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Show Ayer's Cathartic Pills. yt Tor the relie nndcuroofal j&fp' de r anKomcnl; y- in ihostom.icb li'or- iind bow-AViVt bow-AViVt They ar r 'jlT it mild ajierieni Vi:.-- 'TJr . llnil au excel-!lit'f;Os., excel-!lit'f;Os., ; 'out purgative Hj3 fe-, '' c'nK l"irelj vjtir Lf1 ' " vcKotablo, thej i j containnunier vj rury or miucrn: whatever. Much serious sickness and suf forinjris rrcvciHed by tht-ir timely use; anc every family should have lhcm on hand foi their irotectiou ami relief, when required Lone experionco bas proved t htm to bo thf safest, surest, and best of all the ViUs imt whioh the market abounds. By Ihoir occa-sitnal occa-sitnal uc, tho blood is urificd, tho corruptions corrup-tions of tho system excelled, cbstrueiium removed, and the whlo machinery of lift rcsUTcd to its healthy activity. Interna organs which bccinu clnt-L-cd and shiKni.-li aru liemsul by An i 's i'iils, and stimulated stimula-ted into aclion. Thus incipient disease i: chauKod into helih, the value of whien chaiiKO. when reckoned on tho vast multitudes multi-tudes wtii e:ijor it, cn hardly be computed, Tbeir rUKar-coatiiig makes them pleasant t t;il;e. and preserves their virtues uoitu paired for any liiu-tli of tin; c, so that they are evei fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although seon-biiiK, tboy are u.ild, and operate without with-out disturbance lo iho cuaatilution, or diet, or ort-iiiiati-in. I'u!! directions are Ktvcn on the wrappci to each bos. ht.w to u.u them ai a l'amilj l'hyic. and f..r tin: I'-.Mowin uumplaims, wriH'h these I'ilts rajiidly ''ure: For Uy,n-i,ln (,r Imllt-hHoji, LUt-teshiiess, LUt-teshiiess, Lnngiior aii-1 L.os of Appetite, Appe-tite, tlit-y should be ta';en moderately tc st'iuubiiu thestomacb.aiul restore it; healths For l.lvt i- nmplnlnt .ind i arbnt 'viuiiiuio, II 1 1 Ioiih lltnilxclii-, Mk Ilta.I.i lip, Jatu.illte orGr-rit SU-k- luvs, IIIlluiiH nnd llllloiis fc- ver., tL.jy ...UuM 1H- j,,, l taken La ca .-h e ,e. 1,-i-.irr,,-l I he .1- .i.-ed :i.-:5oq oi r,-o.v. t-.L- in.,-.i.pi h ,!; c.iu-e it. For ! MiHtij r IMuri-lK. n,t i,t mil id, -, i-. n.,l!v rt.,i.ir..l. F..r Hlicuiiiall-m, ..ut, fiiAVfl, 1'atpiliHlixi ol tho ll.-ui-t, I;iiii in I u. -.iit . Um k. ; ,1 I.oin,, .10y rboUlil bvo i,:iimi.. ly :.-,k.ja. r. , .j i f' !. to .A,. ui Lu.e li l.-t:.tr t 1 Jtiiun of llj.j O.Mflil, V ItL su -a :h,. c iM'l.iin' i,-...,r. F r lro,.,j l(, ,.-il ol SH tlliiif;,, thr .-!... u:.! J o ;,k.:n iii I ir.tt and IrcyKUi d ! i p-.-.iiti,-i. !h,!, .,: adr.i-tii: .,iri.'c. For Siii.irt,l.,ii, j, Lt.-u 1: li-ul-1 be lak'-ri, .l. h pr.du.c- tb-j d si.-':J t:J..ci l) eyuipjt'iy. .A.- a Jiii'ii- J'ilfl take nw ur tw-j J'itli U- Tom-'Lu di(fc-ii'ju, uai fli-ive the st'-ia-ao li . I An fiei'ional do stiuialntej the Etoni-, Etoni-, .i-:h aad hiiv;l.-. n..- lure trie apptlite, hud i cv iiror.it e the ystcj. Ilcnr it it L- often adv..titjccu'j: where no eermii der.insetueot fxi-L.-. tJtic whu ft-el!" tolerably well, often I tin.i; that a do.-c of thee 1'iltt niakei bim , feel de-riJedly better, irotn their elfaniing and renovdiini qHli on the diictive ap- piTktUi. I'KEI'AILLDTi V Dr.J.C. AYERtCo., PracUcal Cticwlda, AOllUi., MJL.S.S., L. ti. J. F0U &L ZY ALL aUGi..I Ti EVKYffUtKE For tali al Z. C. M. I, Brag Dtpt |