "Didn't one of yon nay to the other that a mini in th j room and the otic to whom the re-mark addrewd nuld keep till m lo- would tW wared away," No, sir; he tried tu get my th but the chain became fa.4t-nd lu a i half and he could not take It In Id haste." Several other wUuetw were f ilied, und after the brief argument tint caw wa given to the Jury for deliberation. delibera-tion. This afternoon the Jury returned with ,, vi.i-.!i,-i f,,r .'1,1111, t:iiii W illiams wilt be sentenced tomorrow, |