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Show WEDNESDAY EVENING, AFBIL 16, 1890. , 2 THE SALT LAKE TIMES, """ job printer. UINTAH HOTEL. Commercial Street, on tho European Finn. This lint! hotel, strU-ll- first class in every respect is now offering induce-ments to the locul auil traveling public which caunot bo excelled iu tho west. Central location. Restaurant in con-nection for short orders at all hours. FllK.NCU & Sowkr, Proprietors. Pembroke quick The Troy Steam laundry is justly fa-mous for its excellent work. Telephone 192, "2 Main st. Empire Steam laundry, Tl Commer-cial street. Telephone 04. "if yoiiwant anything iu the furniture line, call ou Bakkatt Bkos., i(jfl Mii.n gU,cct New lines of spring neckwear just opened. Bast-Marsha- ll Mer. Co., 142 Maiu street. , Lookout for Garden City. E. J. Caldwell aud Arthur P. Ferl have pirn-hose- all of pkit P, Garden Citv addition to Salt Lake City. Mr. Ferl has gone east to dispose of tho most of this addition. Parlies buying in this addition at once aro sure of 100 per cent, in tho next four months. Transportation to this addition every twenty minutes. Fare 15 els. round trip. $50 per lot, easy payments, time one and two years. We also have to loan on improved city pro-perty and improved farms of Cai.awki.l & Fkkl, Kooin 8 and 5 Utah Commercial Bank Building. Real - Estate! I In all. Classes of Property. A acreage a specialty) I LINCOLN PARK, I THE LEADING ADDITION I I C. E. WANTLAND, 201 Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Attention (ienti. If walking with your ladies friends you must smoke the Progress. Julius Gauek, Manufacturer. Ogden Creamery Butter. Better than Elgin. Received fresh every day. Rouers & Co., The Leading Grocers. 45 E. First South St Barratt Urol. Our slock is complete in every line of furniture. . 106 Maiu street. Itemoveil. McAllister Bros, have removed from tho basement under the Harvy JNetl Abstract company to 207 South Main. - Mechanic Wanting Employment. All workmen needing employment will do well to call at the "Lniou Headquarters," room 48 h building. No fee is charged for anything. W. A. MoKenzie, Manager. Of Great Ue. The real estate agents' directory, to be printed on cardboard, and hung in the offices and public places of the city. If Tou Want A good smoke, go to the Casino cigar store, 238 Main street, north of Walker House. Trees for Additions a Specialty, Call at nursery yard on corner of West Temple and Third South. Full line of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, roses, etc. Removed, Sears & Co., the real estate men and ticket brokers, have removed from No. 245 South Main to 267 South Main. We also claim to be justly "famous" for our excelleut work. Empire Steam laundry, 21 Commercial street. ; .t-a-- t - Real estate men, come in and see our new and handsome desks. Bakratt Bros., 160 Maiu street. The Troy Steam laundry. Telephone 192, 142 Main street. New patterns in silk and silk mixed negligee shirts. Bart-Marshal- l Mer. Co., 142 Main st. We have just ploced on sale a most complete line of medium and light weight underwear. . Bast-Marsha- ll Mer. Co., 142 Main street. Why I'ay Kent When you can own your own homo on such easy, terms? We will advance you money to buy a lot and build yon a nice home. Money at 6 per cent inst. Wc will build you a $L'000 home for $24.40 per inonth. We otter the grandest in-ducements for people to buy thtsir own homes ou tho face of the globe. Wc give you the privilege of choosing your own location in any part of the, city. Caldwell & Ferl, Rooms 8 and 5, Utah Commercial Bank building. To WorkliiKineu and Employer. A Union Headquarters and Labor Exchange has been oiiencd at room 48, Seott-Auerbac- block, where all infor-mation relative, to tint various labor unions of this city