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Show PACIFIC COAST SEWS. CALIFORNIA. ; San Francisco, 1. Incorporated today: to-day: The Pacific Borax, oompany, capital 2,50,000, to operate in Ks-meralda Ks-meralda county; Now Pacific Quicksilver Quick-silver company, to operate in San Luis i Obispo county, Cal., capital five millions. mil-lions. O.ven Duaue, on a suit for $110,000 damage lor slander, recovered f7a0 from Michael Welch, and Win. Welch recovered 250 from Chas. McCanley on a similar su't. The theatrical benefit for the destitute desti-tute families of Koussey, the mau who lost his lite in rescuing others at the lime of the El Uapitan disaster at Oakland, and Ernest, who was killed by the lalling of the pavillion, at Piatt's hall last evening, will net t each family about SvSOO. San Francisco, 1. Christian Lean shot himself dead through the head by his wife's grave at Lone Mountain to-day. Lorenzo A. Phillips shot himself through the body and head, at his residence on Potrcro Nueva last night, while insane. The Warren-Manslield-Perlev alfair, wherein a check was extorted but payment pay-ment stopped thereon, was the common com-mon talk Jong before Lawlor married tho woman, but ho was never mentioned men-tioned as connected with the scheme. MEXICO. A letter from Ilermadillo, Souoro, ; dated January 7th, states that Gov. ( Pesquira, with the federal contingent ' from Sonora, had already exchanged shots with the advance of the rebels in Sinaloa, and a decisive battle was hourly expected. An Apache chief, supposed to be the celebrated Cachize, from Arizona, was killed and scalped and his pistol, sword, &c, taken and is now at Ures. When E last heard from, via Tucson, Cachize ' was on the reservation at Canada i Alamos, .New Mexico. It is probably a mistake in the individual. |