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Show PERSONAL rAKAGKAPHS. Murat Halstead emphatically denies that ho is to retire from tho editorial charge of the Cincinnati Commercial. Miss Winuio Davis, "the Daughter of the Confederacy," is said to be engaged to a Mr. Alfred' Wilkinsou, of Syracuse, N. Y. Senator Brice bf Ohio has offered to duplicate apy appropriation tho legislature legisla-ture may make for his alma mater, Miami university. Sir Edwin Arnold is so much pleased with Japan and the Japanese that ho has taken a house iu Tokio aud will ro-main ro-main thero several mouths. . Prince Murat, who has been staying at Bucharest, has returned to Paris! He is looking well, and is quoted at the old ligures in the matrimonial market. Mrs. Mead, widow of Key. Dr. Hiram Mead, who was a professor at Obcrlin college for many years, has been selected se-lected for the presidency of Mount Hol-yoko Hol-yoko seminary and college. Senator Plumb was an editor before he went into the railroad business and became a millionaire. He is tall and raw-boned, wears a goatee and a slouch hat, and owns up to fifty-three years. The literary ability of Mrs. Julia Ward Howe's family is not confined to her duughte, for her sou. Henry M. Howe, has just completed a scientific work of great value entitled "The Metallurgy Met-allurgy of Steel." Acting under medical advice, the queen will uot tako tho baths duriug her visit to Aix-les-Bains. Princess Beatrice, who accompanies her, will go through the. full ordinary course, under earn of Dr. Brachet, tfie famous Aix-les-Baines doctor. William Black's new novel is to be called "Stand Fast. Crais-Koyston," and the characters will include several Scotch persons and two representatives of the United States. The novel will appear serially in this country and iu England. Count Andrassy iu his w ill declared in an introductory passago that it was his conviction that tin? maintenance of great landed estates is essential to the eontinaed prosperity of the country. For thb reason ho entailed his estates. |