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Show The course of tho Deseret News is malicious and spiteful-mean and underhanded. under-handed. Its conduct is not approved by a large portion of tho intelligent and progressive Mormous of Salt Lake, who wish to see the city grow and prosper. Tlie Dosorct News is simply a dog-in-the-manger, and the loss attention atten-tion that is paiil to it tho better. Wo regret that we havo said so much about tho contemptible sheet, but we wish to let the new comers know that there is a selfish and wicked motive behind the attempt of the News 1(1 obstruct the progress of Salt Lake. However, it will not succeed in. Us devilish object, for tho enterprising Gentiles and the progressive Mormons, who are reaping a harvest from tho boom, propose to spend thousands of dollars in advertising advertis-ing Salt Lako ami keeping the outside world posted on tho advantages, attractions attrac-tions and resources of the city and vicinity. vi-cinity. With the largo amount of new capital cap-ital invested here, the millions of dollars dol-lars tj bo spent in magnificent business buildings and dwellings, the streets to 1m paved and sewered, and other public pub-lic improvements. Salt Lake's transformation transfor-mation from a villago iuto a metropolitan metropoli-tan city is an assured fact. A MAMCIOL'S ATTACK ON 8 AIT L.IKE. There is no city in this country that lias brighter prospects than Salt Lake. She is the metropolis of one of tho rich-lest rich-lest agricultural valleys in tho world. 'The mountains ou every side are full of gold and silver, aud have not yet begun to bo fairly prospected and developed. Coal, marble, granite and building "stone of every description are withiu easy reach. We havo iron and salt in abuudauco. No region on tho face of the earth has so many resources and in ' , such abundant quantity as tho Salt Lake valley. In tho heart of this wonderfully won-derfully rich valley lies tho beautiful town of Salt Lako. It, is an overgrown rvillage of 50,000 people, and is soon to fbe transformed into a handsome city, with all modern improvements. ' Tho transformation will bring wealth nud comfort to thousands of people, tind; yet there aro in this community a lot of moss-back I'roakers who are doing everything in their power to obstruct tho advance of i-ivilization and refinement. They seo 5n the transformation their certain relegation rel-egation to tho shade, from whence they will tiever emerge. They feel that they tire soon to lose their Influence and power among a certain class, who are bound sooner or later to swing into ilino with tho element of cprogrcss and Smprovement. Tho chief representative of these iiuossback croakers is an alleged news-fpaper news-fpaper called tho Deseret News. It rep-Tpsunls rep-Tpsunls the obstruction element of tho Mormons. It docs nut represent the liberal and progressive portion of that people. Its main object is to impress upon outsiders that Salt Lako is a failure, fail-ure, and that any man coming here to invest in property or go into business of any kind is simply an idiot. The Deseret News does not want now ,pcople to lorale in this city because it well knows that with tho increase of a Liberal population its days of power and profit are numbered. On Monday it published an article that was intended lo give the real estate boom, the hotels, immigration, investment, improve inenfs, and business generally a black eye. The object was to have it po abroad and thus discourage discour-age tho influx' of new people from the eastern states. No meaner or more underhanded article could havo been published by an Ogden paper, and we predict that tho article in question ques-tion will be reproduced with glaring headlines iu the newspapers of Ogden. This vicious attack upon the interests of Salt Lake was followed up last evening by the publication of a private letter written by Secretary Gil lespie, of the-chamhor of commerce, lo various business men impressing upon them the ' importance of joining the chamber and assisting iu every possible way to promote the material interests of Salt Lake. Tho letter was in no way intended for publication, aud any nevvs-. nevvs-. paper loyal to Salt Lake would not hav e jmblisbed it, ...... . . |