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Show A Meeting of the Illinois State Branch at the Chicago Auditorium, Audi-torium, PARLIAMENT TO BE DISSOLVTD. Labor Electors in Session Baptist Mission MeetingOther Special News. Chicago, April 10.-Special. The Illinois state branch of tho National British American association of the United Stales will hold a celebration in the auditorium touight to promote tho objects of their society. Tho Rev. Frank M. Bristol will bo' tho orator of the occasion and his subject will be, "Tho Public School System of the United Unit-ed Stales Unfettered by any Denominational Denomina-tional or Religious Restrictions, as the Chief Element in tho Perpetuation of the Republic." Coming after tho Milwaukee Mil-waukee election, where tho Bennett law was the issue and where tho party that advocates its repeal was triumphant, trium-phant, the lecture will attract considerable consid-erable attention, especially ns Dr. Bristol Bris-tol is an eloquent orator and profound thinker as well as a patriotic) citizen. Tho British-Americans will have their annual pieuio ou August 23, but they have resolved not to have a street pa-ratio pa-ratio on that day. |