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Show TRAVEL. UTAH CENTRAL fT" - ... -, -e i f w..y.f i i PIONEER LINE UF UTAH, , On Md ariav Monday, July It, I H7 I llully Triiin I 1 Leavo S.itt Lako City at , m ar..i :: I". i-.iii I Arrivo lit ' 1 ; n 7 . m. and I I.' 1 tu. Lr.tivo 'Iuji l 4 a. m. .in i ' 1'. Am vo itt .i,iU Lko Cn lu tt,U!. uu -l I La tdditi-ju lo the Wi Will run DAILY, 8UNDAY3 KXOKITKD LvifiK Halt l.aka City at 5.JU p.m.. iuJ Ok'lon uL da.ui. Paaanfrara will plast l'urttlil tltalr TUkili at 111 Oftlcaa. yiftj Cent additional will be cburimd whet the lam ia oollaowd on Iho irmu, for al) information Oonoernin freight 01 liArfaurfo, apply to U. O. CAhUICU, tj on oral lfreihl and 1'icaol At'1. JOHN SHARP, SOI'KRINTKNDENT Lon Wines. II. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, OPIUR And Tintic Stage and Express RUN KIM U D.V1L V FltO.W SALT LAKH CITY, via LAKU TOWN, TOOK LB CITY, STOCKTON AMU OlMlUl TO TISTIC. Tho route bus bean ro-stockod with upleu-did upleu-did Concord Coftjhoa. fmo Siook. lmio!u1 and Mtontivo L'rivori. and every attention is raid to tho oumfon .u i convenience of passou- Good accommodations on the road, THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. OOlut at Walli, Kargo A i'li.'a. ball Lnki City, NY INKS & KIMBALL, 1 f roi-rietors. UTAH SOUTHERN UAILKOAD. On and nfuv Jnuuni)' '1,1, lt-7:3 MIXED TRALNS IR, TJISr 3D A I Xj "Y. Leaving the Utah Central It. 11. Dejiot, iSalt Lake City at 7.10 a.m.; Draper 5.45 p.m., and bandy Station, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 6.-0 p.m. An extra train will Www on Sundays Leaving Draper at S. 40 a.m., Sandy at lJ.10 0.111., Salt Lake City at 4.10 p.m. FAK tjs : Silt Lako to Bis Cottonwood Statiou. If-Vts Littlo " " 5ocis Jaady " $UW Draper " 1.J3 Tit on ty-IS ro conts additional will bo charged when tho lare n collected on the train. l. O. CALDKKi Gen. freight at-d Tickot ARer.t. KKUA3IOKZ UTTLK SUPKRlSrENUir. GILMER & SALISBURY'S SAHA STAGE LINES i it uoi i. tt Utah ouih - vast .ivaila & 7iIoa- tlWi'Am Lea W SuH t.skf Ml) Hsily, mull mu-ll in -im.li l" X;atv. Aaicruun Ko-k. vu--sr;t Ncbo, I'l.vicr. b; Viv !" -:r. '. -xui ;'viw, Y ..i : l'n.ti ; t In mi w l' iVv, Sjt.iuvi:'.'. i t.i.-ii t" so-!. ait Crt'-'k. t':;;.-N.'ti Vok, Koutd Vi.ev. t .;iti:.-:-.ATii ClvVk, H:.V.-r, MrM:.- vi'i'.c, v.-A t- i .ips ;' t J-ut.Xtrn I ,'"'1 :--t Alio lov fortune. 1 uh, dally, ruunlug uuiih to Vircisia City. Helen. F-rt Iita:en, Deer Lodp?, Cedw Creek mines, and v-ims ihn?'.'h aJ th-prineipii th-prineipii towns ard min-icg min-icg camps in Mon-uuia. Mon-uuia. PRINCIPAL OKFKK, Wells, Fargo & Co. Building iuai Salt Lai Ciu. sam FP:--:c::c3 trade. LCl'KM .Vi!).TiL"lE, j AN J IETALS, H3HS3 Furiiisliing Hardware Tinntr's Tools anil Machines; Agricultural Steam Boilers, 1 14 and I I 1 tindery Street, iu7 SAN IMiANdlSUO. CHENERY, SOUTHEIt & CO, ltaiurterj at.-l Jobbers vf k'UUUICiJI ANO UOJltSTlC BRANCIES, VINES, AND LIQUORS, 311 Clay Street, Han Krauclico. Jyi WILMEROiaO A KELLOGG, Iiujiortarj an t Jubbora of Wine3 and Liquors. ail & 210 I'KONT STKEBT, SAM FUAMCISCO. LAZARD FRERES, Importers nnd Jobbers of Foroign and Domicile Do-micile i'uncy and dtaido DHY GOODS. Depot of Hoods Manufactured at (he Mission and 1'acijic Mills, Consolidated. 