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Show BILLINGS PHILOSOPHISES. Fast ioipresltuns are "'d tew be Uat-inc;. Uat-inc;. Enny man who haz only been stung bi a hornet once will sware to thi-j. The safest way for ino.-t ioifcn tew do iz to do az the re.it do. There aint but phew who can navigate without a koniryjps A wiz9 man iz never konfbunded bi what lio don't understand, but a phool generally iz. Yung man, don't grind yure scythe all on one side. Politeness iz often wasted, but it iz a pood and cheap mistake to make. Our very best thoughts often cuius tew us Budden, seldom perfekt. They require polishing up tew make them komplcte. Do a good turn, young man, whenever when-ever yu kan, even it' yu have tew turn a eritidstun to do it. K?pcutance iz generally kousidered a weakness, but i kno ov nothing more indikative of strength. Human knowledge iz not very kom-prehensiv kom-prehensiv alter all, fur havu seen men who could kalkulate an ckiips to a dot, who couldn't harness a hoss tewsae their lives. Every boddy in this world wats watching, but none more than ourselves. our-selves. Cunning iz very apt tew outwit itself. it-self. The man who turns the bot over and got under it tew keep out ov the rain, waz one ov this kind. Vanity iz a strange pashun rather than be out ov a job, it will brag ov its vices. Aii phools are poor listeners. About all it takes tew make a witie man is tew give other people's opin-yuns opin-yuns as muteh weight as we do our own. Flattery iz like ice cream to relish good we want it a little at a time, and often. The moroyu praze a man who don't deserve it, the more yu atmze him. Yu kan't flatter a truly wizs man he knows just how much praz; iz duo him; that he takes, and charges over the balance to the profit aud kes ac kount. |