will be furnished to workiugmon, and' where employers will bo supplied with good men by leaving their orders there. By order (if the Utah Fkdlkatld Trades and Labor Council. at Kinptoyer Needing Men. Any employers wanting reliable workmen should (.'all at or send notice to the Union Headquarters and Labor Exchange, where help will bo furnished them free of charge. W. A. McKenje, Manager. To see infant class at the skule is worth the price of admission, Mail aiifl Montana lacier? Company C. P. MASON, Manager. Headquarters for all Classes of Machinery, Engines and Boilers from power and upwards in stock for inime diate delivery. Steam Pumps, Injectors, Horso Whims, Hoisting Kneines Bock Breakers, Wall's Rolls, Ingcrsoll Air Compressors and Drill, Lubri-cating Oils, Mine, Mill and Smeller Supplies, Silver, Gold and Conccntrat ilg IflUls erected aud delivered iu running order. Maine Office and Warerooms 259 S. Main Street, Salt Late D. S. y " ""AGENCY, BUTTE. MONTANA. , H)oclal Offer. 7x7 rods.cor. 4th West und 7th South, south and east front, 1500 holds for 60 days. Price $5000. 2 lots in Park Place additiou at a bar-gain. 4x5 rods on II; 34 rods north of 7th; west front; house reuts $7; $1000. 7x10 rods, cor. B and 8th; west front; makes 4 nice lots, easy terms; $(5000. 2 lots in Holmes' subdivision, cheap. House, and flowing well. .3 lots iu Lindou Park addition. 8 " West Drive 2 " Hunter's subdivision. 3 " Archer & Kullock's addition. 3 " Martin's subdivision. We also have some nice acreage over Jordan and South. See ns before buy-ing. Hoi-kin- s & Tucker, 270 S. Main St. Dra. Whitney & Bucher's Dental parlors next to Cullen hotel. By Subscription Only. K. L. Polk & Co. announce that their new Salt Lake city directory will be furnished by subscription only. Hence those who may wish tho book should order of tho agent at the time he is tak-ing their names. Darratt Broi. ' We desire our old aud new customers to call and examine our new goods just received. lttO Main street. Our chamber sets aro tho liuest ever scuu in the city. Bakkatt Bkos., 10 Main street. A full lino of LaCc Pins at Davidson, Lcyson & McCunes. Tho "north star'' refrigerator is un-surpassed for cold, dryness and purity of uir; for salo only by tho Salt Lake Hardware Co. . Be sure aud see tho giggling girl at llardserabblc school. "North star" refrigerators arc all built on a scientific and common sense plan, for sale only by tho Salt Lake Hardware Co. Working limn. Take Notice. You aro cautioned against patroniz-ing persons who baudlecigars not bear-ing tho Union label. By order of the Utah Federated Trades and Labor Council. The Troy steam laundry, famous throughout the west for ito wrceltent work Telephone 192. 143 Main st. Mrs! Christy has the finest assortment of millinery to select from. 31 W. First South street. Physicians advise the Anhcuser Busch Lager Beer as a family tonic. Telephone 382. A tiuo line of Lockets at Davidson, Leyson & McCunes. . - Got one of those fine Opera Clocks at Davidson, Leyson & McCuncs, Kew Styles in Milllneri May beseen at Mrs. H. Christy's, No. 31 West First street. New novelties and designs of spring fashions daily received Tho "North Star" sideboard refriger-ators are made of solid ash, haudsomelv carved, clcgautlv finished with French plate mirrors. They aro very attract-ive and better than any other sideboard at the prico on the market. For sale only by tho Salt Lake Hardware com-pany. Tho attention of the trade is called to the full lino of neckwear at Gard-ner's. 141 Main street. Ladies Queen aud Victoria Chains at Davidson, Leyson & McCunes. Why not get a set of those elegant Stud Buttons at Davidson, Leyson & McCunes. W. H. MeClure & Co. real estate. Choice business aim residence property. Quick sales and sure returns. No. (J8 West Second South street. When you ask your grocer . for a smoke try the Progress.. Office chairs a specialty at Barratt Bros., 166 Main street. 