6At5 & Dlarket St., San Kra uyia Paris: 2i Hue Do L'Kchiuu J. BAUM CO., luii'ortorfl and MaoufacturorB of MEfi!3&,CQY'3CLQTii!fia Sniiinni St., Sum Franclico 43 Illuriay St., ier loili. MURFHY,6iaANT&G0. lin pur tort of American and .European Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, Ni.VlN I'KANCISCO, CALIt'OltNlA, Cll iho attention of tho Trade to their largo and uouiluto dlook of FALL AMD WINTER DRESS GOODS, Whieli tlioy aro now rceoivinK direct from Liiroieau Slauufacturcra, oouJi-risioE in iart t'rciitli Dlcrluos, AVool Satlnca, Wool Pluiila, Fruui;li uud Oiiiiiau, Irlali aud Freiicli Poillua, Kmprcsa ClolUa, Tamlae, block and coloriJ, Velveteens, AlincnB Hack auJ tolurud, SILKS, VELVETS, RIB30NS, ALSO GLOVES, Kid, Buck, Berlin (Ladies', Misses', Gen ta') Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hosiery, coiupMo In all its brunt lies White Oooils, 11a ml kev clilers, Siilrttiig IjIuciis, U'tHta, wliiwaud colorctl," Uniiinika, brown luom mid bkmhod, Towels, IIiK-k, Di.ii-or, Turkish. in pk lna and Ooyllca, jl Ltc, ktc. Etc. Ji0. G. HODGE & CO., and Wholesale Stationers, Keep tho largt-st stock of Stationer)-, Clunk Books, School Uooka, Playing Card, Wrap. plug PApCIB, Heine! Pocket Cutlery t tx. , tCc. , On tho Pacific Cwt.irhkh they aro prepared to Jell eitlicr (ur UulJ or Currency ut jincos that will uffei iaJucoiiunta tr buyers anywhere wist vi the Kocky Mouutains. 327, 329 & 331 SAN SOME STREET, 'nil .i Francisco; IU.QX AND STEEL WIKS ilOPE, FLAT AMD KUIXD, For hois tins from niinic shafts and inclines, terry roi-c;. titiy rorei, 1'or iraaiiniUins rower, etc- M,iKujic!:i,t ijtzr.y Lcr.jih or Size. Wlrr Hope Is much cheaper, llErlitei and moic durable than any bthei kind at Koiic, llall!t!ie"$ Wire Kopc Way, i'-r tho r.U'i-1 Mid cconr.iv.ionl trnaiportatioi ot Ore? an i iKher ui.i:er:.il:i over mountain ou and diik-ult rojii. itfccurcd by U. S i'a;ect). al...'. ratciit Grip l'ulle.v, For tr.v.;j"ii::in? tower an i br which th rcj-c uuicjiiroa and caauJt slip. SF.D FOll CIKCI LAIIS. A.-jr.;y of lie i PACIFIC j Wire & W. R. Manufacturing Co (OF CALIFOSXIA.) A!l -i"- I --'-'CJ of V.'ire, citEStantly o ! A. S. KALLID1E. ji.1 i"rcn; Su. baa Franoi:,v, C;i; trail DAVIS SOfJ C CDs IMlOhTIW or '. Aa.fc.UlCA, K.t.Hll, FllLSti AM) tiLiLliS FANCY GOODS i tt:,s, iWk.c O-.-n. vi.:r--v. t;iXce Xjtij: I White ti avj, Jtfiiiir.c-i; Goodjt M-fUry, Linen JTdkcAjty Cor. Suiter and ?aasome Si?., SAN FRANCISCO. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. T0Y CAN DIES, FANCY CANDIES. CONFECTIONARY OF ALL KIISnDS, A Large Stock, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT U. WALLACE'S. If You Want Peanuts, Call! JUST RECEIVED A lot of TEAS Gunpowder Tea, Japan Tea, Black Tea, English Breakfast Tea, Whioh w will soil WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at Very Low Figures. TAYLOR & CUTLER, Ettst Templo Street. Grain, Flour& Feed DEPOT, Sluiu street, S. 1j. City. A full 9Updy of States Corn, States and Valley Oata. Ground Wheat, Ground Barley.Uorn iMcal, (yellow and white,) Cracked Corn, Middlings, Shorts, Bran, Grab am, Buckwheat and Rye Flour, Utah Barley, Seed Wheat, Norway Oats, Hcaus, Potatoes, Etc. Agent for Allen's XX and XXX Family Flou and Hess' North Cottonwood XXX and XXXX. CEO. H. KNOWLDEN'S, West side Main street, S. L. Citj. P-S. Special indnccmcnla to wholcsnl buj ors, or in small lots. octi DANIEL GRENIG, At his old stand, East side East Temple St., Wishes to inform his numerous friends and patrons that he has a Full Assortment of iEHOHANDISE Usually kept at his Store and Bakery. And sells Lhcm AS REASONABLE AS ANY HOUSI IN TOWN. PRODUCE Of all kindj. nought and Sold. