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Show Pabst Brewing CoI (Formerly PHILIP BEST,) 2ILWAT7KEE, WIS. Export, Bohemian, Hoffbrau and Select Blue Ribbon Keg and Bottled Beers shipped immediately upon order. THE FAMILY TRADE SOLICITED - FREE DELIVERY! TELEPHONE 365! B. KB LOCH an Co., 15-17 COMMERCIAL ST. Agents. We offer that SPLENDID BUSINESS SITE, northeast cornerofJi and North Temple streets, 115116 feet deep. PRICE, THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS PER FRONT FOOT, And on Easy Terms. Beyond doubt this is the best purchase that , be made, as this part of the city is looking up every day, Remember,, is situated one block this side of the F.reuch Hats, costing fcOO.OOO.t, erected at once, and only one block from the ion s Savings bankb the land for which cost eighteen Hundred Dollars per front foot, CALL AND SEE US BEFORE THE BARGAIN IS TAKEN, Hamm & Scott, Basement Walker Hon TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ANTED-LAljNDBYWpMAN iT cade restaurant, 127 Main M: - WANTED-Energetic and employ and locate agents (W be given to personal solicitingi. , reference, deposit V for samples collections. Salary R5 a month for Call on J. D. Morris at Waikerjiougj., LOST-Betweeu Terrace HeigMJ $ city, by way of the reservaW w Lake brewer', a pocketbook "''"V papers, of no use to anyone but iae some currency. The tinder will w warded by leaving the same a Young's. 110 Main street. - l?OR RENT BASEMENT Or' EI ; r building; tine location for a nr. , taurant. Inquire at the HealEstau XXR RENT -FINE LARGE K' JT first floor of Elk's Club b""1" make fine room for an attorney, the Real Estate Exchange. WALKEK . HOI! The Waliei is located in the bneuM1 the city, and has all tb Modern Improvements & V: Pertaining to a striotly nretI Sj manageo as well as any Hotel in u . , strictly THE Business and Tourist no Lake City. Passenger elevator, TheWalker&the Metrop: Are the two Leading Hotels of Salt : - .. . - |