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Show ' , ' rrrrTT. ,;, THE SALT LAKE TIMES, WEDNESDAY EVEXIXG. APRTT, m isnn. . .. ff Union National Bank., SALT LAKE CITY. Capital United States Depository Safe Deposit Vault, Absolutely Fir ami Burglar Proof, lioiw flora Jo.OC to ICj.0O per Year. Careful and Prompt Attention Given TO COLLECTIONS. McCORNICK & CO., SALT LAKE, UTAH Careful attention given to the tale of Ores Bullion. e and solicit consienmente guar-anteeing highest market price. COLLECTIONS MAdTaT LOWEST RATES ACTIVE ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENTS: New York-I- ami Trad. Nat. Bank, Chemical Hat Bank, Kuintae Hro. Chicago Commercial Nat. Bank. Ban tranciseo First Nat. Bank, Crocker-Woo-d worth Nat. Bank. Oninha-Omaha- Bank. St. Louis-St- ate Bank of 8t, Loni. Kansas City-N- at. Bank of Kansas City. llenver-Den- ver Nat. Bank, City Nat. Bank loudon, England-Mes- srs. Martin & Co., 33 Lonibsrdtitreet. L. S. L. OOLOSADO LOUISIANA BTATE LOT TERY OOMPABY. Ticket sold and information furnished. reports received the same day of draw-ta- g and furnished to all who purchase tickets of me. Orhcial lists of all diawiugs furnish! on achpapsliecrast.ionI and mailed to all out of town pnr will cash prizes that may be drawn by tickets sold bv roe, iu full without discount. Orders by mail given prompt attention. FRANK L. M. SMITH, Agent. .C tel. Turf Eiohanne, South Pneblo Dressmaking! V.heu In waul, of a NICE, STYLlVsUIT, don't fail to call on MISS HARGROVE, 4th Floor.take Elevator.Scott-Auerbac- h bldg MASONS. WASATCH LODGE. NO. I. A. K. & A. M 'T Regular cominunlcntions held at the Ma sonic Hall the second Friday of each month Members ot sister Lodges and sojournim brethren In good standim: are cordially Invite, to attend. APOLPH ANDEKSOX.' V. M J. MAU.H. Secretary. UTAH tWIMAXOEKY. NU I. KXUiHTs Stated conclaves held at M sonic hall, on the rlrst Thursday of each mom h at 7 o'clock. Visiting Kuights are courteouslj Invited to attend. a. M. OKANT E C Philip Ukiucs, Recorder. AKUEXTA MtkitfxO. S, A. P. 4 A. M held at Masonli hall the first Tuesday in each month. Member; or sister lodges and sojourning brethren li good standing are ivrdtallv iuvli.-- to attend l'. 8. YAK1AN, W. M. M. C. Priujps, Secretary. MtTmori.vh ixTinvrrNoTTTirrATM held at Masonii hall. East Temple street, the second Momlui of each month. Member of sister lodges aui sojourning brethren In good standing are cor dially iuvited to attend. JOHN H. F.VULOW, W. M. CH n I sTt ph E Rj)i khu Secret ary. UfAircMAPTKRTxirritA. M. walec convocation held on the first WednesdaN in each month, ut Masonic hall, nt 8 p. m. So" Journlug companions are cordially Invited tc attend. JACOB J. ORKKXEWALO, M. E. H. 1". Plitl.tf Hiimuw. Secretary. MISCEI.I.ANKPl CALCIMINE PAINT ANfiVHlTKWASII cost. P. H. Hoover & Co., Hl S. Main St. c alt UAKETriTToiuvf ion wants 'to purchase a qnantity of stock in the Sail Lake City Gus Co., any parties having fame for sale who will quote fimircs to tieo. M. Scott, mayor, on or before the 2th day of April, 1), any le able to effect a sale. By crder of the city council. Louis hyams City Recorder. Citt Hau Salt Laki City, March 'is is). TJOCKY MOUNTAIN GENERAL Agency, 63 West and South St,, Sail Utah Territory, We at e (he largest lidxir com-pany on the Pacific Const. We cheerfully answer all correspondence, regarding Western lalsr nmrkt; are the autluirizisi lal)or agents for all railroad uompanics in this section, and will cheerfully answer all corresiKindence in our line, lieneni) agents for Eaxtero ('stents. We are the largest agency on the Tacific Coist. Seattle Oflice, lUei Front Street. T acorns Otlice. 