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Show I i r i ., i i! rT' i ' j i Keep Your Eye on TlTIMES' The Salt Lake Daily Times IH NOW AN 8-Page Paper. SOU LAW ADDITIQN. Now On the Market. LOCATION: Oor. Tenth South and Ninth East. ON THE CITY LIMITS, TWO MILES FROM I 0. LOTS FROM SIOO TO S600. THE SITUATION IS GRAND. Overlooking the Valley. Call Early and Get Choice of Lots. CHOICE RESIDENCE. BUSINESS AND ACREAGE PROPERTY. BURTON, GROESlCR & CO., Sole Agents, 269 S. Main St. WELLS, FARGOICO'S Sal Lak. City, ........ ruh CV3 AND 8EU.H ESriUS'lilC MAKfJ 2 1 toltwraphie lrnfwr. oa th principal ritia o( tha Waited hikm and Eoruv. ami on all point, on U IV-itic '. Ikon ltr nl crntit, TiUbU in th pria ci(al oitiM pf th. wvrM. Hforwl atianUua gimo to taa wUin of on A 4 raw, mail, oa eonticnmvaU at Iom4 rata. I'artlrtiiar ttralB firm In enlUrtlnna hmagtutit Ctah, Nnatla ami adjoiaioc lam-on.. lam-on.. Account. nliriti. oniataro.iMirn: W.1U, Vvfflit Co. fsuidoa W.lln, K.npi A Co N Ihc M.mrick National Rank Htvtna KirM N.tional Hank Ihnaha Kir.t Natiunal Hank . Ik ant Merchant'. National llnnk ... Chiraao H.iatnicn'. Sating IWuk Ht. Ixu. Walla. y'ft" A I n Han I'raauuu 7. E. Z:OOX-"3T, Viraat. SILVER BROS., IRON WORKS Jfticiiiie Sto and Foundry, Jr Steam Engine. Boilf, Mininj, flv ltj; 7 Milling and 'frr Fronts art4 Building Wo,k KjAi OuiralllvkiMWwl: nj NORTH TEMP . STREET. , il I X BROS. n Netv Goods, 3 Lozfl Prices, I DRESS GOODS. -JJO o o 0 0 O Q Q Q 0 0 ; Katest Additions. it rTV 0 0 0 0 0 0 ooo if - .... , luvnol Suitings, with a stylish 7-inch side hand, at 43-i cents; tW wUlpaca in the very best Spring and Summer shades, at 45 cts. u l'bc? BVuitiiies in stylish stripes, at 87 cents, it ' i ,1 Tnd striped wool Suitings, iu splendid Spring colors, at 27i ets. A P ;1 S in Cray and browu mixtures, at 12 cents, fi t!i 'lot of I'reneh printed Satmes (not last year's patterns, but the " S most desirable styles, including Novelty "Ombers" at 15 cents. V :- r: . "I" HOUSE-KEEPING LINENS. " :..im ' . wt atUToT hotels Re rlho Ilemstitclie I liiow N 'SdancUV-st-eoloredi.n.b i,.?ve over shown. ,Cf Chenille Volure and! j piano Covers. -EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN- 11111. Sole Agents for James Means $3 Shoes. Ill Spencer & Kimball Jp 160 Main Street. E.SELLS. J.TOCKEB. f V .H.W.BELLB Sells & Corripany, -:- Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lumber -:- First South Street, Opp. 14th Ward Assembly Rooms. P. O.Boxl078. Old Pioneer Yard of Armitronj 4 Biglsf. GREAT SLAUGHTERING SALE o:f Heating Stoves! loo HEATING TOVES MUST BE OLD Regardless of Cost. You can Save Fifty Per Cent by Buying Now of the ALT LAKE HARDWARE COMPANY. 32 West Second South. (Opera House Block). Sigi of tUG "BIG- O-TJIST." ' J.W. Farrell&Co Fillers, Gas 4 Steam Fitters ! DoaUrt la all IdmU of Lift and Force Pumps Order taken (or drira and dug wall. Ceanpouli built and ooDDwctmni mail. TalihoM JD0-U1 ttatn 81. Ovp4Anahflh Uma RIAL E8TATK ACINCY Hi. I. in.r., MmiM toch Ptiria B..KCB. 'yoort Uuum, iMar.f.Col. I JV.CX.tvVWV.,M.tta.r. KELLY & COMPANY: Printers, Blank-Book Makers and Stationers No. id V. 8cond Sou to Kt, Salt Lake, - Utali' OCR fvlllIlM fot dnln tnt-rlmm Job PrUt-ina PrUt-ina n nl II tummt .ixl bat, S30OKH HnW. Printafl aal Raa4 tnOnlar. i HhI IUilr.fl, Mlplo. Habk al mtantila Wik ala.im hand. COM I'l.KTB Una "t (MM. Hnnnliaa. taB-lui taB-lui th ni aiprul Ulif-iluf an t aninnniii'al lnmUnn, I'BICEH IX)W. CALL ON U8. Henry f.clark --THE TAILOR. 