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Show CONUKESSIONAL. SKNATK. isiiWN, April 10. Mite lell lice thai ho would address Iho I'ui'silay on his constitutio mil Ml for the election of senal urs r of the people. On motioi of the limiso bill granting the 'a-Spokiine 'a-Spokiine railway right of w ay the Nm Perecs Indian reseril a-Idaho a-Idaho passed with one vernal lPilt. i I Ionian election case was again i (as Daniel did not claim tlio, rtintiuiic tlie speech of yestejr-' iibson addressed the senate iu tho democratic side. ItofSK. , ' , inuton, April 10. The com-R'ported com-R'ported hack adversely a res-directing res-directing that the committee in i1 the life saving system. larlff bill reported to the house, red to the committee. of tho publican committee on the sil-' slioii this morning heard the iftlie sub-committee conference e siih-cominitleo of the senate ; republican committee with a coming to a basis of agreement, i cumnritteo reported it had been that the hill should provide for base of four aud a half million silver every mouth, ites issued in payment thereof deemable in lawful money. At is said, the members of the full lee were inclined to adopt this d voted to do so. Afterwards, r, in discussing the manner of iug the certificates a sentiment cd in favor of making them re-le re-le in bullion. : 'reposition was advocated by a y of the committee aud the sub-lee sub-lee was instructed to again con-i con-i the senate sub-committee and 'i' to induce them to agree to for the redemption of certifi-i certifi-i accordance with the views of committee. 'H "I the sub-commissioners lichl this afternoon for that pur- ''ihia' of tho senate sub-commit-m conversation upon the that no such , agreement 1 would bo recommended' by Ho did not believe there I've senators who favored 'M'ipliou of certificates . in 'i'ho senator said it was ex-:l' ex-:l' first the cost of the silver pur-W'lM pur-W'lM bo less than four and a : io"of dollars per month, but 'W tho operations of tho bill, ''ill be so enhanced that in a tho cost of ' silver lTOlmbly sm.,)ass that sum. also expected, he ... said, ;lt least other silver than pro-"!,m's"f pro-"!,m's"f the United States be ;')' to make up the full amount "Hlhly purchase. Another sen- 'hat it js rapidly becoming ;i tllal an agreement must bo .'.''J' tlio republicans, else the Utm will be made for unlimited m'', aud would pass both |