1IW, Piu'ihe Avenue, lsw Angeles Otlice. SM South Spring Street. Butte City Otlice, Morrison Block. Denver Oilice, tU8 Seventeenth Street. Call or write. : The KNIGHT-M'CLUR- E Music Company. , PIANOS & ORGANS, Instruments Sold on Easy Terms ' Old Instruments Taken in Exchange. : 26 West Third South Street, Salt Lake City. One-Pric- e Store. Keei-- a Full Line ot CLOTHI1TG-- And GonU' Furnishing GixhIh, Boots, lluU, Trunks, Vnliaes, liliiukc-U- , EU;., Etc. We nem iniareprew.' nuotlts We gUHiHiitwe st;ef Motion, We are ueve' iinlersoUl, and We hov u,ly one price I Ordei ) nmil receive cHreftil atten-tion. 210 Main Street, two doom south of nV hile ll'juse. WE HANDLE Business, Residence aifl Coitry Properly, 1MTROVEU AND UNIMPROVED. Purtiea w iiiliind to buy or wll llealty, lind letter aee ua, Our ntotto; Uoiall 1'rotita and (juick Ttirna." Ctirwiiontlimce aolicitetl. W.L. BARRET & CO.,c 207 S. Main St., Suit Lake City, L'Uh. ILEUS STTZfcT. ron iaso. Some people agree with Tun Sun's opinions nbonl men uud things, nut1 some people don't! but ewry body likes to gel hold of the newspaper which is tuner dull anil never afraid to speak its mind. Denioerets know that for twenty years Thk Si'N has fought in I ho front lino for Democ ratic principles, never wavering or weakening In lis loyalty to the trim interests of the parly it serves with fearless intelligence and disinterested vigor. At times opinions have dill'eretl as to the best means of accomplishing the common purpose ; It is not Tin; Si n's fault if it has seen further into the millstone. Eighteen hundred aud ninety Is the year that will probably delerminii the result of the Presidential election of 181)2, and perhaps the fortunes of the Democracy for the rest of the century. Victory in 1SU2 is a duly, and the begin-ning of 1'0 is the best lime to start out in company with Tut Sun. Dully, per month, "... so.ao Oully, per year. .... (I. (Ml Sunday, per year, H.00 Dally und Sunday, per yeur, H.00 Daily and Sunday, per mouth, 0.70 Weekly Sun, one yeur, ... 1.00 Address TUB SUN, New York. MIDDLEMISS, VAN DYKE Sc CO., Real Estate andMines, 156 Main St., Salt Lake City. Utah. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head will be charged t the rate of ten cents per Hue for each insertion. No advertisement will be token for lees than XI cents. Parties advertising in this column can have their answers addressed care of Thk Times. fohTsalk" IT'lHST-CLAS- S job printing office for sale. on time. Enquire at Tub Times orlioe. VTALL PAPER HORDKK CENTER M pieces and extension, at cost. D. B. Hoover & Co., PVI S. Main St. 708IIA"RES6rMU88TtX:k. In thnTsait IOI Lake City Gas Co., is hereby offered for sale to the highest bidder: bids will lie received for the same up to and including the Ifsth dsy of April, Ism by Ueo. M. Bcott, mayor. Tlui right is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of of the city council. L0U18 IIYAM8. :ity Recorder. Cm Hall, Salt Lake Cm, March 'J8, lssw. COMPLETE NEWSPAPER outfit, excepted, tyie: includes two-roll- double medium Potter press, size of bed H2xlt, new four, horse boiler and engine. Will sell cheap and on easy terms. Address "The Times Co." Salt Lake City. STOHh'8on Commercial street and Third South Revonuo property. For particulars eall on C. E. Wan (land, 'Ail Main street. 1jXK SALK.-WB'JF- ON H SOUTH feet deep brick house, good buy Bor investment, will sell cheap. The Vanburkut Investment company, 1T Main street, cor 3 South. E ARE CLOSING OITTOITK STOt K. OF wall paper and window curtains ut cost. Cull and examine before purchasing else where. D. B. Hoover & Co., l S. Main St. I HAVE a choice lot of acreage and city prop, erty for sale. All particulars can be had from the owucr, at No. 413 East Second South street, Salt Lake City. ' HELP WANTED. WANTED A RESPONSIBLE VOUNO secure good position at Caldwell Si Fel l's real estate office, rooms S and f Com-mercial Savings Bank building. WANTED A LITTLE-- til RL TO TAKE a baby; good wages to a good girl. Apply ut 10 a. m., as North. Second West. WANTED A NEAT. SMART HOYlOOOD steady position for same. Ap-ply In own hand writing to Frank Pierce, care Tim ks office. WANTED. BIDS for ten miles of street WANTED to A. J. Dutton, at othce of Davis 4 Stringer, &t W. 2nd South street. EVERYBODY to advertise their wants In this P'j department of The