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Show iiicii Em mum Jr'OR MAX AXD JiEAJiT. Probably few articles have ever had so extensive a sale, while none have been jnoro universally bunc tidal than the celebrated M kxicam ..Mustang Lini-m Lini-m rnt. Children, Adults, Horses und Doini'stic Anima'S, aro always liable- to accident, and it is rale- to bay, that no family can pass a single season without some kind of an emollient being neccs- . ary. It becomes a mailer of importance import-ance then to secure tho best. The inerils of the ,l kxican Mustanu LlsiMKM-aro well known throughout the habitable world. .From tho million ' upon million of bmtlos Fold, no complaint com-plaint has ever reached us. It is re-coninienticd re-coninienticd for Cliu, J3rui;"s, Sprains, Itheuiualism, dwellings, Uites, Uhil- blains. iSzc, upon man, and for ijpavins, i'oundertf, King-lione, Poll Kvii, Scratches, "NN'inU-Galls, Hoofalo, Ac, upon horse?, 1 IM-'Q-JANT TJ OW.tEHS Or HORStS, "Tliii' U to certify, That tho.Mcxican Mun-Inns Mun-Inns L-uiiiiunl ha.- bi-rn onejiiv, ly used in , our .-t.ililu.-; ibruu-liuut the c-nintry iwc have :',.J hordes j with tho re iic.u bunelii in all ; Cil.-W I yall.s. kn.'ka, (T-nin, la 111 ill o -6, Mill'- llu8. el-. Muay of uur utn have ii,.d ocir-iua ocir-iua lo uso it in tboir lamilie', iidI nil upetik ! of i; in Iui;(!-t icriu-. Uno of our men j Cit kicki.' 1 utid bail ly cm and l ruin;'; as us-ual, us-ual, tbu MucianR Liniinent w:ta re--i,ii.'d io-the io-the liiincnc;s wiis rc n.0 vi!-J. mi l ho Wiis n-moH n-moH well in luur il.ijs. 0 cm chccnullr rccooinieti J it as a valuable i'io'ariiioa toi man or buasL Vuurs re icclfuHr, J. ULNNINO. Foreman of Adams ii Co's. Eap's. btable, W o (nko sr-at flcafuro in rccommonilinn the MuMcan Mu:i.itiK LmuiiL-iii a. un judis-l.cij.-.it,le and valuable article, and the bcl wo iiave ever Uitd for M-ta:cg. Smci or G.ilL- on h'.Tec;. Si.wc uf y"ur men h.n e aldo u.-'ji It i'.r ;cvoro boras ai,d B'nitt, ac well as rheumatic j-aius, and all cay ii jiou like 1 magic. I , J, II. HEWITT, F ireman, for AmcrKin Lxiro.-5 0'i hi Wall Mtrtct: Hardens Kxi.re.fs Co , 71 iJroadwny; I'ullcn.' .irsil i fo.. Eij.rcrt.i ('.)., 11 Wall Sueet: tilt. fare., i Cu.. Ii M"i-ll Street. Ovr three hundred livry ttables in the city uf .New York alouo aro using ' the -Mkxii.as Mi'.taso Lisimk.vt, in . all of which it give- unusual htifac-tion. CA L TIOX. PouiO uni rin:i led r'-rtic have u&'!t- 1 taken l' c-astcricit tbi- Lini;aer.t. due titaainc is wr,:i cd il ft 1 ae "cttel Plate" e:.ra.;rj. v,-ii ' U. W. W(-:hru-.. Cimn-it." Cimn-it." .ia.1 "Trndo Mr.rk. MKXl'.AN hlV TASi LINIM1.NT," cnrnvcd a- ross the face of each wr:ij-;.er. 'r:io wholo oea,-j the lroinclors' private Lai:':! 3la;cs lUvcnuc s:.i;.:i. 1 a C'jmiAion itaLii', a utcd by (iruc?i?t;. i..'e. Ma5ltacttt.t-., Co., l'fi i'laco, N, Y. |