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES .Made to order. s GLOBE BAKERY, Kast Temple Street, flrit door north of Co-operfttLve Grocery Department. GOLIGHTLY&HARRIS Keep constantly on hand GOOD FRESH BREAD - Buns, Cukes, Pies, L'mckers, Etc. ! Fine varieu of CONFECTIONERY, ! Wholaae aad Retail. Groceries. Flour, ! tu:, Feed, A:c. i A LL c-to Coal left at A. S. Gcald A Son's ofi;c, oa Jia;e, will be promptly a;ieadfri w. Price 8s per ton. delivered in j miin part of tie city. X. P. W OODS, A.-ca: Rx-ky M--aat.v.a Coal and Iron Co. FIRE INSURANCE. TRIUMPH Aiides, Amazon, FIRE imilME CO.'S, CINCINNATI. . Capital - nearly $3,000,000. Reliable Uudcrvrltlng. Perfect Indemnity. We ask Fair Rates and Promise to Pay 1 Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah H. 11. MANN, Agent, ( SALT LAKE CITY; OEco Taylor's Euilditnr, Room No. 2, op- posite Salt Lake IIouso. P.O. Bos 551. fl SALT LAKE BRANCH OP TILE Great Western FIK-E INSURANCE CO Y, OF CHICAaO. TI1KO, F. TRACY, President C. H. BASfETT, 1 HENRY' W.LAWRESCE -Director CHAS. Li. DAHL KR., j MARSHAL!. A. CARTER, Attorney!. H. R. MAN Pi, Manager. OFFICE : Under Salt Lako Reading Rooms. A Branch of this SOUND and RELIABLE RELI-ABLE $5,000,000 COMPANY Having been organized in our city, we are how ready for business and earnestly earn-estly solicit public patronage, guaranteeing guaran-teeing that all fire risks will be carried j at a fair rate. H. R. MANN, til U a. n a.g r. MUSBU3I HEHAGEBIE. .OptKisiteUie entrance to the Tabernacle. JOHN V. VOlWti, . prop. Ailuiiiuu, 50 t ts. Chiiilrea, ( Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m, Native nintrsli. Petrlfctloni, Con. creUona Jid CrytUa.Lloia. J Borne rnxiucts. Satiet and Foreign Cu- '! Compound Electrc-Magneuc Apparatus, Appa-ratus, ic Prof. J. I. BA1LPOOT. fluitgir. , Schools aad Families hy private ar-raareaecu ar-raareaecu a4au:;ed a: reUaced ra:e. Z. C. M, I. COLUMN. Wholesale DRY GOODS DEP'T lip Stairs, Emporium Buddings, A full, nrat-elau stock ol STAPLE DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES,' AT LOW PRICKS. Wholesale buyers and Co-operative Dealers please inspect. GROCERY: HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, Purchasers oan horo fled An Immense Stock AND IN SUCH BUNCH A GREAT VAaiE Y J IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND ! MACHINERY J ALL ON THE PKEMISES. jMincrs Supplies a Specialty i CLOTHING DEP'T. HOrVlE-PiADE ASD IMPORTED SIAMUFAOTDRED FROM HOMK-MADK, FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH ait (I AMERICAN! FABRICS Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings' On hand, for Gentlemen ordering their own. - FIRST-CLASS FITTERS AND WORKMEN TO FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE, This is the Departmeat for Families. DRUG DEP'T. j Fancy and Staple Drags, PATE.Vl ME!It'I ;k.s, 1'erfiimory, LIQUORS W GREAT VARIETY ENGLISH ALE AND PORTER, AVKRILL PAINT WHITE LEAD, OILS, COLORS GLASS, ETC. ' Prescriptions from Physicians xciU i have special attention, I ,H. B. CLAVsO., $np(. CHICAGO TRADE, CHASE, HAKFGRD & CO., 470 SoHth Caual St., CHICAGO, Ho-iJ-juarters for Oils, Paints, Class, &c, Manufucturers of iho ocl.l)rcJ WILSON Oil, TANK... L. M. BATES & CO., -15 1 A 453 Urokihvajt NEW YORK, lUTOKTlXi 1M JOLllIKS IK Fancy Dry Goods, UOsHEKY, -VUITE GOODS, WOOLEXii, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, lc. J. II. Ul'LUKU. JuU. M, D. WELLS & CO., MiiHuf.icturera ofunJ Wholejle Dealers in Koots and Shoes, 018 Wabash Ave, Chicago. M. D. Wolls. U. J. Maffarhmd. It. lieiicdi.