4'iraiift Opening At Ladies Bazaar of artistic needle-work, Wednesday and Thursday, April 10th, 17th. Scott-Auerbac- h Block. Room 43. MAIN STREET. I have for sale for a few days only a choice piece of Main street property at 20 per cent below the market price. It will pay you to look into this. Talk quick. Also a large list of first-clas- s in-side and acreage property on easy terms, Geo. H. Tousev, 279 S. Main st. ;jM SALT LAKE CONSTRUCTION 7 r! STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING By our gravity system of heati lg we avoid any per- - I ceptable deposit from tho water, it Doing used over aud i Vj! over indefinately. Hot air furnaces aro at best uucer- - j j tain, while we can always guarantee that a steam or hot water apparatus put in by us will work. Iu mild in weather also a hot water healer can bo regulated to a nicety, while, with a stronger tire, comfort can bo se- - jt ' cured throughout tho bouse on the coldest day. By this 'm Wj system economy of coal, minimum of attention, and free dom from dust is assured. -"-TarsPErcE- .:thE -:- - SPENCE -:- - HEATER:-HO- T WATER HEATER, ; Can bo Seen at Our Store Boom at k b 81 FIRST EAST ST. SALT LAKE CITY. Hardscrabble is not graded. Pupils of all ages received Thursday evening. The "north star" refrigerator never guts musty or sour after using, as it is tilled with pure air imported direct from Peru; for sale at the Salt Lake Hardware Co. INGRAM & DON ELL AN, Real Estate Agents, 11 W. 2nd South Street. Headquarters for East Bench prop-erty. Look at our list: 125 acres in. .Plat C, at. . 8 600 per acre 20 " Block 5 " WK) " 10 " " 650 " 10 " " 15 " 900 " 15 27 " 1000 " 27 " " 27 " 1000 " 10 " 28 " 1200 " 5 " " 15 " 700 " 0 lots in Inglewood, at 8475. 10sl2 cor 5th S and 12th B, 89000. 10x10 4th 8 and 4th E, 818,000. - 10x10 3d S and 10th E, 812,000v 330 feet by 330 feet near new hotel, east side at 8100 per foot. Best buy in the city. 8x20 block 29, 1st South, 815,000. 37jxl5 ft., Lot 0, Blk 05. P, A at $400 per foot, on 2nd South near 2nd East. Jim Jiggles' composition on the hen Thursday evening. Tho only reliable gasolino stovo at the Salt Lake Hardware Co. . It will bo a hard scramble for you if you do not go early and secure your seats for Thursday night. Don't forget tho luminating "north star" refrigerators, at the Salt Lake Hardware Co. Kefrlgorators of the latest improved patterns; all sizes and prices, at the Salt Lake Hardware Co. Are you going to skule Thursday uight? A Sl'tCIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. At this time of the year, when every-one is preparing for painting their homes, the question is, whkhk can you get your paints tho cheapest. Bros, are iu a position to supply tho de-mands at tho lowest prices iu tho city. Easter GlfU. Martin Schmidt, "The Tailor," still continues to give the most fashionable suits in America. He also gives entire satisfaction to his patrons. Call and see his newly decorated parlors in the Progress building. We invite your attention and inspec-tion of our elegant lines of underwear. B Mer. Co. 142 Main st. Call and see my new line of Spring Suiting Worsted Pantaloonings, eto. W. A. Taylor, 45 E. 2d South St. A largo assortment of Gold Beads at Davidson, Lcyson & McCunes. We carry a full line of the celebrated Foster & Perrin kid gloves for gentle-men's wear. Bast-Marsha- ll Mer. Co. 142 Main st. We are sole agents for Millard and Christy Hats. Bast-Marsha- ll Mer. Co., 142 Main street. Our stock is complete in the line of gentlemen's silk and linen handker-chiefs. We invite your inspection. Bast-Marsha- ll Mer. Co. 142 Main at. Order a case of "Anhenser" sent home. Telephone 882. Spring novelties in necK wear. Bast-Marsa- ll Mer. Co, 142 Main st. Practical Watch Maker. Adolph Hauerbach & Sous have just received a fine invoice of ladies and gents tine gold, watches to which they invite public attention. Call at No. 24 East First South street under Commercial and Savings bank. ABJCRNATHY Sc UKANDKS, 20 W. Third South St. Offer for sale: ' UxlJ corner tyi Seventh South, house, $5500. 