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Show ADMINISTBATEIX SALE. VOTH K 19 HEHCBY OIVEN THAT PL'H-11 PL'H-11 ennnt to an osl"r of the Prohote Court, of Halt Lake County. Utah, made on the 29th day of Match. A. O., Itu. in the estate of rrank Crocker, deceaswl, the uniiersiirued administratrix administra-trix of said estate will on or after Monday, the 14th day or April, l"tJ, to the hiichot In Ider, and subje"t to tlie confirmation of Ihe Probate Conrt, either as a whole, or in parcels, as may f5 for tlie best interests of tlie estate, all the right, title, interest and late of tli" said decedent Frnnk Crocker at the time of bis death, and nil the riant, title and interest of his estate in the fallowing described parcels of land situated in Utah Territory: .-... 1 All the riht, title and interest of said eetate in an undivided oue-half of Ihe sooth half of Ibe north half of section thirty-two i Xt), township rrae O) north of ramre one III west, halt Lake Meridan, situate in ealt Lake t'onnty, i A portion of hj einht is), block fifty-three fMi. plat B. Halt Lake City survey, Salt Lake County; cotrmenctDK at the soullieest corner of Mid lot and running thenoe west five i5i rods, thence north one (1 rod, thence east five (Si rod thence srKith one (L rod to place of lieirin-aiiia. lieirin-aiiia. eoutaininit five square rwls if Kroond. . The west half of the aorthwest quarter of lection eWven Uli, township one Hi north of raora one 1 1 1 west. Salt Lake Meridian, aitoaie in Devia County, and containin eorhly acres of land. . . , . - , Hide most be in wntma-, anI may be for till or tar one of said parcels, or for any part of any parcel. They may be delivered at any time prior lo tlie sale to tlie administratrix is-mmalh, r left f'r her at the ofhee of her tirney, K B. 'ritrhlow, rooms 13 a-id 2s, BeotuAueroacb rni"r Ona-balf caah. ooa-half on promisory jot of porrhaaesr doe ie tear with ibiereet at s per cent per annum, pa j ably quarterly, ascttTM " "iTKtAVirrs. Adm'x ct EstJi-e of Frank Crtykr, Iwe'd. iMted, rJUt Laiu Ciiy, Hue 'O, W. |