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Show i J. ll - We Have the Oldest Real Estate ) sl . IK Salt Lake City, Have Been in 2 Present Offi I tilll Ten Yea 1! We have beyond a Doubt tl 2 est list of Property ' INTHE oil S ; SlSUt and Hearten He Gav. V. DR. G. W. TIBBITS, Oculist and Aurist, No. 16 East First South P. O. box 1020. Salt Lake City. We Oia and Control Z Rfin nnnr i) UUUjUUU.l 2 M of Prim ", -IN- The City and Cod s jni Can sell Buyers property in an; n of the City. Terms to suit c ers. ) av We own the best addition to &! ,lf , :ll We Have Ten Horses i Salesmen, i !!' IT You are respectfully invited (e , flee, where you teill receive a , HEARTY WELCOME We shall be glad to furnish inor ,r concerning the resources: audi ,, ions of Salt Luke and its mrm ,, tlieir agricultural, mining, ih sheep raising and manufadm terests, to all in search ofliomm ing safe and lucrative invest, capital. Our Carriages are at theDii of Visitors. GALL AND SEE I The Oldest Real 1 tate Office in tli City. Establisacd in 1818. The A Hi 84 East 2d Sod ANNUAL STATEMENT For the year ending February 28, 1880, of the condition of tho Hekla Fire Insurance Company, Made to the Secretary of the Territory of Utah, in pursuance of an act relating to Fire Insurance Insur-ance Companies, approved March 13, 1884. Name of Company and location: Hekla Fihb Insurance Co., St. Paul, Minn. The amount of Capital Stock Is fc0.000 The Capital Stock paid up is. aTO.OOO The amount of its Assets Is !i0O,UO0 The amount of Its Liabilities (Including capital) is t The net Surplus over all Liabilities is... 300.000 The name of its Attorney or Anent for the Territory of Utah upon whom service of process pro-cess In any civil action against said Company may be made : Martin & Lindsay. Salt Lake City, Utah, The receipts during the year were The expenditure during the year were.. State of Minnesota, I a County of Ramsey, fB W. C. BredenhaRen. Vice-President, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the above described officer of said Company, and that the foregoing statement of the general condition of said Company on said Twenty-eighth Twenty-eighth day of February is correct according to the best of his information, Unowlodge aud belief, be-lief, respectively, ( . W. C. BUEllBNHAGli.V. seal - Vice-President. 1 ' Subscribed and sworn before this third day of April, A. D. 1880. I j Edward G. B. Henbv, j skal j- Notary Public, Kamse y Co., Minn, Tkhuitouy ov Utah, I . Secretary's Office, ( ' I. Klljah Sells, Secretary of the Territory of Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ts a full, true and correct copy o the annual statement of the general condition of The Hekla Fhie Insurance Co., of St. Paul. Minn., Hied in my office on the eighth day of April, 1S90, in pursuance of an act relating to FUe Insurance companies, approved March 13, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of J "ry ot Utah, this eighth day ot April, loyO. Eli.iah Sells, Secretary of Utah Territory. LOUIS HYAMS& CO., Agts, 515 FrogreM Block. The ht&D-SiW l imit " pi ; i lole Agents for Wnbof Mj Davis' Steel Ranges, with ho Pot, Anti-Clinker Grate, f door, ventilator etc. Made sizes. Call and examine ihesece. Ranges or send for circular before paying same price for "v Range. General line of Cook ing Stoves and House Furnish F. E. SOHOPPE& 223 South Main Stn --Commercial National Bant-:- OF SALT LAKE CITY. Capital $250,000.00 No. UK First South street. DIRECTORS : H. G, Baton, Pree't. G. M. Dowser. Tiea-Praa't rhc Marshal P. E. Sc?yS, fH. Anerbech, I). O, Bacon, JohnJ.Daly, W.P.Noble, J. W. DonneUan, Cashier. , Transacts a general banking business ra all branches. Sells Sight Drafte on the principal cities of the world. Issues Circular Letters of Credit and Postal Money Orders on all parts of Europe and the Orient. Collections promptly attended at-tended to. Loans money at the lowest rates and on the best terms prevailing in this market. AGENCY WARWICK HiGH-GRA SAFETY BICYCLE I carry a .toe of SAFBTV UlCK' 25.00, 35.00, 40.00, O.W, 115.00, 135,00, TRICVCLES t LOCIPEDES. In pnrchsiw , have a stock to select from and wait, . Largest Stock and Lowest Price " Goods, Gone, Cntlery, etc. SHOT-GUNS AT COS Bicycle and Gun Kep'r Agent CALIGKAFU WBITIK'l' ' Carbons, Ribbons and Par ,224 W. 2d South St., Salt L& PROF.YOUNGER Salt Lake Theater Fridav Ev'g, April 18, 8 p.m., and Saturday Matinee. inTon7 teTnoa,,FRoKerde Coverley, Ait. Aiusm s Han in fjew York Cltv bv the wW,"?SS W ot thls &iucn vas jne event of the season. This danre in trrandeur leads the famous QnifiHlle t?Hon ueur. which was the nioi-t pictuiwiie fe-5n5l of the Continental Ball of KsprX Followed bv the Floral- firnnrt ht' cw Couples:, Highland FlhipSevn LituS ijauce oy t our Little Misses: Jorker Hom-it, by Charley Bechtol; Cacbuea hfSemTSow? !J?n:,Fl!Srrs Hornpipe hy Ella , AtkineZ-Coming AtkineZ-Coming Thronph the fcye- bv Vim. . Resened Seats 75c. General Admission 50c. Tickets on Sale at Box Office Thursday and iriday. Fluor Will be Covered n ith Canvas. Music by Olson's String Band |