-U S. y. ftlclutyre. SLIGHTLY SCORCHED ! VAN SCHAACE, STEVENSON & REID, WIIOJLKSA DRUGGISTS (Lato of yo. W anJ 01 Lake street, Oor. L'uarbora street,) HAVE REMOVED On account of the intense heat. To the Baptist Church Building, 817, 849 Si, S51 Wuhasli Ave., CI3 If2 Bl E ,& JOo Where wo have n hirgo stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, GIuss and Glassware, Druggists' fjuii-ttrios, fjuii-ttrios, I'atcnt ilLiiiioug, Klc, Etc. CALL AND CHRHtt US. (Wo only jiuy 100 cents uu tliu Dollar.) MEW YORK TRADE. FELIX CAMPBELL, 79 John St, New York, Manufacturer of and Deal or in Wrought, Catt and U&lvaiilzed Awl every variety of fittings for the same. ml' 0, A. Lonsstroet. John Bodgwiok. tSSGSTREET & SEDEWIGSt Manufacturers of and Wholcsnlo Dealers in BEN'S fi BOYS' CLOTHING, 408 SL 40 H Biondway, w York. HENDERSOii,JUSTICE&C Successor; to GriEfen, lleuderon k Gu.. IUPOETKG3 AND JOBBERS OP FAMY GOODS, NOTIONS HOSIH R.T, FURNISHING GOODS ETC., 4ifS dt 500 BROADWAY, 0iiosito St. Nicholas JJotol, lia New Yorl BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers nnd Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES 134 aud 13G Grand St., New York, Corner Crosby, one block oast of Lroadwa dll ROBERTS, READ & CO. Manufacturers aud Jobbers of "-! ''mi" M , 371 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, 3L O 5 O O O Avitliln Iho past year. Sch-ntUie Amertcr.it, June 10th, 171. THE STW QER 31ainifaciuiii! Compan.y, A.T THE WORLD'S IF-A-IiR, Conlituted hy t!.o homes of thepeople Received tho Great Award of the Highest Sales And have left all tivaMar behind them, Kill Tl!i:V Sold in 1870 127,833 Machines I Sewing Machine Sales for IS70. "I'll i- in:i',-mfJde to whicb thn iiinntif icturo ol sowinc machine? has attained is ihown ly tho "woiu" returns (to which any one cm h.ivo nee ?.-.) of the mauutneturcre p.r the year lS7o to tho owners uf tho le.iJini; y alenls, on ivlii -h thuy pay a ruynltv. Ac-cordiiih' Ac-cordiiih' to these reiurus the iiumbor ul niaehiUL'.t sold by each mauulac'.uror in l7o it u follows: The Si uirer - - i:l,S33 1'lorciH'o .... IT.iVo Wheeler Iv Wils -n - S.i.-nS tlnULMedal - i Unwo - VM.-o Altna 5.v H rover A Baiter - - b'.l-l lorioro - Weed - - Fiuklo .V Lyon - - 2.0) Wilcox Jc Oihbs - ,.v.M Farliam 1.7- American llutiunliole A Uve seaming 14.:o.t ilson .... And several other comiianies who sold a few muohiuos. It will bo is ecu by this table that the populat ity of tho Singer muuhliita far ci. vuedn that or nil others, thoir salo boiiiR one-luilf fiienltr than oven thai of the famous "Wheeler & Wilson" machine. '1'his i owitm to the fuel that tho Klnprr Coiiipiuiy havo lately eommciwod makiiifr, btsides their old and woll-eslnhlb hod inanufacturiiiK machine, what is known as l!n!ir".,w Family ninchltir," vlilth 1m selling nt the rale of nine lo one belter Hum their old fctj te. Thoir total to-tal sales for ISo'J were &1.7S1 .nachines npaiust tho UT.