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Show The St. Jo. Drldge. St. Joseph, Mo., 1, Tho second pier of the bridge across the Missouri river was sufeiy laid on tho bed roek to-dav, sixty-six feet belo A- hit-h water. For the past few days the progress has been slow, owing to tho caisson meeting three feet of water-bearing gravel. This gravel bed contains specimens of rich gold bearing quartz, topaz, amethyst, v.'inestone, and other relics of the glo'cial period. A Yoiilliful Aabnsfclii. Pittsburg, 1. At Washington, Pa., to-day. Tho;. MeGippin, aged 17, shot and dangerously wounded professor Wilson, principal of the Union school. The professor had refused to de'iver a note to one of the young lady pupils, and ordered him off the premises, when the boy shot him. Nout'tary and St oiks. New York, 1. G,.ld closed dull; governments gov-ernments dull and steadv. Tho proposals pro-posals to seli by government to-day amounted to nearly four millions at from 'JOS to l'S7; the awards were ono million at WS to 'XX. Stocks dull; "W, U. T., 72"; Quicksilver, Quick-silver, 2i; "W. F.,0i2; Pacific Mail, ,7i. London, 1. The Bullion in the bank of England has decreased 167,000. |