5x0 on 2d E, 6th South, brick house 4 rooms, $0700. 3x10, house 5 rooms, lino orchard, plenty water, close in, $4500. 0x10 0th South, $0000; $1000 cash, bal-ance to suit purchaser. ,5.10 on 1st near S. 5 room house, water and orchard, $!)500. 4ixli 4th S, K 3d, houses, cheap. 2x0 4th st, house 4 rooms, $4000. 3xl0 0th S, near Maiu, 8 room frame house, bath room and closets. A bar-gain. 30 A, E Bench, $1000 per acre. 10 A f mile west of Jordan river S, $1500. 47 A 7 miles S. finely improved, water right from both Cottouwoods, easy terms, $300 per acre. Call and cxaniiuo our list. Remember the place 20 west Third South. Hopkins Tucker Make a specialty of cheap build-ing lots. We have cheap lots in all the principal additions to the city. Give us a call and we will save you money. Remember the name, HOPKINS & TUCKER 279 South Main street. Strangers, Attention. Visitors lo the city are always wel-come at our office and our carriages are at your service. ., Wc have one of the best lists of properly in the city aud will take pleasure in showing strangers. Give us a call before buying elsewhere Conway, Cole & Waterman, In Huberts & Keldeu's drug store, 230 Main st. If you do not believe it try them those fast black hose at Gardner's, 141 Main street. We are making our custom shirt de-partment one of the leading features of our business. Gentlemen wishing a fect per- fitting shirt and guaranteed, should leave their order at Bast-Marsha- ll Mer. Co., 142 Main street. TI!? !w.ss .hai'd-woo- d refrigerators at tho Salt Lake Hardware Co. Kallroad Tickets Bought, Sold And exchasged by J. K. Gillespie, mem-ber of the American Ticket Brokers' As-sociation No. 240 Main street. New spring styles in Miller and Christy hate. Bast-Marsha- ll Mkr. Co. 112 Main Bt, AnarawlVhito ft Co. This lirm has demonstrated its ability hunt down nearly all the good things in the market, and their sales have been mainly to iirst class investors in real estate. This in a word covers the. whole question that interests purchasers of Salt Lake realty. Their oflico at 48 West Second South street, nearly op-posite the Cullen hotel, is not a bad place to visit to get posted on values and matters of interest concerning tho growth of Salt Lake City. 66x105 feet business property for $225 per foot; cheap; B roomed house, bath; eto. 105x330 feet on 4th West, $15,000. 08 acres throe and a half miles from postoflice, cheap. $0000 will buy 6x7 rods 9th East and 4th South sis. $3000 will buy 81x140 8th West and 3d South ste. 6x10 rods on 4th South, $325 per foot. 8x11 rods on 1st West and Fir, bk 28, pi Fj, $5500. $4000 for 4axl2 rods, brick house live rooms. $18,000 for 10sl3 rods on 7th So and 2tl diSst) streets $5300 for 3x0 rods on 5th So bet 2d and 3d West. $1650 for 25x140 feet, four-roome-d house. T'lios. Guest & Co. V ... We have $50,000 to loan on real estate. Fine brick land cheap. Call and see our acreage. We have snaps. Call and see lots in Nelson & Early's subdivision. The above property is sale bv W. H. White & Co. To Hotel Guests and Tourists Wishing to make investments in Salt Lake property will do well to see Ham in & Scott, real estate and financial agents, basement Walker nouse, before buying. 