Times. slTCAflONWANTEU. SITUATION. Try an advertisement in The A Times, LOST. T OST OR STRAYED. A 8 YEAR OLD Ij brown horse about fifteen hands high, and branded S-- on the left hip. In reward will be paid by his return to Andrew White, IS West Second South, street. GULDEN opportunity, is lost if you do not advertise in The Times. oi'HiiuANiMi iTiifl'fi WiPi '"" TONY FAUST. VJfiJviSl ORIGINAL W&m BUR.0BUr?WYnV. B.DWEI8ZR.VW Keg and Bottled Itccr In any Quantity Hhlpp-- Promptly to Order. fcpeit Attention (JIvkd lo f'lly rmnlly J'rad". ANHEUSER BUSCH BREWING ASSOCIATION. Fitzgerald & Hofheimer, ... Sole Afentl. , m pkkson.il. ENTS OB LADIItS. DO YOU WISH TO LT correspond with anyone? If so. send three two cent stamps for particular)!. Address Mid Continent Bureau of Correspondanee, Y.l'i Commercial street. Bait Lake City, blah. loaned on diamonds, watches and MOSEY E. JlcCarrick. 210 South Main st. one door north of Walker House. Also b fine lino of watches, jewelry revolvei-- and charms for sale, cheajier than anywhere in the west. Colonel Knox, of Texas Sift-ing-is a shrewd, practical and successful newspaper man, an advertiser as well as publisher. A Journalist representative re-cently asked htm: "What did you mean by your statement at ihe Publishers' Convention last week, when you said that you did not think that the advertise-ment in Ihe newspaper, "top column next to reading mailer.' was worth more than ihu minie ailvertUeini'iit Inserted "run of paper,' us it is culled?" "I did not say uiivthing of , the kind," lie replied; what . I did say. was that I would not give tweuly livo per cent or any other per cent more fur special position than 1 would give for ordinary space, placed anywhere that the publisher might designate. If a man has not bruins enough to write and display his advertisement no as to attract attention, and cuu-- n every reader of the paper to set) it, hi) should not bo uu adver-tiser. He should drive a street car mule, run a milk-car- t, or edit tho 'ew York Mail and Express. The. lirsl requisite of n good ud-- - vertiscnionl is thai it should at-tract attention. If you can not write your advertisement so that it will cause n reader of the publication In which It ap-pears to pause and peruse it, yoil can not hope that the lame mlvorliscmeiit by being placed next to an editorial or on the front page, or elsewhere, will cause it to Im reud. I realize from fperienee that the old fashioned way of advertising, which cousistcd in distriliiilingMimi'le copies and displaying on the news stand chromatic show-cards- , was passed, and "'at the mot profitable way I" learli reading people is lo in publications that ore read and digested by appreciative people. The paper f represent costs l a year. What is the li! of advcrtiMiig all publication in a V) cent medium? Why should we hop for profit if we pit"nl (lie mer-its of a tl arli'-i- to a VI cent man? Would you advertise a plow or a thl'ehirig machine in the Armv and Navy Journal? Would you expect profitable returns frutu your ad-vertisement of a fuur dollai a veiir publication in a medium daily, weekly, or monthly that reached only shop girls or la-borers whoe income would not average more than four, live or six dollar a week? I advertise in paper that reach people who are able to afford the amount we ask for our publication. Wc do not pend money for fun. When I invest a dollar in adver-tising, I expect to get at Iratt one dollar and a half in return. By that, I mean fifty per rnt. profit on the investment. I be. iieve iu taking your own medi clue. 1 presenile advertising to my commercial friends and ns tlie prescription myself." THE SALT LAKE ABSTRACT, TITLE, GUARANTY AND TRUST -:- - COMPANY, (Formerly Harvey, Neff & Co.) 265 S. Main Street. CAPITAL $100,000.00. Incorporated under tho laws of Utah Territory. Makes Correct Abstracts of Title, Showiiur all Errors. Titles to Real Estate and Mor-tgages Thoroughly Examined and Insured. 