20 E. First South 8trMt Price & Clark, IKjfilara lit Poultry and all Rinds of Came ' rUUlTU. VWiKTAHUH, ITC. IS HKAitOM. Na 08 W. Firat ffr.uth Street, 0('PJiiU ' KimUli lilock. .ACES AND .oueucdalarReiniportatioi yFlounciugs and Swiss Einbroi took of Embroideries andToi hare placed on Sale a Gr( ' Handkercliisfs at 25 c They will speak for tliei ing Styles iri-Y (Isnnie Braided Wraps, entirely new iu design, at $3, $4, $o, $0 aud $7. i ltics in Law and Silk Wraps ai id Shoulder Capes at very low prices, kcts at $2.75, W 50, $4, $5 and up' vards. iDcniiiras in Cloth and Silk. -es' Jaekets, Kcefers and Blazeps. e People's Favorite Goal! &R.G., Pleasant Valley, and Castle Gate. Only $4.75 Per Ton at Yard. $5.25 Per Ton Delivered. Nut $3.50 Per Ton at Yard. $4.00 Per Ton Delivered. SOLE AGENTS FOB hracite, Blacksmith and Charcoal PIS M, COKE, WOOD AND KINDLING Constantly on Hand. " ' L WILLIAMS, Agent ai Mm, SBSffltw i; . ; , , SALT LAKE CITY. THE TIMES PUBLISHES THE ASSOCIATED PRESS DESPATCHES & ALL THE LATEST City and Territorial News. THE TIMES is printed from Stereotype Plates, on a Goss Perfecting Press, costing $10,000, and capable of turning out 10,000 copies of an 8-page Paper per hour. THE TIMES IS A METROPOLITAN DAILY NEWSPAPER IN EVERY RESPECT. IT IS PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON, EX-CEPT EX-CEPT SUNDAY, AT 4 O'CLOCK. THE TIMES is tlio Paper of tho People. It is opposed to Monopoly and Extortion, but its Policy shall be to treat everybody every-body fairly. . r ' THE TIMES WILL ALWAYS ADVOCATE TIM MATERIAL INTERESTS OF SALT LAKE AND UTAH. IT IS BACKED BY CAP-ITAL, CAP-ITAL, RUN BY ENERGY, SAND-WICIIED SAND-WICIIED WITH BRAINS, AND IS A SUCCESS . ... FROM THE START. 1 ' Take the Times for a Month on a Trial Trip, and you will never want to be without it. It is a Sure Cure for the Blues. " GEORGE A. LOWE, Dealer in All Kinds of First Claw Agricultural Implements, SCHUTTLER FAPM AND FREIGHS WAGON'S, CoMMs BnggiBS, Piiaetons and Roafi Carts of every description. Steam Engines, Leffel Wheels. WAREHOUSES STATE KOAD BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND SOUTII. ITllliiy 45 S West Temple! Branch Office, Gardner!, 141 Main St A.nUntd I in all good towns. Telephone 113. Fi ne Work a Specialty vf H. McOLURE & CO., REAL ESTATE, SMALL FKOFIT8 AND SUKE KETUHNH. &j West Second South Strft, Salt Lake City. 'fam.ft. jAB.eLENDiNNlNO.Vice-1'reet. H. U. Rumfield. Beoy. : GEO. M. SCOTT & CO.S (INCOKFOKATED). -DEALERS IN- ardware and Metal, Stoves, Tinware, Hill Findings, Etc, GISTS FOR the Dodge Wood Pulley, Eocbling-S Steele Wire Kepe, I Cylinder and Enginf Oils, Hercules Powder, Atlas Engines andCod SL pTltors- Bl Sckles, Jefferson norseWTum, Blake IMmps iaQa Blacksmiths' Tools, Etc. 163 MAIN STREET, Lake City, - - IJtah, J- M. STULL &COMPANY, E INSURANCE AGENTS, First-Class Board Companies Represented. ' East First South St.. Salt Lake City. Utah. NOBLE, WOOD & CO., The onT Exc!usrs Hatters !a Salt Lake I hail L" I W' !t1Te"cullen. i THE Modem Hotel , OF SALT LAKE CITY. 8. C. EW15U, Prrtetor, : I Keep Your Eye on Tffi TIMES' I I PI Ti ' 1 1 v ijX-I- 1 |