23 LOTS, OSLV $18.75, and now comes tho ladies iu a mighty throng, rushing into tho office of the original Greene, at 274 Main street, near the Clift house, each one deter-mined to buy 5 or 10 lots at the lowest prices aud sell again when the top is reached, if we get to the top this sum-mer. Everybody knows that tho ladies aro shrewder speculators than the men. Last week many ladies called. This week hundreds more will follow. Tho offer of lot.s ut $18,75 each is for tho week commencing Monday, April 14 and ending April 10, Saturday. Every day from 0 a. m. until 0 p. m., exeopt Saturday when the sale, closes at 3 p, in. Next week up goes the prices. Watch fur the big jump hi tho price, it is coming soon. For each lot you purchase at the special advertising price you must introduce some one to our office. If you reside out of tho city, send two names for every lot you may purchase; wo want to send maps, cir-culars, etc. If you want to see Jhow many people can bo squeezed into one small offico. call at No. 274 Main street at any day. Wo arc always busy If you believe tho title is bad, the lot's too far from town, tho ground wet and covered with alkali, or any of tho many talcs of woe and depression retailed by rival agents who do not have the hon-esty to let tho buyers share prolits with them or the personal ability to push a groat enterprise to tho successful issue which (he great trans-Jorda- syndicate) arc meet-ing with, do not come to our office but leave these lots for those who have the wisdom to investigate for themselves. You will be trying lo buy sonic of these lots at $W0 u piece before fall, you peoplu who hearken to our "en-vious, are the very ones off whom wo shall eventually make our money Tlie advertising lots will bo sold only for cash and all lots must be paid for when selected from the maps in the office. The title lo the lots is absolutely per-fect. To every caller we give a map and other printed matter. To every purchaser a copy of Abstract, Title Insurance Poller and War-ranty Heed. Bear in mind that hundreds of the best citizens of Salt Lako uow own lots iu the same plat. The largo list of the past weeks pur-chasers will appear hereafter, as tho printers have rushed so for copy that we have not had time lo write out and revise our list. We cannot sell so cheap again. Next week the prices go up again. Do not delay buying too long. Extensive improvements are under way. Headquarters at 274 Maiu street, the original Grocuc's.oflicc. Outside parties address II. N. Greene. Jim Holriggle's composition on the cow is wonderful for so small a boy. I)on't fail to hear it, at tho opera house Ihnrsday evening. The stuttering boy in tho "Dcestriet Skule." Tho reliable gasoline stove, absolutely safe for sale only at the Salt Lake Hardware Co. Dr. Lag gives a lecture ou anatomy. A?m a?'"'ful .and wonderful skeleton, "Deestrict Skule." ' The cheapest place in town to buv fine jmcy roasts, choice steaks and all kinds oi dried, salted and canned meats also the finest sausage of all kinds that can be made, cured hams and bacon a specialty, is at 37 Commercial st ti, Fj?,!5D May- - Proprietor, ered S rr0n,l'tly deliv- - WEBB & PALMER, Heal Estate. 10 acres on 2nd West. 3x10, Dtt ast, 2nd South. 5 acres on 2nd West. 8x10 cor 'r I kffl, Plat"D." For jjaie. We can give special .terms on the fol-lowing properties; call and investigate: 10x20 on 6th S., bet. 5th and 6th E. 2Vsx7 on 5th E., north of 5th S. 10x10 nod 10x7a" in rear on 3rd S.. bet. 9th and 10th E. Lot 1, Blk 20, Plat (J. OthS9 " 81167 E" 8nd 8th 5x8 bet. 9th and 10th E. and 1st and 2nd S. T. J. Blve & Co., tf 243 Main, opp. Walker House. Utah Title Insurance & Trust Co. 68 West 2nd South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. 