1NSUKEB against loss by Mechanics Liens and dKenLnteL,a(kte6t improved DieboldHn it. tf vault, and does an escrow business. Arts as Executor, Administrator, fcuardian. Assignee, Receiver, etc., etc.. and executes trusts of every kind. Holding Trust Funds separate from all Otner Assets of the Company, And retaining; as counsel the Attorney through whoi i the business conies. CoJeets interests ou income and transacts aU other business anthorized by i ts charter. Bills receipted for and safely kept without charge. jobeph H. SMITH, PresideaL Denver, Colo., WILLIAM J. HARVEY, Vice President and Manager, JOHN W.NK1-F-, Treasurer sad Ass t Manager, EDWA1ID W. CiENTER, Secretary and AMtractOmeer. MTitt I Union-facil- e ttwYfmJy to A 'r- - fciViSTISM. V MOUNTAIV IUVtulOX . I llmull ALl lUilllu Th" Only I.Ui rjuryln IM Calted MtetM I Ov.rlnd Mil. Mr fVo,ti.m lw-- wg all Pidnis Nofta end Eit, EAST, WEST, NEW TIME CARD NORTH and SOUTH t March 2, I80O. UTAH CENTRAL DISIHIN. THE CTY TICKET OFFICE. PuscDgtr TrilM Arrive int Unt it Silt Lilt Citf u falloti: tbox rnt mtrm. wi wmin. . . , . , Aiuo'ln f',ipr. Atun'li tMlI r.::::;::.,)': T.ritlZ. raoM Tria sjith. aott xna. MMfl'nres toioim. J" b Evpr TM)iu. -- " t:! ooiko sr ! W " "ur-- Thro.iKhMrted.1;!lyieyt!liim1yj Warn TNrooirU Ml ted d.tii -- ;P UO.tyj J .m TlW..i.'r.ily Huiruru Prn, lUy ... JJ " 7 .IM. ' Mined, dily u.m. " " f.i- -t 4.iy "" PaeeenM J'f)U. " a v p m. " " l.iill.i Pwvnifer Trains le- - !t l ak" dally "rt rtuo'Jri for Irou'oo. flllver CP.y. Eorra. etc.. t7Ka. m. turniOK. arrlviM at4 :tt p. m. . i ' ' ' J ' The jltel r.st Mall," twirsr Oadea at W a m l nUt wit pay f"'- - PwtlaB-- l tohii( fyfr HortUnl t Cairr, Pnu.7io piie pn PorUna.1 so Cno o"'u ii H ii'- 1'nrtM IM' Si-r- r, llmie to f! Kiii, Imii Car. Portland I csicw, m Ctsw-lw- s Mail UM tofir-e- n Kir. ,i.,ri'. Sw.jsrr. fortuMKl OUaB. Tus train will carry only Peatfs aln r',r cl Ti t The IUnile V.tpnm." ktilt t Oiel--n ! J a. .. t :. CrswhM, Oifdea tofoun'-- Hiutr, Pullman ' Hwcpw portiaM " t - Hluifa-- . Pvilnus PJaf kMvh-- 'iMnyer to r!Uc!i Mioirs: Pa.'irsun iu a:n(. Hsrtt Lake t Ckeyaaa. itlUa I thronsli ftlwter U m. Pwlliwia i : H!jtr u I'rurwo tot'ounetl Bu9i Pulinaa rof-n- Hnf. Portiao.1 imVeim' 1 lhfntB ttamaaCttyt. This trla will tarry psenif In Klin iliaer Klnil or milra Tre. jTrrlKiR. C. F. RESSEGUIE, Awt. Ctol Puunger Agent. Oral M sOCXKTIES. KNIGHTS OF, PYTHIAS. 7Tit"he"lou77e .vo. 5. k. ok p. Ho-tly ular Conventions every Monday eveniim. at So m., in Castle Hall. Walker I pera Hou-- e imtldiue. douiuiug Kntohts coritiallv to attend. C W LOt FALL, O. C. VV. 11. Hislev. K. of K. & S. ocky"mi icnta in lo'uT;b no. 3. k. ok IX V Meets every Thursday evenmsat T ivclock. lu Castle Hall. Walker Opera House A. BUKBf'K. K. Of It. & S. VfyRTLK IXJlKiK NO. t. K. OK P. Ketri'uir 31 Convertions every Tuesday eveuliu-- ' at ? : o'clock. Castle HaU. Walkwr f Hoi's ImildinK. Sojoiirnlns MnrrtMiy to attend. J, M. WADE. 1. 1. V'Al.Tt:B SIIKHMAX. K. Of K. . AXIESTORIKK OK FOKESTERS. rtOUBT PltlUE OF UTAH. NO. Sft7. tt. the tlrst and third Wi-1a-y nf each nVrnth. at EmtK.rli.ni .Hall. V'SriRC 1L uiaae welcome. OEO. W. C. a. SPtKCta, b. f.. P. O. Box WU - lAlsH.BACOI. PbA-M- HOLLASD President. Ctubi. Bank of Salt Lake. SALT LAKE CITF, UTAH. General BaiiMrig Business Transacted. Interest Paid on Time Deposits, j Exchange Bought and Sold. Money to Lend on Real Estate from jne to rive years time. railroad reported that the potition should bo not granted with respect to llurd South street from Main to Sixth West, aud that it be granted from Sixth W est street to the city limits. Adopt-ed- . Tho reservoir on First South was or-dered cemented to prevent leakage, and then the city supervisor w as authorized to confer with the county , selectmen on the improvement of tho east boulevard. Tho committee on streets asked for further time on tho application of tho Rapid Transit company for a frau chisc. Mr. James then called up tlip bill fix-iu- g the amount of bonds for permits for erecting buildiugs or' making excava-tions. The