-tvI of 1870, iliowlng an luci cnie ofonc-hnlf In the latter year." "New York Sun." Onc-IIair of our Ciirantic Sales, SOW MKAEI.V THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION Miaclaiiies - Sold, A I, M. Jf JL- X. & Tfc- CO 'JL1 H J JL. UN Ht Were mode within the punt three yarn, tint tio tJi'enteHt In' reaae of our Kales over all Olher Alachl uti, Ltclni; Wllliln tho 1'ii't Vtr, 'l'hla In Incoiiteotible Proof that Our Machines Are the Ucl in tho World. THE KKW FAMILY SISUKR ISEWIA'U MACHINE With attachments for all kinds of work, Is last i'. inning supremo favor in tho household, as shown by the rapidly incroajing sales, ovor all other machines. Una ew Kiimlly niitchlne e nowcaoabl) of a raiiKO and variety if w rk such at was only recently thought impossible lo ptrtorm by m udiiaery. Wo claim and can show that it is tho cheape.-t. most beautiful, ddh atelj arranbcd. nicely adin -ted, oajily operated, spcody, and smoothly ruaninK ol ail t!ie 1- .i.uily Sow in -.lacliiuus. 1 1 in reiuark-ah!e reiuark-ah!e not only Ijr tho ranKO and variety ol iu aewiun, but aUn lor tho variety and different dif-ferent kinds of texture which it will suw with C'jual facility and pur:een"n, tisiuic silk twist, linen or cotton thread, line or-coarse, making thu Inti i luclnril-elanle-Htltch, uliko on both bides of tho fibric sewn; tho only stitch which iu univtrsaliy approved, or is at all adapted for flrm-rlasn work. Thus, beaver cloth, or Iw.ilhur may ho sewn with groat strength and uniformity of stitch, and, in a moment, this willing and ncvor-wcaryinii-in-.truiuent may bo adjusted lor lino work on game or cusca-uier cusca-uier tissue, or tho tuckinit of tarlatan, or rulUiug. or almost any othor work even by a child which delicnto fineon have been known to pertorm. Evtii tho ourelcai and thouhtltiii liave little or no trouble on thl machine. St'HtZ for Descriptive and Pries GircuCars, We muiiufaclurcour own needles, silk nud twist: furnish linen nnd cotton thread and . oil all of superior quality but which can bo relied oa only waen ohuinod. through our Principal oriirunch OlUces, or Atcnoics. , OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED OH REAGOfJ A3LE TlHMS. We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELIVERED FltEli TIIHOUQUOUT THIi CITY. J TERMS TO SUIT ALL. Wo extend a cordil invitation to all to enmo and seo tho Machine?, whether Ihey wish to buy or not. See all oLhcrs, hut do not buy without you examine the SI nger. Visitors always politely attended by competent attendants. Iiistrucllou free. All Machines perfectly adjusted before delivery ut t SINGER SEWING- MACHINE DEP'T, Z. C. M. I, G I0XERAL AGENTS, Two doors south ol' Eagle Emporium, Walt Iulio Cll.v, TJtali. J II. B. CLAWS0N, Sur-crintenJent. Have on band the Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City OF WAGON TIMBER AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, ' Which they offer ' JT -VElTfS- LOW 3? 3Ft ICES. HBST EAST STREET, HALF-A-BLOCK SOUTH OF THEATKK JAMES HAGUE, Jun. J.H. HAaUE. OEOUGE IIAOUt Big" CSrixn Store! HAGUE BROTHERS, :f LATE JAMKS H A G U K , is Importora end Soalors lai GUNS. PISTOLS, 1 Etc. W P V Etc. I Saddles, XSarxxess I AND WHIPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. t REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. I a East Temple Street, Salt Lake City. Z. C. Ill BOOT MID SHOE . Every style and quality of Bools od Shoes MA0S TO ORDKB, Qoq iruantntced. ALWAYS OS HAND A LABGS A.D CHOICK STOCK Ol' UOJIE-MADEtkdBOOTS AND SHOES A PULL ASS0RIMEXT OP Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds ct Leather |