'I '' OFFICERS AND STOCKHOLDERS. ,bhn B. Dooley, President. L. S. Hills, t, A. L. Thomas, Secretary. ' INCORPORATORS. F.H. Auerbach, Merchant. ! W, S. MoCorniok, Banker. K. C. Chambers, Ontario Mining Co. VV. II. Howe, Merchant. T&nrV , yCalpltB,K, ',f""es Sharp, Utah Antral Railroad. ;T,VEA? ?y'.9asmer WeUs 1 ar & - E. A. Smith, Cashier Deseret Savings W. C. Hall, Attorney. Bank. Ii. S. Hills, Cashier Deseret National Arthur L. Thomas, Governor of Utah. J- - R- - Walker, Union National Bank. John A. Marshall Probate Judge. 'f. G. Webber, Sup't Z. C. M. I. Attorney, Johw. A. Marshall. Happy Hour Dental Company. itSBipasevi fcdk'Si two gsjgHpS gentlemen; Our Pces 1000 per 4?sSp5is cen,ton ?"ourin- - feiCVDwpTlTs'?S"i" Cleaning and Hs!WiPS whiten in it tho rShik!&f teeth, new pro-cess- s, 81; exami-natio- n and treat-ment free of charRe. Finest gold fillings $1.50 and up. Teeth extracted posi-tively without pain and dancer by use of our new anesthetic compound aid free of charge on Wednesdays; come eRrly. Silver or ainalcam fillings, $1; phos-phate and other fillinfrs, 81. full set of Lest teeth 85 and up, to material in base plate. Mrs. Buck and MissWeaverlingof this Mmpany especially solicit tho patronage ot ladies. Finest work; perfect satisfaction guar-anteed. Respectfully, Hafpy Hour Destal Co. ' Office in Wasatch Block. 30,000 Cigars for Sale. Taken for debt under chattle mort- gage and bill of sale, Valued Ut $30 per M. 1000 for $25. ;000for$100. Whole lot $550. All sales cash. 0wEi"' Phillips. Room 5b, h building. T H E Lace H ( Us K Children's Mull Hats. Sun Bonnets, Silk Taps. Swiss Caps, Latest Styles. J. A. Morlan & Sons. Parties wantinjr to buy property of any description will save money by call-in- g on us. We have a fine list of busi-ness and residence property that cannot be equaled for location, price and terms. e have more tine corners than any-body and several tracts of acreage suit- able for platting close in. Call and see us before buying. J. A. Morlan A Sons, 3-- 8 tf 13 W. Second South St Choice maple syrup, the finest in the land, Hamond'e choice hams and bacon new goods and choice fruiU arriving every dav at C B. Dursfe, 72 and 74 li becond South street. S, JENSEN;, b" sl Also Agent for "Vic-V- S l5ifv3 tor Bicycles. Best fSBS1j22 E. 1st S. St ' - Salt Lake City. Active preparations are now in prog-ress for one of tho most interesting and. nmiising performances ever given by local talent or by professionals for that matter. The entertainment is to bo given under tho auspices of St. Mark's guild, and will be presented at the opera Thursday, April 17. The company will include a largo number of prominent people, and those who have attended the rehearsals and survived the fuu aro ready to vouch that the "Decslrict Skiilii" is tho most mirth-provokin-thing extant. Notice. The attention of architects aud build-ers is hereby called to section 8 of chap-ter 19 of the city ordinances, which re-quires every person, corporation or association about to erect any building within the city limits to notify the d or of Buildings before commencing tnc same. . Ofliee 424 West First South street. A. M. Grant, Inspector. A VERY jJOLLl An Island Where the Pris Freely in Society Wi Tree People, A BEAVE HERO OF Tl A Miser Who Left a Princ bnt Who Lived in Abject An Old Traveler, A corresponaent writing gives some interesting details went of prisoners on variom ands he visited while on a Mediterranean. Each of tl contains several hundred pri are locked up every night at leased at daybreak and lock; from midday until 2 o'clock, night no prisoner is allowed under any circumstances, bu those who work on farms at from the prison are allowed out by special permission rector. During these free hw oners can go anywhere thev island and can engage in offered them by the townspeoi ere. Any infraction of the n nary life around them, or of tl is punished by seclusion in sp; I The government furnishes I and medicines, a summer a ' suit of clothes to each pri: j year, and allows each ten cen money for his food and other of life. Danger of escape is by a squad of soldiers, one to criminals, and a swift sailin manned by marines. On acco cheapness of labor the islan highly cultivated as toresemtl The correspondent adds: "j prisoners, the open air makes healthiest of any criminals I seen. There is no sign in theii bodies of that prison blight h every visitor to ordinary jaifc tentiaries. 