bill was read a third time, but before a vote was taken; Mr. Brown of tho real estate exchange spoke in behalf of a committee of three consist-ing of Messrs. Donnellan, Wicks and himself regarding a resolution passed by the exchange in favor of granting franchises to street railway companies. Mr. Brown argued in behalf of his res-olution at some length, and urged tho granting of franchises. The sentiment of the exchange, lie said, was in favor of encouraging suburban population. In order that men might get to and from their homes it was necessary to have street railways. Tin; companies had olVercd to spend WOO.OOO, and tho ex-change beli;ed t hey should be eucour-aged- . Tho exchange also belioved in competition and thought it too should be fostered. The resolution was re-ferred to the committee on streets. Bill No. 2:), a bill granting a fran-chise to the Saltan-- railway company, was read and laid over under the rules. The gypsies were ordered from the Eighth ward square and the, Sunday concert question camo up. ' The com-mittee on law reported the question 'bark without any reconinieudation. Tho . ordinance was then read after which Kuv. Dr. MeNeice spoke in relation to the mat-ter. The. doctor said that ho repre-sented tho Christian sentiment of tho community and that us it was a grave matter and requested a postponement of one week. It was granted. Tho doctor will protest against the passage of the ordinance. The. ordiuauce providing for the ap-pointment of a garbago inspector was then called up on third reading ami passed. Mr. Kahu suggested that the ordi-nance be amended so as to lix a salary. Referred to the liuaneo committee. Mr. William Shtill suggested as a candidate. ('.!. M. Brown was also nominated, while Z. Wood and Mr. Green were also slated.. Showell carried off the plum by a vote of thirteen to Brown's one, the others not being in the race. Prior to the adjournment of the coiiu-ci- l, Councilman Noble offered a motion to the effect that in future uo person bo allowed to address the. body, but that they must appear before the commit-tees. This provoked considerable dis-cussion, a numberof the members being averse to denying the right, of petition. Tho mayor said that in all eastern cities committees from associations were al-lowed to speak, aud he did not think it should be stopped in Salt Lake. Tho motion was lost. The motion 'originated becituso of Mr. Brown of the real estate exchange presenting some argument in favor of granting franchises to street railroads. City Attorney Merrill, who acts as a sort of monitor for the coun-cil, was apparently quite indignant at the "cheek" of Mr. Brown, who had "presumed" to suggest a few matters which the council, in its wisdom, was able to take care of by itself. jr0iua Lengthy Session and Transact Much Business of Im-portance. MINISTEEIAL PROTEST. leBoal Estate Exchange Liftetli Up Its Yoico in Behalf of More Street Kailways. - f ten minutes before eight It wis i 'li Mayor Scott called the council to list night. Fourteen members re-- " lied to roll call and then tho read- - of th minutes was indulged in for "time- Tlioy wre unproved as usual ull the buuil'lo of. PETITIONS . ,,il bv t ho clerk. Tho first out of l,ox was that of S. II. Tails and Irs ivlio asked that the cattle in the mlicin part "f t'10 cUv 1,6 ""Pounded n , pound to be established . Referred ;hc committee on municipal laws. I. onstees of Salt Lake academy lx of $'J00 tc. that a nut collected as assessed, " ,, ground that the iustitu-ilD,n- f a' public good. Referred to towimmtlec on water works, because imperial tux was for water mains. 