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Show ot u si Hiatus. Notes from (iardon City ami Urlglilon. The Pavilion station has the painting just iinislied. A ticket olllco for tho Utah Nevada on the lower floor, and a land olllco for Garden City on the second floor, will ut ouce be opened up. The metropolitan fashion of double rows of shade trees, with a stream of sparkling water upon either side of tho street, has been more than successfully initiated ou Main street, both in quantity quan-tity and quality of water and number of trees. There arc miles and miles of both, and no hesitation ou account of cxpeuse on the part of properly owners. Something very much out' of the ordinary or-dinary occurred in tho sinking of an artesian well tho past week by .Shearmen .Shear-men & Partridge on plat B of Garden City, and raises tho question of channels chan-nels and currents iu tho sand strata containing the water, as against tho theory of even distribution aud flow, maintained by Major Powell, as the characteristic of tho porous gravel sheets carrying tho water supply in artesian ar-tesian belts. Whilo this well reaches substantially tho saino level as many others eloso by, nnd Hows the same quality of puro water, tho pressure is peculiar aud ten times greater than in any of the others, forcing a Jlow of about 120 gallons per minute from a two-inch pipe, and must necessarily penetrate a subterranean current. Ed. Senior has an idea that his own town must front in the same iilo with any other city in tho west, and is therefore there-fore building him an inn, not so commodious, com-modious, of course, as the Hotel Ontario or tho East Side hotel, but abundantly big enough for tho comfortable lodging of seventy-livo guests, and a dining room 24x10 feet. This building is to be completed within the uext thirty days, aud tho pupils of the Garden City school havo secured the privilege of dedicating it with an evening rhetorical entertaiu-meut. entertaiu-meut. J. N. Blumberg, late of Iowa, has his haudsomo two-story eottago, costing about $2500, just at tho point of completion, com-pletion, and will immediately move in. The Lutheran people have commenced work on a handsome church edifice that will cost when complete about $7000. |