'Fresh, open country air, se; and contact with honest mei and children, among whom th nab must live and behave i properly, remind them that th; simply jail birds, but that, gi feeling of humanity, society all to hang on to its skirts withe casting' them out. The loots prisoners were so different frcj any I had ever seen before that tion forced itself on me whethe ter moralizer and redeemer of can be found than this fresh, o try air and its concomitants," 7 While this picture seems somi idyllic to be reproduced in fto --ii is a very interesting and enc one, and contains suggestions o most value in the solution of thi problem of the extent to which tory discipline shall supersede ac ishment in the future treatment inals. New York Commercial tiser. A Hero of the Lakei A pathetic story of disaster, o ing horror and of supreme herois to us from the great lakes. At son of the year they are lin broken ico and swept by fieri Venturesome fishermen, nevt try their skill amid the perils and waves. On the edge of the on the shore of Lake Erie an u waterlogged and rapidly sinki bearing a half frozen, half star vas picked up the other dav, been in the ice and water ford was so nearly dead that hin will beatteaaee by the loss ol his frozen limbs. When he set oat on the te water he had a companion. Is was overturned and they claml her bottom. For hours they dm hoping for rescue. Thentheydi that their joint weight was too the waterlogged boat. If bothr by her both would die by drowni she went down. One might chance of being 6aved. The other man coolly and calmi the situation in the face, "i relatives dependent on me, w mourn for me," he said at lis' you have a mother and sister you for support. Good-by,o- I'm going to meet my Creator, with a silent prayer he slid into! waters and disappeared fore'fi was heroism of the highest t; heroism of sacrifice. New York Miser Durand's Fortu- A rather remarkable misery rand has just departed town of Rodez. He was 86 and according to the French es fortune he was a triple mill magot being worth in cash ' 120,000, or 3,000,000 francs, used to go about the town like cant so much so that the pF: offered him alms, but were p' for their proffered generosity. J known to have had but one suit made clothes during his long ? residence in Rodez, but on theda: he went to draw his dividend local bank he usually donned a intended to be ceremonww. seemed to be a comproniiM blouse and a sack. The miser lived alone in a JjS the doors of which were do and occupied himself with m clothes and. boots, cooking, linen and counting up his nioi; last task being his daily deliM cipal pastime. Durand has left and the bulk of his bullion to fish monger-t- he widow Nover sometimes visited him. To hu tives, some of whom are in miser has not left a penny. 14 London Telegraph. Not Much of Trl' If the whole population should race around the world on ; it is likely that Harrison Alb neyville, would come in last isn't much of a traveler. H in Whitneyville seventy-thre- e T and never was more than tent0 from the place until last wee' moved to Portland. Until th had never traveled a mile eitb road or steamboat. NewYor' - Sheep grow to an immense southern California. One w killed in the mountain regf ; Bernardino county which, it 13 dressed 410 pounds of good ' The latest styles of hats and summer wear, at GaraD Main street. |