'ijiisi'flu! Eighteenth mid Twcn-Ytlnvut-asked that bo ,.11iu.d Urn Salt Lake Street Rail-l- v company as prayed for, which iaS referred to the committee on wis The petition of Z. Wood for cimiU.li to erect a slaughter house mlieihmipiug grounds was referred the committee on public grounds. petition protesting against the laying Sixth South to j water ma.ns from eventh South was referred to the com littce on waterworks. Then came an mioM'iiicnt of Z. Wood for. .city scay-ijt'- Kcferred to the committee on initary regulations. Tho property iincrs on Commercial street notified icoonucil that they were going juvn the street at their own flense and asked the city arc on First and Second South street liorscctious aijd lay suitable side-ilk- Kcferred to the committee on nets. Residents of the north bench ki d fur a hrauch canal from J street iinlcr to obtain water. Referred to mj committee on irrigation. An ex, iision of water mains on Second South mil Fourth West was asked for in or-- r that adequate lire, protection may obtained. Referred to the committee waterworks. An endorsement of avid Kvaus for Sanitary inspector a read and referred lo the 'iiimittce on Sanitary regulations, he plumbers union then filed a protest ruinsl the appointment of K. II. Rush v the same position. William Howell ked for tin; position' of sanitary Also referred to tho sanitary nmuiltcc. A petition regarding the pr line lo Capital Hill grounds from fy creek and asking that a connection made was referred to tho committee irrigation. THE WHEELMEN PROTESTED dust the proposed ordiuauce keeping in off the sidewalks. Tho wheelmen ve as their reasons' that they were an k'lly chiss .aud. that the I' H'alks were not occupied auyway. :e bicyclo was a factor in social and ilioal life, and Germany was putting ll soldiers on wheels, and besides women were learning to ride and future tho race of men would greatly improved. Further s would have been recited i for Mr." James, who moved to the million " which prevailed. Ms in the vicinity of tho public i'i tho Ninth ward asked that the shed lie removed. Referred to the mmlti'e on public grounds. May & e asked that they bo refunded the "milt or $109 due them on a license "en which was not used.. Referred he committee on licenses. A peti- - ii from Joslyn & Park asking to bo pointed , OFFICIAL CITY TIME KEEPERS granted, being no expense. attached, man Bamberger offered to lease the nn Springs property Jor.- a bathing "it and offered to spend'SMOO iu at once. Referred to the "wittce on publio.works, . fiuiislieil tho '.peUtious and City "Bicy.. MtuTitt.. rosa io. a sensible i order thatrof requiring the re-t- o lnakp an abstract of all pi.'ti-- s instead of using up un hour ' m reading. His suggestion i.nade a nuition autl'carr'ied. said thafin 'order to We mains in course of conslriic- - '"y Ions each of four aud six inch Mere needed, and that six, four mreeim h .iIKJ was needed, besides i large,, varieties. TlIK W STEAM ROLLER. ''j'M-Seot-t said he had contracted i.io lin sloaia rollui' at a f ' iu"l ten wooden sprinkling a cost of $i,ir.O, and that ' 'Wblhehercin ten davs. J Attoi'iicy Merritt's report on a .''i'f obtained by Frank Yearauce '., Clt'v W.074.0C was final, ""the dust would have to be Jt " as ordered paid. ;imnittee on water works re-""- a number of petitions for '"aius and on the propo-- . w I'ratt Brothers, whose 7, s4 the city a $33,000 'nt. The latter was referred M'et't committee On water sup- - yearly all the petitions for exteu- - , ,CI( referred back for more ex- - II J,;itenicnu. Police kepokt. " 0?IUu"Ue on polico reported in te' 'TPP?tinS Drew Al.lrich. A. lV M auicls' JonM PonneUy e j-- II- - Poole as members of the ce- - 'I lie old fire engine was Scnt.ed to the volunteer firemeus association emniitteu on linanee in :4'8lho hUV ot t!ie Duserct "lc boarding of ono Bv- - j d nfrtd tho bHI book for 1,10 :'P: ' officer who placed the old j ..titntion. '"''iltee OI. granting a fran- - j Matthew WTiite for a street PROPOSALS FOR POST OFFICE PI R- - posts. CLALKI PROPOSALS WILL BK BE-- reived by meat Stilt Lake CM v until noon oulhu auth day of April, iswi, for furnishing the Postodlce Department with suitable prem-ises, centrally located, which premises shall he of sufficient capacity, and located so as to a.' commodate the patrons of the Salt Luke City postoHlee, suld premise to be occupied us it postofllce ut Salt Lake City. Salt Luke county, I.' tali, for a term not to exceed tive years, from June 1, lo'Ai, The owners w ill lie required to partition the premises in su h mannr us may he decided necessary by t he Postollleo Depart ment.and furnish complete outfit of furni-ture, letter cases, counters, distributing lubles, desks, carriers' cases, etc., us may la- necessary for the proper conducting of the business of the oflice. and n() lock boxes, divided. I 'J HI assorted lock boxes, and 311) assorted lock drawers, of the latest improved pattern. In connection with the alwve, bids will b considered, for furnishing tho necessary heat and light, also a vault, not less than Wxltl feet in the clear, furnished with latest Improved doors and combination locks. Said premises should he lu the central, busi-ness part of the city. Dlanks for pro)osals can be hail by culling upon the postmaster at Salt Lake City. W. VV. PATTERSON. Postofflce Inspector. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. E8TATKOF DAVID H. KIN8EY, DECEA8KD is hereby given by the d. administrator of the estate of David II. Kinsey, decuawed, to the creditors of, aud all per-sons having olaims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within ten mouths after tlie first publication of this notice, to the said administrator, at the law oilice of (',. O. Whittemore Bnil 8. P. Armstrong, 'IM S. Main street, Salt Lake City, Utah, in the County of Salt Lake. Dated, Maroh 25, 1M0. C. O. WH1TTEM0HE, Administrator of theEatateot David II, Kinsey, Deceased. If you want collars and cuffs, you can find what you' want at Gardner's, 141 Main street. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. VJOTICE IS HEUEBV GIVEN THAT IN 1 pursuance of n order of the Probate Court of TiNiele County, Ptuh, made on the U4th day of March. Wi. In the matter of the estate of HiidKet Del Viureey, ilereased, the nnderslirncd. tlie administrator of said estate, will sell at private sale to the blithest bidder for cash, current money of the Lulled States, und subject to continuation by said probafo court, on or after the iWh day of April, isnu. at Stockton. In said comity, all the rlnhl. title. Interest and estate of the suld HrtilKet Del ,'onr-ee-at the time of her death, and all the rlnht, title mid Interest that, said estate bushy opera-tion of law or otherwise acquired other than or in addition to that of said Intestate at the time of her death In and to all those certain lots, pieces and parcels of land situate, lylnit and beliiK In the town of Stockton, Tooele county, Utah Territory, aud bounded and described as follows, : Lot Ift in bhs-- Srt, with adobe dwelling house. Lot In block Stl. vacant. Lot 17 lu Mock Sti. lumber dwellliiR house. Lot 19 111 block , Irfit J in block tl, " " " Lot 15 In block SS. adolw and lum'uer dwell-in-house. Lot 1H In block Hti, vacaut. lyjt ! in bhx'k t, " 5 acres of hay land tn the NW! Sec. Tp S, K 5 W. Hids must b made on each lot separately, and may be made at Rtiy time after the llrst publication of this notice und before the mak-ing of the sale. All bids or offers must be In wrltlm? and left ut the store of .lames Hughes In said town of Stockton, or delivered to the uuderslsrued per-sonally. Terms and conditions of sale: Cush current money of the United Slates, ten per cent of the purchase money to lie paid on the day of sale, balance on confirmation of sale by said probato court. Deeds at the expeuse of the purchasers. JAMES HUOHKS, Administrator of the estate of Hrtdpet DeCourcey, deceased. Dated April 11, law. The desire of society in London to honor Henry M. Stanley has taken shape just now iu a "Stanley exhibi-tion," which is devoted wholly to Africa and African products, among the exhibits being relics of Livingstone and other distinguished explorers. NOTICE. THE PKOBATB COIJItT. IN ANI POU IN Lake county. Territory of Ulan lu the matter of the estate of MuryOodsall.de-ceased- . Notice Is hereby bIvcii that Charles P. Williams, executor "t the last will aud testament and of the estate of Mary Ooilsall, deceawd, has rendered for settlement. and filed In said court, his filial account of his administration of suld estate ami petiliou forflual distribution of tie) residue of said estate arnoi.it the persons en-titled thereto, aud that Wednesday, the :iih davof April. A. D. 1SWI, at lu o'clock a. in., at the court room of said court. In tho County Court House. Salt Ijtke City and county. Llah Territory, has n duly an;iiud by the Judge of said court for the se'tleuii nt ot said account and hearlnjsaid Js'lition fordlstrttm-tjon- . at which tlm and place any person In-terested In said estate may appear and show cause, If any there t. why said account rhotild not be settled and approved and Dual dlstrlb'i-tlo-made as prayed lor.oHS(, CT;,n ),R Clerk of the Probate Court. Ily. Juiin L. Nkiikkkii. Deputy. WOKKLNOMEK'S SOCIETIES. Times and Places of Meeting;. Ooerative Plasterers' Uniou-Ev- ery Monday night, room IS, h building, Main S,J rowers' Union Second and fourth Tnes-dav- s even-- month, room 48, building. Main slivet. Painters and Decorators Union-Sec- ond and fourth Kridav cverv month, risim IS, buiidlm;, Main street Tinners' Union-Fi- rst and third Saturdays every month, room 4S, bmld- - 1,ciKiwkers',Utilon-Fir- st anil third Thurs-days every month, room 4S, fc'r'irolTThlrd Monday of every month at some barber shop previously desig- - "TypoKiaphical Union-Fi- rst Sunday of every WtLq'n;t Union-Ev- cry Wednesday evenlm; at Temple of Honor UodcatTlers, Lain uers and Teamsters 1 nion Second and fourth Mondays each month in the Tcmplenn Honor. Tailors' Union-- On Sunday lu A. O. L. W. h Stonecutters' Union-S.-c- ond and fourth Monday of each month at A. O. L. W . nail. Brick anil Stonemasons' Union-Sec-ond and fourth Friday of each month at the K. ot l. "''he Federated Trade and Labor Councll-Ev- ery second and fourth Sundays at their hall, room 4, buildlUB, Main "'Sw-uUv- Doard of the Federated Trades CotiVll-Eve- ry Sat unlay, room 4S, bcott-Aue- r harh building. Main street. ADMINISTBATEIX SALE. VOTH K 19 HEHCBY OIVEN THAT PL'H-1- 1 ennnt to an osl"r of the Prohote Court, of Halt Lake County. Utah, made on the 29th day of Match. A. O., Itu. in the estate of rrank Crocker, deceaswl, the uniiersiirued administra-trix of said estate will on or after Monday, the 14th day or April, l"tJ, to the hiichot In Ider, and subje"t to tlie confirmation of Ihe Probate Conrt, either as a whole, or in parcels, as may f5 for tlie best interests of tlie estate, all the right, title, interest and late of tli" said decedent Frnnk Crocker at the time of bis death, and nil the riant, title and interest of his estate in the fallowing described parcels of land situated in Utah Territory: 1 All the riht, title and interest of said eetate in an undivided oue-ha- lf of Ihe sooth half of Ibe north half of section thirty-tw- o i Xt), township rrae O) north of ramre one III west, halt Lake Meridan, situate in ealt Lake t'onnty, i A portion of hj einht is), block fifty-thre- e fMi. plat B. Halt Lake City survey, Salt Lake County; cotrmenctDK at the soullieest corner of Mid lot and running thenoe west five i5i rods, thence north one (1 rod, thence east five (Si rod thence srKith one (L rod to place of lieirin-aiii- a. eoutaininit five square rwls if Kroond. . The west half of the aorthwest quarter of lection eWven Uli, township one Hi north of raora one 1 west. Salt Lake Meridian, aitoaie in Devia County, and containin eorhly acres of land. . . - Hide most be in wntma--, anI may be for till or tar one of said parcels, or for any part of any parcel. They may be delivered at any time prior lo tlie sale to tlie administratrix r left f'r her at the ofhee of her tirney, K B. 'ritrhlow, rooms 13 d 2s, BeotuAueroacb rni"r Ona-bal- f caah. ooa-ha- lf on promisory jot of porrhaaesr doe ie tear with ibiereet at s per cent per annum, paj ably quarterly, ascttTM " "iTKtAVirrs. Adm'x ct EstJi-- e of Frank Crtykr, Iwe'd. iMted, rJUt Laiu Ciiy, Hue 'O, W. |